Chapter 3. Working with Symbols

Now, we are going to get into some more complexity by introducing a key Balsamiq feature, known as symbols.

The following list shows what we will cover in this chapter:

  • What are symbols?
  • Creating a symbol
  • Modifying a symbol
  • Revisiting the wireframe project
  • Creating a symbol library
  • Sharing symbols

What are symbols?

In the previous chapter, we introduced grouping as a useful way to keep your widgets together on the canvas and reusing those same groups across multiple pages by copy-pasting them. Another type of grouping used in Balsamiq is called symbols. Like groups, symbols give you the ability to reuse elements across your entire wireframe project. The difference is, symbols are more similar to master pages, where a change to a single file can cascade throughout an entire project.

That may sound complicated, but it will all become very clear by the time you complete this chapter.

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