Subject Index


Abnormal glow, 570

Abrasion, 424426, 10731076, 11041105

Abrasive particles, 425

Abrasive wear, 424426, 1070

Absolute cathode gain, 639

Accelerated current-cycling tests, 345, 363365

Accelerated testing, contact erosion measurements, 993

Acceleration factor (corrosion), definition of, 158159

Accelerator Pedal Position (APP) sensor, 541

Account vaporization of metal, 630

ACSR conductors, 327

AC-1, -2, -3, -4, testing, 794795

AC testing vs. DC testing, 978979

Activated adsorption sliding contacts, 1053, 1054

Activation of switching contacts, 526, 588, 622624, 643, 10061014, See also Contact activation

absorption ion site limitation, 622

activation curve, 622, 10101011

activation process, 1007

arc duration, 622

arc formation, 1007

arc motion, 1012

closed contacts, 1009

contact resistance, 10121014

contacts after arcing, 1009

contacts no arcing, 1009

critical exposure, 1011

detection, 1014

effects, 10111013

ranking metals and organic activants, 623

Actuated switches, 739741

Adhesion, 416417, 11021103

Adhesive bond, 11021103, 1111

Adhesive forces, 1103

Adhesive transfer, 1103, 1104

Adhesive wear, 439, 481, 1070, 11571158

in gold electrodeposits, 422

mechanism, 415

Adsorbed moisture films, 1170

Adventitious lubrication, 1121, 1124

Aerobic lubrication, 1141

anaerobic vs., 1121

contacts, 11231124

wear debris, 1124

AES, See Auger electron spectroscopy

AFCIs, See Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters

AFM, See Atomic force microscope

A-fritting, See Fritting

Ag–CdO contacts, 605, 645, 655, 771773, 884906

Air blown cleaning, 225

Air-break contactors, 794

Air contaminants, expected maximum average value for, 126

Aircraft brushes, 10901091

Air cylinder switch, 699

Air pollution, 126128, 190, 1118

Alternating current arcs

low-current, 768770

reignition measurement, 996

Alternating current circuits, arc interruption in, 597600

arc plasma and dielectric reignition, decay of, 602603

arc quenching, 798802, 808814

current limiting technique, 608609, 820822

instantaneous dielectric recovery, 600602, 799800

effect of current level, 599, 800

effect of arc chamber material, 801

low frequency circuits, 609

mega and giga hertz circuits, 609612


dielectric, 602

thermal, 603

thermionic, 603

stages, 599602, 800

thermal reignition, 603604

transient recovery voltage, 598, 798, 831

vacuum, 607608

Alternating current erosion, 770773

Alternating current operation, 780

Alternators, brush applications, 1088

Altitude-treated brushes, 1084

Aluminium–copper, mechanical properties of, 294

Aluminum, 385

and aluminum alloys, 243244

coating of, 331

foam materials, 355358

oxidation kinetics of, 258

wiring connections, 406408

Aluminum-aluminum contacts

current–voltage characteristics from, 56

Sharvin resistance role in, 8687

voltage-temperature relationship for, 61

Aluminum-base connectors, 23

Aluminum–brass interfaces

equivalent contact radius in, 39

high resistivity intermetallic layer in, 40

and intermetallic compounds, 3033

intermetallic growth at, 4245

Aluminum conductors

fretting damage, 285

properties of, 241

stress relaxation of, 304

Aluminum connections, fretting in, 283285

Aluminum contacts, breakdown of classical electrical contact theory in, 8487

Aluminum-copper bolted joints, relative motion effect in, 278

Aluminum–copper interfaces, 32, 33

Aluminum oxide growth rate and electrical resistivity, 5356

Ambient effects, on arcing contact surface, 665667

Ambient temperatures, testing at, 982

