Exploring additional mobile device features

In this Beginner's Guide, we have only been able to touch upon some of the available mobile device features that we can utilize within our games. There are many more mobile features to explore and experience, so do take the time to research Stencyl's instruction blocks and experiment with the available tools. Particularly be aware of and research the following features, using the instruction block palette's search feature, online help, and the Stencyl forums:

  • Joystick
  • Vibrate (usually only available on smartphones)
  • Keyboard

Also, take time to view each of the mobile development settings in the main Game Settings dialog box: Settings | Mobile.

Of particular interest are the following configuration options:

  • App Name
  • Orientation (Portrait, Landscape)
  • Scale Mode (affects how the game will display on devices with different screen ratios)
  • Multitouch
  • Monetization (paid, mobile subscriptions only)

There are numerous configurations offering almost endless opportunities for mobile game customization, so have fun experimenting with them!

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