Chapter 8. Implementing Sounds

In Chapter 7, Polishing the Game, we implemented the final visual-presentation elements for our game, which can now be played from start to finish.

Although players can now experience all the required gameplay mechanics, level transitions, and various other in-game essentials, there is one, final (and very important) element missing; our game is completely silent!

Our final task, to bring the development process of our game to completion, is to add some atmosphere to our game, by adding sound effects and a soundtrack.

Sounds form a vital part of the immersive experience of our game, so it's important to choose them carefully.

The two types of sounds that we will be implementing are sound effects and a soundtrack. In the process of learning about using sounds in Stencyl we will be doing the following:

  • Adding a jumping sound effect
  • Examining the Play Sound instruction blocks
  • Organizing sounds in the game
  • Adding a pickup sound effect
  • Adding a soundtrack
  • Understanding sound types in Stencyl
  • Importing sounds into Stencyl

Let's start by implementing our first sound effect.

Adding a jumping sound effect

Rather than adding the instruction blocks for the various sound effects into many locations within our behaviors, we're going to create a single scene behavior that will be used to manage all the sounds in our game. We'll then trigger the relevant sound effects as required.

Our first task is to create a sound effect whenever the monkey jumps.

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