Ameliorating frictional heating, effective in, 1167

American Society of Testing and Measurement (ASTM), 377

Anaerobically lubricated contacts, 11221123

Anaerobic vs. aerobic lubrication, 1121

Analog devices, arc motion measurements, 996997

Anode of the arc, 584585

active or passive mode, 584

fall, 578

gain for gold contacts, 641

spot formation, 594

Anodic arc, 638

Anodic contact material, 638

Apparent contact, 1042


anode region of, 584585

atmospheric pressure, 578

cathode region of, 581584

column, 579582, 822

column decay, 602603

contact materials, See Arcing contact materials

and electrode interaction, 826

Elenbaas and Heller’s equation, 580

electron emission at cathode, 583

energy, 769770

energy balance at cathode/anode, 581585, 628630

energy transfer at cathode/anode, 584

ferromagnetic attraction, 789

floating, 649

gaseous, 642, 762763

interruption, See Arc interruption

local thermodynamic equilibrium, 578

long-gap gas breakdown, 558565

metallic, 641, 762763

metal vapor in, 579

minimum arc current at initial contact parting, 585588

minimum arc current, DC interruption, 606

minimum arc voltage, 585588

motion, 596, 637, 759, 782791, 800802, 816820, 992, 998

dwell time, 789790, 818

measurement, 759, 996

self induced magnetic fields, 999

parameters to sustain, 577

plasma, decay of, 602603

radius as f(current), 582

Saha’s equation, 579

short gap breakdown, 566

showering, 624628

simulation of, 822827, 839840

squeezing and elongating of, 821

temperature of free burning, 579

time constant, 592

vacuum breakdown, 566

vacuum, See Vacuum arc

voltage characteristics, 762

voltage as f(contact gap), 589591, 605

volt–ampere characteristics, 588592

volt–current characteristics of separated contacts, 569570

Arc behavior, 611

Arc chambers, 787788

Arc chutes, 787788

deion, 820822

design, 798802

low-voltage circuit-breakers, 810814

V-shaped runners, 787

Arc column, 578581, 822, See also Arc

cooling, 582, 602

electron mobility, 579

electron temperature, 578

Elenbaas-Heller equation

arc boundary cooling effect, 581

high currents, 580

low currents, 580

thermal loses, 581

gas temperature, 578579

ionization potential, 561

ion mobility, 579

ion temperature, 578579

local thermodynamic equilibrium, 578

radiation loses, 581

radius as f(current), 580582

Saha’s equation, 579

voltage as f(current), 588592

Arc control in sliding contacts, 1133

Arc current, effect of, 631633

Arc driven migration process, 1024, 1025, 1030

Arc duration

activated contacts, 622, 1011

function of circuit inductance, 621

for gold contacts, 620

and residual current, 10611063

Arc dwell time, 789790, 818

Arced tungsten–silver, 659665, 930, 931

Arc erosion of electrical contacts, 628630, See also Contact erosion

activated contacts, 1012

arc chamber material effect, 707

arc current effect, 631633

contact size effect, 633635

contact surface as result of arcing, See Contact surface as result of arcing

electric load effect, 994

in low-current AC circuits, 644645, 770773

in low-current DC circuits, 636644, 766770, 990996

on make and erosion on break, 631, 995

measurement, 982

model testing, 983985

movement on contact surface, effect of, 1012

parameters, 628629

pip and crater formation, 638, 757, 899, 901902, 980

point on wave, 771773

radioactive tracer measurement of, 639640

resistive loads, 979

silver-metal oxide contacts, 899906

switching frequency effect, 993

W–Ag contacts and effect, 661, 662, 918927

Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIs), 850853, See also Arcing faults

