Chapter 10. End User Interaction

So far, you have learnt how to model, implement, and simulate the Oracle BPMN process. Using Enterprise architect, you have created a BPM Roadmap, and with the process analyst you have modeled the flow, which the developer has implemented and deployed. Post deployment, it's the end users who will interact with the process by participating in it. In this chapter, you will focus on end-user interaction in the running process. While learning about end-user interaction, you will also experience the power of Social BPM.

In this chapter, you will interact with BPM Workspace and learn to work with tasks, process tracking, and dashboards. The latter half of this chapter will discuss building a Social Collaborating Team Space using WebCenter spaces. By the end of this chapter, you will have learnt how to create a social collaborating space, announcements, discussions, blogs, and polls. You will cover the following topics:

  • Interacting through BPM Workspace
  • Working on Process Instance
  • Interacting through Process Spaces


End users are participants who perform interactive activities. Oracle BPM flow will automatically route these tasks to a participant based on his/her role and they have to log in (either to Oracle BPM Workspace or Process Spaces) and perform their activity. You have already witnessed how a participant with a salesrepresentative role will enter the Quote. And then, if required, a participant with a businessanalyst role will review the process and will perform the activity on the task, which is to either accept or reject the Quote.

End user interaction with a running process is performed by logging in to either Oracle BPM Workspace or Process Spaces. With Business Process Workspace, you as an end user can perform tasks, track process instances, and monitor performance, workload, and business indicators. Process Space is a workspace build on top of Oracle WebCenter Spaces. Process workspace enables a more effective and a more productive BPM.

In this chapter, you will first learn to work on Oracle BPM workspace and will later explore Process Spaces. Different categories of users/participants can interact with the running process using Workspace.

To enable collaboration within the context of process and process instance, Oracle Process Spaces, which is based on Oracle WebCenter group spaces, offers different types of collaboration communities. These communities offer to share and collaborate the following, within the context of business process with the process team:

  • Process space: This is meant for task collaboration and is used to view details for all running processes
  • Instance space: This is meant for instance collaboration and is used to view details of all running instances and can share through discussions, documents, wikis, and blogs
  • Modeling space: This is meant to collaborate on the design of the model. Participants involved in design can share and collaborate on the designed model

This ensures that right set of people are involved, from process design and modeling to end users, who can participate, collaborate, and share.

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