
We've reached the end of this chapter and, once again, we have made amazing progress. Over only three practical chapters, we have completed almost all of the gameplay-mechanics for our game.

We still have quite some way to go before we can say that our game is complete, there's a lot of polishing to do before we get there. However, we have, so far, covered many of the vital skills that we'll need to create numerous different types of games. It's important to remember that these skills are transferable to other genres of game. Many games will need the counters, decision making if … blocks, and triggers that we have learned about in this chapter!

The skills we have learned in this chapter include:

  • Creating a custom behavior that carries out actions, and attaching it to an actor
  • Using random numbers to introduce the element of surprise in our game
  • Making a timer event in a behavior that is attached to a scene
  • How and why actors should or shouldn't be always active
  • Our first special effect—fading an actor until it disappears
  • Positioning an actor at any desired location during gameplay
  • Creating custom events and triggering them from other behaviors

We've also benefited from learning many game design skills and techniques, such as:

  • The difference between screen size and scene size
  • How to use the instruction block palette
  • Basic optimization techniques, such as reducing the number of active actors onscreen at any one time
  • Understanding that there is often more than one way to solve a problem, and how different solutions can be beneficial or disadvantageous to gameplay

We've reached the stage of development where the vast majority of gameplay is in place, and most of our future tasks will involve fine-tuning and polishing our game to make it more presentable to our players.

In Chapter 5, Animation in Stencyl, we're going to learn about some of the different types of animation that can be implemented within Stencyl, and we'll use these skills to add some interesting visual effects into our game.

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