Arc fault, low current, 867, 868

Arc formation

during contact closing, 570571

time lag, 571

during contact opening, 571577

molten metal bridge formation, 571577

molten metal bridge rupture, 573577

pseudo arc, 576

metallic arc 577

Arc simulation

arc roots, cathode and anode, 824825

plasma properties, 826827

principle of, 822824

radiation, 825826

Archard/Holm law, 1158

Archard’s adhesion model for wear, 271

Arcing contact

lubricants with refractory filler, 1030

mineral particles, 10151018

silicone contamination of, See Silicone contamination, arcing contacts

Arcing contact design

arc-induced contact stresses and interface

bond quality, 954955

brazed contact assembly designs, 966969

clad metals, inlay, and edge lay, 969970

contact alloys, See Contact alloys, non-arcing separable contacts

determination of contact size in AC operation, 635

staked contact assembly designs, 955960

welded contact assembly designs, 960966

Arcing contact materials, See also Contact materials, switching

applications, 945, 946

manufacturing processes, 881

noble metals, See Noble metals

non-noble, See Non-noble silver alloys

silver cadmium oxide, See Silver metal oxide switching contacts

silver graphite contact materials, 939

silver metal oxides, See Silver metal oxide switching contacts

silver–nickel, See Silver nickel contact materials

silver refractory metals, See Silver-refractory metals

silver tin oxide, See Silver metal oxides

tungsten contacts, 689, 718, 936937

vacuum interrupter materials, See Vacuum interrupter contact materials

Arcing faults, low current, 849872

detection of, 872

other types, 871

properties, 865871

series arcing, 855857

short-circuit arcing, 854855

Arcing region, 577

Arcing time, 642

in AC circuits, 618

activated contacts, 622624, 1012

in DC circuits, 618621, 624628, 761767

in very low current inductive circuits, See Showering arcs

Arc interactions, contaminants

contact materials, oxidation of, 10311032

long arcs, resistance effects, 10321034

mineral particles, 10151018

organic contamination and activation, 10061014

refractory fillers, lubricants, 1030

silicone contamination, 665667, 1018

Arc interruption, 597612, 808, 836837

in alternating current circuits, See Alternating current circuits, arc interruption in

in direct current circuits, See Direct current circuits, arc interruption in

of low frequency circuits, 609

of megahertz and gigahertz electronic circuits, 609612

showering arc, 624628

vacuum, in alternating circuits, 607608, 836838

Arc motion, measurement of, 586, 637, 759, 788791, 816820, 992, 996999

Arc plasma, decay of, 602603, 800803, See also Arc interruption

Arc root

on cathode and anode, 824825

erosion at, 635

Arc, computer simulation of, low voltage circuit breakers and low voltage contactors

