
It's time to stop and review the results of our hard-work. Although this chapter is just about polishing our game, it's probably clear that once the basic game development has been completed, there is a very large amount of polishing to complete.

In fact, taking care of the polishing can take as long as, if not longer than, creating the main game! However, the time spent improving and honing a game can make all the difference between a game being playable and a game being addictive.

In this chapter, we have taken our bare-bones game and implemented many of the features that we would expect to find in a professional, published game.

We've added a themed foreground and background to the game, and added an interesting visual special effect that occurs during gameplay—the jungle now shakes when each statue lands! Our game now has more levels, and the players are presented with a helpful banner to advise when each level has been completed and to allow them to progress to the next level or return to the main introduction screen. We've also added a pause feature, so the player can have a break at any time without losing any lives, and we also present players with an information banner when the game is over.

The final visual elements, which we improved in our game, were the main introduction scene, which now includes credits and a Start button for the player to click, and the scene that is displayed when the game is completed successfully.

All the visual elements of our game have now been completed, but there is still one final essential element to introduce into our game before we can consider it to be complete! This final piece of polishing deserves a chapter of its own, so let's finish our game by introducing some sound effects and a soundtrack.

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