Chapter 7. Polishing the Game

We now have a gameplay framework in place for our Monkey Run game, which means that the game is playable, and the scoring mechanisms are in place.

We have also introduced a system whereby the player can succeed in completing the one and only level in the game, at which point a temporary success scene is displayed. Alternatively, the player can fail the level and will be presented with a temporary game over scene.

With these elements in place, we have completed the main part of the game development process, and we can now concentrate on applying the finishing touches to make the game presentable and ready to publish for the world to see!

We'll be adding some polish to the gameplay in this chapter, but a game also needs many features that are outside the scope of gameplay. We need to consider what players will see immediately after the game has loaded. We'll also need to think about what players will experience when they are transitioning between levels and when they have completed the game.

By the end of this chapter, we will have implemented the above elements, and we'll have completed our game with the exception of audio, which we'll be introducing in Chapter 8, Implementing Sounds.

Let's look at the tasks that we'll be completing in this chapter—the tasks that will take us through to completion of the visual aspects of our game.

We will be:

  • Adding a background and foreground
  • Creating a visual special effect
  • Creating additional levels
  • Adding a pause feature
  • Implementing a level progression routine
  • Creating a Game Over message
  • Creating a Main Menu scene
  • Finalizing the game-completed scene

Let's start polishing!

Adding a background and foreground

Currently, the colors in our game are themed appropriately—jungle greens and browns—but the background is looking rather plain. So let's brighten up our game with a more realistic jungle scene.

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