arc roots cathode and anode, 824825

plasma properties, 826827

principles of 822824

radiation, 825826

Arc splitting process, 825

Arc voltage characteristics, 633

Arc-wall interaction measurements, 999

Arrhenius equation, 116, 532


center line average, 421

deformation of, 4, 11

elastic deformation, 253, 706707

plastic deformation of, 13

plasticity index, 7677

work-hardening of, 16

Asperity model, 447, 1101

a-spots, 4, 11111112, See also Constriction resistance, Contact resistance

boundary of, 1098

circular, 57

conduction in small, 7983

constriction resistance of, 623

electrical conduction in small, 7983

film forming on, 11151117

Joule heat flow through, 8283

micro-environment of, See Micro-environment of contact region

multiple, 1117

non-circular, 711

regular array of, 13

ring, 711

rough interfaces, 7579

sintering effect, 7275, 85

smooth interfaces, 6975

surrounded by oxide film, 55

temperature, 57

temperature distribution in, 6364

voltage-temperature relation, See Voltage–temperature relation

ASTM, See American Society of Testing and Measurement

Asymmetric contact, temperature vs. voltage in, 1066

Atmospheric gases, 126128, 144, 190, 1122

Atmospheric corrosion, 260261

Atmospheric air particle concentration, function of temperature, 557

Atmospheric gas concentrations, outdoor and indoor environments, 126128, 394395

Atmospheric pressure, arc in air

anode region, 584585

arc column, 578581

arc volt–ampere characteristics, 588592

cathode region, 581584

minimum arc current and voltage, 585588

Atomic force microscope (AFM), 712, 1115, 1141, 1157

Attractive magnetic-force curves, 678, 797

AuCuCd platings, 539

Audible bearing noise, 1087

Audible magnetic noise, 1087

Audible washer noise, 1087

Auger analysis, 130

Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), 693, 695

Automatic clamping, 327

Automatic splices, 326327

Automobile applications, DC relays for, 636

Automotive brush applications

alternators, 1088

auxiliary motors, 10861088

starter motors, 10881089

Automotive connector contacts, 405

Automotive electrical circuits, 621

Automotive electric power system, 1057

Automotive generator, 1070

Automotive position sensor connector, 402

Automotive sector, 733

Automotive systems, 765

Auxiliary motors, automotive, 10861088

Axial magnetic field, 596


Back-transfer prows, 421

Base metals, 456457

cladding of, 246

contacts, 441

Bathtub life curve for connectors, 345

Belleville washers, See Disc-spring washers

BER, See Bit error rates

Bessel function, 20

B/F, See Branch feeder

B-fritting, See Fritting

Biasing spring, 354

Bimetallic insertion, 336337

Bimetallic system, galvanic corrosion in, 118, 263264

Bi-metals in electrical contact, 6465

maximum temperature plane in, 100104

operation of, 96

Bismuth oxide, 894

Bit error rates (BER), 1139

Blade-box terminal, 386387

Blade-leaf terminal, 387

Blow-off force, 646650, 811812

arc effect on, 649

minimum contact force to balance it, 647, 648

Blow-out field, magnetic, 788792, 995

Bohr model of atom, 556

Boiling voltage vs. break voltage for metals, 575

Bolted connections, 236, 278283

Bolt torque, 318321

Boltzmann’s constant, 97

Bounce, See Contact bounce

Boundary lubrication, 488, 1107, 1120, 1173

Branch feeder (B/F), 850851

Brass–indium interface, 36

Brass–tin interface, 37

Brass–zinc interface, 35

Brazed composite rivets, 959960

Brazed contact assembly designs

braze joint quality, 968969

direct and indirect resistance brazing, 967968

methods of, 966967

toplay, 968

torch and induction brazing, 967

Breakaway friction force, 1102

Breakdown, See Long-gap gas breakdown; Short-gap breakdown; Vacuum breakdown

breakdown voltage, 563568, See also Reignition voltage

Break-only contact pairs, 631

Break-only erosion, 631, 995

Break operation, 779780

Bridge, molten metal, See Arc formation during contact opening; Molten metal bridge

