Chapter 1. Introduction

Welcome to Stencyl — an exciting and fun game development tool used by many professional and amateur game developers around the world.

By the end of this book, we will know all the skills required to develop a product that exhibits all the features expected in a professionally-developed computer game.

However, before we start to create our game, we're going to learn about the Stencyl toolkit, install Stencyl, and test that everything is working as required, then experiment with some of the sample games that have been provided with the installation.

In this chapter we will learn the following:

  • How Stencyl works
  • How we'll learn to use Stencyl
  • Why Stencyl is a great development tool
  • Platforms that Stencyl runs on
  • What makes Stencyl different
  • Successful games created with Stencyl
  • Using the free version of Stencyl
  • Installing Stencyl and testing the setup

How Stencyl works

If you have purchased this book, then you may already have an idea of what Stencyl is and how it works.

However, if you are browsing online or standing in a bookstore flicking through the pages of this book, then you might want to know that Stencyl is a no-coding toolkit for creating 2D video games that will run on many different mobile and desktop devices.

Scenes, or levels, within a game are created using Stencyl's drag-and-drop Scene Designer. The screenshot below shows the Scene Designer being used to modify one of the levels in the game that we'll be creating:

How Stencyl works


Downloading the color images of this book

We also provide you a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots/diagrams used in this book. The color images will help you better understand the changes in the output. You can download this file from:

The instructions or logic for the gameplay can be created using Stencyl's Gameplay Designer— a clever system that utilizes building blocks which snap together to create a series of instructions that are used by the objects in our game. An example of some instructions being created in the Gameplay Designer is shown in the following screenshot:

How Stencyl works
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