Creating a task display form

Along with parameters and operations, data control also offers handlers. You can create interface regions to display the contents of the task. Human Task drop handlers can auto-generate a task with or without payload, and other task components, such as header, action, history, comments, and attachments. You will create a task display form using the complete task with a payload drop handler, in this section.

You will implement a router mechanism in the later sections. The router will switch between different pages based on the input payload data (which you will cover later in the section Implementing Routers, in this chapter).

In this recipe, you will create a task display form, which will have many sections. Later, you will create a task display form without product sections.

If Account Name is not FusionNX: Then the task display form will have all the sections.

Else: It will not have the product section.

How to do it...

In this section, you will learn to a create task display form, as follows:

  1. In JDeveloper, go to EnterQuoteDetailsUI project | Web Content | Page Flows and click EnterQuoteDetails_TaskFlow.xml.
  2. In the Create JSF Page dialog, enter SalesQuote.jspx as File Name, accept default values, and click OK.
    How to do it...
  3. In the Data Controls section, expand EnterQuoteDetailsUI_EnterQuoteDetails | gettaskDetails | Return.
  4. Select the task icon, and drag-and-drop it into SalesQuote.jspx.
  5. Click Human Task and select Complete task with Payload.
    How to do it...
  6. In the Edit Action Binding dialog, accept defaults and click OK.
  7. Action binding is used by UI command components such as hyperlinks or buttons to invoke built-in or custom operations on data collections or data control, without writing code.
    How to do it...
  8. In the next dialog (for data binding), select the data collection, as shown in the following screenshot, and click OK.
    How to do it...
  9. You will find the task display form, as follows:
    How to do it...
  10. When you have completed the preceding steps, click Save.

How it works...

You have designed the SalesQuote.jspx file. This is the task display form (using the complete task with payload drop handler) and is available at jDev_Oracle_Home/mywork/ApplicationName/ProjectName/public_html.

This task display form is ready to be deployed; you can deploy the project and test it.

What you did is similar to what the Auto-generate task UI wizard does for you. However, you now have some understanding of what happens in the background.

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