bridge transfer, 723724

effect of, 11691170

erosion, 639

problem with, 723

Bridging contact, 637

Brinell hardness (BH), 1196

Brittle fracture, 426

Brittle interface, 41

Brittle materials, 915

Brush applications

aircraft and space brushes, 10901091

automotive, 10861089

brush design, 1091

diesel electric locomotive, 1090

fractional horsepower motors, 10851086

industrial brushes, 10891090

instrument and control, 1093

minature motors, 1085

power, 11521154

Brush configurations, See also Sliding contacts for instrument control

cantilever composite brush, 11281129

cantilever metallic finger, 1129

cantilever wire brush, 11291130

cartridge brush, 1128

multiple brushes, benefits of, 11301131


design, 1091

dynamics, 11771180

forces on, 11311132

multiple, benefits of, 11301131

solid lubricated composite materials for, 1133

Brush materials, 1073, 10821084, 1206

electro- and natural graphite, 10741075

metal fiber, 11521154

metal graphite, 10751076

Buckboost curve, 1082

Bump-flat terminal, 389

Bus joint, 307313, 361363

Bus-stab contacts, fretting effect on, 276278

Butt contacts blow-off, 647650

Button welding, 962963


Cable impedance, 868871

Cable length effects, 868871

Cable termination, 381, 389392

Capacitance, 1114

Capillary pressure, 1122

Carbon, 855

Carbon dioxide, 1125

Carbon-graphite brushes, 1083

Carbonized path clearing time test, 851853

Carbon nanotubes (CNT), contact properties of, 714716

Carrier materials, 12051206

Cartridge brush, 1128

Casimir force, 720


arc, 638

brush, 1073

erosion, 772773

fall, 570, 578

field emission, 567

gain for gold contacts, 641

region, 581584

spots, 593594

T–F electron emission, 583

thermionic electron emission, 566, 583

Cathodic arc, 638

Cathodic contact material, 638

Cathodic polarization, 501

Cathodic protection, 261

Cathodic reduction method, 129

Center line average (CLA), 421

Chattering, contact, 657

Chemical oxidation reaction, 119

Chemical vapor deposition (CVD), 689

Chlorine, 117

in atmosphere, 537

single-gas corrosion, 163164

Chop current, 587, 838840

Chrome–copper materials, 593, 836, 936, 1210

Circuit-breakers, See also Low-voltage circuit-breakers

high interrupting capacity designs, 806815

medium-voltage vacuum, 828, 830831

miniature, 815820

European type, 817

US type, 816

molded case, 807809

Circuit breaker terminal contacts, fretting in, 287288

Circular a-spots, 57, 1066

Circular contact spots, 1066

CLA, See Center line average

Clad contact assemblies, 969970

Cladding, 246, 435437, 520, 525

material, 521, 526

requirement, in contact terminal, 393

Clad palladium–gold–silver alloys, 458

Classical electrical contact theory, 517

in aluminum contacts, breakdown observations of, 8487

electrical conduction in a-spots, 7983

in gold contacts, breakdown observations of, 87

in small contact spots, breakdown of, 79

in tin contacts, breakdown observations of, 8889

Clay-thickened greases, 503504

Closed contact, 811

spring force on, 649

welding of, 651

Clusters, 1118

Coatings, See also Platings

of aluminum/copper, 331

fretting in, 286287

on metal finishes, 520526

power connectors, palliative measures, 331333

properties related to porosity, 526532

requirements of, 520

terminology, 521

Cobalt–gold coating, 485

Cobalt–gold electrodeposit, 429

Cobalt–gold electroplates, 422

Cobalt-hardened gold, variation of, 434

Co-deposited particulate material, 527

Coefficient of friction vs. ring temperature, 1053, 1054

Coil current distribution of dc motor, 1059

Coil reactance, 1082

Cold cathode, electron emission, 582, 583

Cold resistance of contact, 67

Cold-working, 651

Collisions electron with air, 555

Columnar vacuum arc, 595

Common galvanic cell, 118

Commutation, 10561061, 1082

Commutator, 10811082, 1127

Complex electro-mechanical assembly, 1139

Compliant pin connector, 380381

Composite refractory materials, 928935

Compression connectors, 274275

Compression sleeve connector, 314316, 344345

Compression-type connectors, 313, 317

Conducting coatings, electrically, 2328

Conductive plating, 253

Conductivity, effects on 237

deformation dislocations, 239

grain boundaries, 239

Hall effect, 240

lattice imperfections, 238

longitudinal magneto resistance, 239240

magneto-resistance, 239

Matthiessens’ rule, 238

skin effect, 91, 240

temperature, 238

vacancies, 239

Conductor materials

aluminum and aluminum alloys, 243244

conductivity, 237

copper and copper alloys, 240243

grain boundaries, 239

Hall effect, 240

imperfections, 238

longitudinal magneto resistance, 239

Matthiessen’s rule, 238

properties of, 237

skin effect, 240

temperature effect, 238

transverse vacancies, 239


aluminum, See Aluminum conductors

copper, properties of, 241, 11981201

electric field between, 124

factors affecting conductivity, 237240

solid metallic, classification of, 237

Connection resistance, constriction vs., 9495

Connections, See also Connection systems, electrical

aluminum wiring, 406408

for high-vibration environment, 408

welded, 339342

Connection systems, electrical

application parameters of, 376

contact, degradation of, 693

Connector contacts, fluid lubricants for, 491

Connector lock, 383

Connector position assurance (CPA), 383


bolted joints, 361

compression, 274275

contact, degradation of, 393

contacts, automotive, 405

dead-end, 327

degradation mechanism, 456

electronic, See Low power and electronic connectors

flexible, 297, 298

functional requirements, 377378

generic, 234, 235, 342

high power for electric and hybrid vehicles, 405406

low power, See Low power and electronic connectors

mechanical, 324, 381383

position sensor, 402

power, See Power connectors

stepped deep indentation, 315, 316, 344345

types of, 378381

wedge, 325326

Connector seal, 382

Connector systems, 237, 244246

Consistent electrical contact resistance, 1102

Constant stiffness, 1102

Constriction resistance, 45, 57, 251, 543, 1055, 1107, See also a-spots; Contact resistance

