Chapter 5. Animation in Stencyl

Now that we have much of the gameplay in place, our game has started to become more interesting and playable, but it is still missing some sparkle!

While playing video games, we will often take many of the subtle animations and visual effects for granted, but without them, a game can seem soulless. So, the next stage in the development of our game is to implement some animations and effects that will help bring our game to life.

Often, very subtle effects have a great impact on a game player's experience, so we're going to implement some animations and features that will add interest to the actors in our game.

A very useful trick is to add seemingly trivial animations to a static character, and this is one of the effects that we'll be implementing in this chapter — our mysterious sleeping statue is going to awaken before it fades away!

In this chapter we will be:

  • Creating an actor using an imported image file
  • Understanding Stencyl's animation terminology
  • Importing a ready-made sprite sheet
  • Editing animation frames
  • Using instruction blocks to control animations
  • Implementing tweening with instruction blocks

Creating an actor using an imported image file

In Chapter 3, Detecting Collisions, we used the Animation Editor to create and modify collision shapes for several of the actors in our game. However, up to this point, all the actor animations in our game have been provided for us in the form of downloads from StencylForge.

If we want to use graphics that have been created outside the Stencyl development environment, we need to know how to import them into Stencyl.

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