Brainstorming the content

The next step of our method is brainstorming. You can do this in different kinds of ways. You can use paper for it, sticky notes (post-its), and even Prezi. If you want to use Prezi for your brainstorm, just have a look at the first project of this book. That's where we explained it.

Prepare for lift off

The small yellow sticky notes work very well for brainstorming. Make sure you have enough to write down the word explosion that will grow in your brain in a few moments.

Engage thrusters

The art of a good brainstorm is not to think too much. That might seem a contradiction, but the idea is that we want to stimulate our creative right brain. Structured thinking is more a left-brain activity.

Read your goal, message, and audience once more and write down every word that pops up in your mind on a sticky note. Use one word per sticky note. If a word seems irrelevant, don't think about it, just write it down. Brainstorming is about associations and thinking of new ideas. If you don't write down every word, you might skip the best idea.

Continue brainstorming for at least half an hour. When you're satisfied, you're finished. If you're not satisfied yet, take a break for half an hour and continue brainstorming for another half hour.

In the beginning, you will be focused only on your company and products. However, try to forget that and make new associations. Try to make associations from associations. It's okay if a word has nothing to do with your business. It's even better, because that means you are being creative.

One of the words might form your design concept or the metaphor for your presentation. Stick all the post-its on the piece of paper with number two on it. If there's not enough room, just use multiple pieces of paper. The following image will be our result:

Engage thrusters

Objective complete – mini debriefing

In the second step, we brainstormed the content of our presentation. We used sticky notes for this and wrote down one word on every sticky note.

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