asperity shape of, 1718

circular a-spots, 57

vs. connection resistance, 9495

contact forces, 14, 719

elastic deformation, 14, 253, 706707

for copper-copper contact, 82

at high frequencies, 8995

Holm radius, 1213

load relationship, 14, 15

multiple contact spots, 1117

non-circular and ring a-spots, 711

plastic deformation, 14, 239, 252

surface films effect on, 1828

surface profile, 6979

values of, 56

Contact activation, 622624, 665667, See also Activation of switching contacts

contact resistance problems, 10121014

definition, 1006

detecting carbon contamination, 1014

effects, 10111013

exposure level, 10101011

organic vapors, sources of, 1007

palladium, 1008, 1009

Contact ageing process, 350

Contact aid compounds, 332, 334336

Contact alloys, non-arcing separable contacts

contact applications and performance, 972

manufacturing technology, 970

metallurgical properties, 971

physical and chemical properties, 970971

Contact area, See also a-spots

effective, Hertz’s model for, 706

electrical, 1115, 250

mechanical, 249250

method to increase, 719

palliative measures, 307313

performance factors, 249252

Contact asperity on constriction resistance, 1718

Contact blow-off force, 646650, 652

Contact bounce, 631, 720, 745756, 980

arcing during bouncing, 631, 781

design parameters, for reduction of, 755

measurement, 986989

reduction of, 775

Contact chattering, 657

Contact cleaners, 622

Contact closing force, 1516, 646, 652, 981

Contact closure, schematic diagrams of, 631, 773778

Contact degradation, rate of, 472

Contact deterioration, economical consequences of, 346

Contact switching test devices, 876–978, 981982

Contact dynamics, measurement of, 759, 996

Contact erosion, 633, 634, 641, See also Arc erosion of electrical contacts

effect of, 661, 663

in low-current AC circuits, 644645, 770773

in low-current DC circuits, 636644, 766770, 990996

measurements, 755761, 991, 993996

Contact film resistance, 56, 251

Contact failures

electrical, 402405

electromechanical components, 189

preliminary attachment and final attachment, 223

single particle and ideal model, 222223

Contact finishes, 539

contact resistance of, 543544

hardness, 543

produced by non-chemical methods, 525

requirements, 520

topography, 545546

Contact force, 1516, 214216, 313, 392, 404405, 572, 743, 1097, 1098

Contact geometry (MEMS), 479

Contact impedance, 1096, 11121113

Contact inductance, 1112

Contact lubricants, See Lubricants

Contact material, switching

device testing and model switch testing, 976978

testing variables, 978982

Contact materials, switching, 742, 880946, 954972

Ag, 937, 1202

Ag-C, 943, 1202

Ag-CdO, 883, 1203

AgCu, 938, 1202

Ag-Mo, 908, 1203

Ag-Ni, 939, 1202

Ag-W, 908, 1203

Ag-WC, 908, 1203

Cu-W, 1025, 1203

Pd, 940, 1204

Pt, 940, 1204

dwell time of, 818

low-voltage contactors, 802805

manufacturing processes, 884890, 909912

in MEMS, 713

switching in air, 791793, 883945

used in vacuum interrupters, 834839, 1210

wear-out, 480

Contact metals, physical properties of, 11981205, 12091210

Contact noise, 11381139

Contactors, See Low-voltage contactors

Contact over travel, 981

Contact region, 517, 249250, See also a-spots, Contact area

Contact resistance (CR), 5, 384, 662, 882, 982983, 1140, See also Constriction resistance, a-spots

