
In this chapter, we have taken a quick tour of mobile game development using Stencyl. Before we dived into testing a few of the features that are unique to mobile devices, we had a look at some of the configuration issues relating to the creation of mobile games: understanding the difference between testing and publishing mobile games, membership of the relevant app store programs, along with a quick look at certification requirements.

We then examined some of the practical differences between the platforms that Stencyl can target, and found that there are some interesting features available on many mobile devices that can be used to great effect when developing games.

The last step of our short journey into the world of mobile development with Stencyl was to carry out some practical experiments and exercises to learn how to use a mobile device's accelerometer and touchscreen for controlling gameplay. We discovered that, despite the technical complexities of the built-in hardware of mobile devices, implementing those features into our games can be a very straightforward process.

With the introductory knowledge that we have gained from this chapter, we can now start to experiment with the available tools and create some interesting games that can take advantage of the sophisticated hardware that many game players hold in their hands every day!

This is the final hands-on chapter of this book, but there is more to game development than sitting in front of a computer screen and tapping away at a keyboard! Before we even touch our development computer, it's a good idea to put some plans into place, consider the legal issues relating to game development, and be aware of some of the third-party tools that can help us to create our video game masterpieces. We'll be examining these topics in Appendix, Planning, Resources, and Legal Issues.

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