Time for action – publishing to the Stencyl Arcade

Before proceeding, ensure that the final, ready-to-play version of your game is open in Stencyl.

  1. On the main Stencyl menu, at the top of the screen, select Publish | Stencyl | Stencyl Arcade.
  2. Wait for the game to compile, after which the following dialog box will be displayed:
    Time for action – publishing to the Stencyl Arcade
  3. Click on Yes to confirm that this game is a work in progress.
  4. A progress box will be displayed as the game is uploaded to the Stencyl Arcade (this may take a few minutes).
  5. When the Congratulations! dialog box is displayed, click on the Play it Now button.
  6. A new web browser page will open and after the game has loaded, test the game.
  7. After testing the game, sign in to stencyl.com using the link in the upper-right corner of the web page, then click on your Stencyl username (upper-right corner of the screen) to display your user page which contains information about you, including your uploaded games, as shown in the following screenshot:
    Time for action – publishing to the Stencyl Arcade
  8. Click on the title of the game, below the joystick icon, to display your game's information page.
  9. Note the banner advising that the game is unpublished, and also the Actions and Edits options towards the top of the web page.

What just happened?

We have published our game to the Stencyl Arcade, so anyone can now play it!

During the publishing process, we specified that the game is a work in progress, but the game is still available for public access in the Stencyl Arcade—it just means that players will have to choose to see games labeled as work in progress in order to see our game.

When the upload completed, we chose to open the game in a web browser so that we could play the game, and we tested it to ensure that it worked as expected. It's a good idea to immediately test any game that we upload, to ensure that everything has gone according to plan, so do take the time to test your uploaded game thoroughly.

Finally, we ensured that we were logged into stencyl.com, and we selected our game from our user page, so we could see its information page, along with the Actions and Edits options that will enable us to configure our game in the Stencyl Arcade.

Although we could have uploaded our game into the Stencyl Arcade as a fully published game, it's a good idea to initially upload it as a work in progress, so anyone can still play our game, but it is labeled as an incomplete work. Once we have tested our game online, it's a simple matter of changing the status of the game to Published, so that it appears in the main section of the Stencyl Arcade.

Have a go hero – changing our game's configuration

Our game is currently configured as a work in progress in the Stencyl Arcade. Once we have tested our game, and we are confident that it is ready to join all the other completed Stencyl games online, we need to change its status to Published, by accessing the appropriate Actions option above the game in the Stencyl Arcade. To change the game's configuration perform the following tasks:

  • Ensuring that you are logged into the Stencyl website, locate your game in the Stencyl Arcade, and modify its settings using the appropriate Actions option, so that it becomes a fully published game
  • Using the Edits option, update the Game Details to include some useful information about the game
  • Also consider creating a logo for your game, a 120 x 90 pixel image that will be used in the Stencyl Arcade index, and uploading it using the Logo option in the Edits section


    A game logo can also be added within Stencyl. In the main Game Settings dialog box, select Settings | Main, then click the Select Image button in the main panel of the dialog box. This image will be used as the game's logo when the game is next uploaded to the Stencyl Arcade.

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