activated contacts, 1012

Ag2WO4, 661, 930

in aluminum/aluminum contact, 46

arced tungsten–silver, 659665, 930, 931

“a” spot temperature effect of, 703

behavior, 469

bolted joint configuration, 311313

breakdown of classical theory, 8489

characteristic, 259

composite refractory materials and, 928935

and contact force, 719

contact load on, 1417, 76, 77, 255, 313, 317, 318

dust effects, 212214, 219223

effects of fretting corrosion, 457

electrical conduction in small a-spots, 7983

and electrical erosion vs. switching current level, 929

electrically conducting films on, 2328

electrically weakly conducting and insulating films, 4557

evaluation and presentation of results, 985986

of finishes, 543544

vs. fretting cycles, 497, 500

function of load, 15, 16

gold probe, 983

at high frequencies, 8995

intermetallic layer growth on, 2845, 464

low energy and higher energy arcs, 1013

lubricant effect on, 175177

magnitude, 7

measurement, 27, 130131, 364, 982

models, 708710, 713

model testing, 983985

organic gas, 1014

oxide layers, 932

between powder grains, 821

of pure gold platings, 537

plating factor, 25

rate of rise of, 533

silicone effect of, 665667, 10181030

silver metal oxides, 907

silver refractory metal systems, 934935

skin effect, 8995

stability, categorization of, 449

static vs., dynamic, 445

surface films effect on, 18, 45, 50, 53, 657665

vs. switching current level, 819, 928

vs. switching current duration, 1032

temperature development, See Voltage–temperature relation

thermal stability of, 534, 535

thin films and spreading resistance, 18

of tin on various substrates, 540

tungsten compounds, properties of, 929, 930

variation (noise), 11081109, 1138

Contact rivets

brazed composite rivets, 959960

cold bonding, 956957

composite, 956

machine-made composite rivets, 956959

rivet staking, 960

squeeze test, 958

solid rivets, 955956

ultra-sonic testing, 959


arc dwell time on, 789790, 818

bounce, measurement, 777781, 986989

carrier mass and conductivity, 981

closed, 811812

at current levels, 742

mechanical area of, 14

under mineral oil, 125126

nominal/true area of, 13

size in AC operation, 635

effect of, 633635

switching device simulations, 827

welding, measurement, 989991

Contact spots, See a-spots

Contacts switching, 618628, 636644, 674725, 703725, 733781, 787839, 890898, 918934

Contact super-temperature, 59

Contact surfaces, measurement of, 756757

Contact surface as result of arcing, 657665, 906, 930934, See also Arc erosion of electrical contacts

ambient effects on, 665667, 10061034

silver-based contacts, 659, 889900

silver refractory metal contacts, 659665, 930934

Contact tape welding, 963965

Contact welding, See also Welding

of closed contacts, 651654

during contact closure, 654657, 774, 902

as contacts open, 657

on make operation, 654657, 774775, 902903

measurement, 989991

Contactor-air, See Low-voltage contactors

Control motors, 1085

Conventional catalysis reactions, poisons for, 459

Conventional d.c. generator, 1088

Conversion table for; Imperial, cgs and SI units, 1208

Coordinated Switching and Protective devices (CPS), 814


coating of, 331

in contact coating, 392393

and copper alloys, 240243

corrosion mechanisms, 151152

corrosion rates, 145, 146

degradation of, 128

diffusion rates, 532

electrolytic refining of, 240

foam materials, 358360

intermetallics on, 539

metallographic sections of gold plated on, 530

stress relaxation of, 303

Copper-based carrier alloy materials, 1205

Copper-based spring alloy materials, 1205

Copper conductors, properties of, 241

Copper–copper contacts, 469

Copper–copper power connections, 133

Copper–copper systems, 462

Copper–graphite contacts, 943, 1202

Copper oxide

additions, 894

fritting of, 1057

growth rate and electrical resistivity, 4749, 54, 141

Copper refractory metals

high erosion rate, 925

low erosion rate, 926

tungsten–copper composite contacts, 922923, 1205

Copper rods, copper oxide on, 1058

Copper–tin systems, 296299

Copper-to-copper wire glowing connections, 859860

Copper–tungsten materials, 922927, 1205

Corrosion, 114134, 140151, 260263, 383405

atmospheric environment, 126128, 143144

contacts under mineral oil, 125126

copper, 4749, 118, 151, 1053

creep, 122123, 154157, 262263

crevice, 261

dry, 117118

dust, 134135, 205211, 263, See also Dust contamination

electrolytic, 404

electro-migration, 123

temperature effect, 124

electronic connectors, 131133

environment factors, 144

film, kinetic growth of, 116

fretting, 282, 283, See also Fretting

galvanic, 118120, 263264, 394, 404, 407

history, 140, 159

inhibitors, 179

laboratory gas effects on, 128, 159, 160

localized, 261

lubrication and inhibition of, 174180

measurement, 129131, 140143

mechanisms, 151157

metallic electromigration, 123124

mineral oil effect of, 125126

nickel, 152

pitting, 262

pore, 120122, 153, 262, 527532, See also Porosity

pore corrosion product, 114

porous gold, 153

power connectors, 133134

properties, 1134

protection, 179

reactivity distributions, 148151

shielding effects, 135, 147

silver, 151

stress corrosion cracking, 124125

thermal expansion, 264

tin, 152

vibration effect of, 180

visual inspection, 129

Corrosion inhibition, See Lubrication

Corrosion rates, 114116, 145181

copper and silver, 145, 146

film effects, 146147

other metals, 145

oxide growth rate and electrical resistivity, 4756

reactivity distribution, 148149

Corrosion stains, dust contamination

corrosion products vs. dust, 209

fretting experiments, 209211

structure of, 208

thin gold-plated surface, 206, 207

Corrosive gases, single, 117, 159164

Corrosive gases, mixed flowing, 167171

humidity, 117118, 124, 127, 144, 164

Coulomb’s law of friction, 1048

Counterface, sliding contacts

configuration, 11261127

material, 1103, 11321133

CPA, See Connector position assurance

CP-AFM technique, 272

CPS, See Coordinated Switching and Protective devices

CR, See Contact resistance

Crater erosion, See Pip and crater formation

Creep, metal, 299, 305306, 1100

evolution, 305306

logarithmic law, 305

stress relaxation vs., 299300

Crimped connections, 274, 315, 390392

Critical vacuum breakdown field for metals, 568

Crossed-rod contact, 1126

Crossed rod contact resistance measurement, 130131, 983

Crystal structure, graphite, 1075

CSA, Canadian Standards Association, 794, 806

CTF, See Cycles to failure

Cumulative contact resistance, 984

Cumulative probability, 652653, 984

Cumulative weld strength, 653

Cu radiation, 576

Current-cycling tests for fixed connections

accelerated, 345, 363365

results of, 315, 316, 333

Current distribution in parallel contacts, 650, 813814

Current-induced diffusion, See Intermetallics

Current limiting

in a.c. circuits, principle of, 608609, 808, 809

breakers, 812

other techniques, 821

contact resistance between powder grains, 821

liquid or low-melting metals, 821

narrow insulating slots, 821

reversible phase change materials, 821

superconductors, 821822

temperature-dependent ceramics or polymers, 821

CVD, See Chemical vapor deposition

Cyanide nickel-hardened gold plates, polymers in, 422

Cycles to failure (CTF), 401, See also Fretting


“Dark discharge,” 563

DC circuit, See Direct current arcs, Direct current circuit, arc interruption in

DC motor driving automotive fuel pump, 1061

DC testing vs. AC testing, 978979

Dead-end connectors, 327

Debris-filled interface, 447, See also Fretting

Debris generation, rate of, 415, See also Fretting


of connector sleeve, 314

elastic, 253, 706

plastic, 13, 7579, 239, 252, 11611163

yield stress, 250, 651

Deion arc chutes, 820822

Deion plates, 621, 788789

Delamination wear, 480, See also Wear

mechanism of, 271

and subsurface wear, 427428

DEP, See Diethylphthalate

Design of Experiment (DOE) approach, 977

Device testing, 976

DG R-156, 482, 521, 539

definition, 526

Dielectric reignition, arc plasma decay of, 602603

Diesel electric locomotive brushes, 1090

Diethylphthalate (DEP), 1010

Differential electrochemical cell, 118

Diffused gold 60Pd40Ag, 521

Diffuse vacuum arc, 592595

Digital devices, arc motion measurements, 759, 997

Digital signal processors (DSP), 1139

Diode-rectified generator, 1088

Direct current arcs, 604, 618, 761

current erosion, 766768, See also Arc erosion

direct current operation, 780

low-current, 761762

opening speed and arc length, 764765

quasi-static conditions, Ag/CdO contacts, 763764

showering arc, 624628

voltage below 7 V, 762763

Direct current (DC) circuit arc interruption in, 604607, 637, 820

arcing time in, 618621

arc plasma and dielectric reignition, decay of, 602603

effect of current level, 599, 800

instantaneous dielectric recovery, 600607

load type, 890, 979780

minimum arc current at interruption, 606

restrike, 637

self extinction, 788

stages, 607

voltage generation, 604, 618, 820

Discontinuous erosion, 632, 633

Disc-spring washers, 322325, 329331

Dissociation process, 559

DOE approach, See Design of Experiment approach

Double-break arrangements, contactors, 796

Double-break contact systems, 637, 799

Dry corrosion, 117118

Dry tin-plated connection, systematic studies of, 280, See also Fretting

DSP, See Digital signal processors

Dust contamination

adhesive effect, 220221

atmospheric environment, 143144

background, 134, 186187

chemical behavior, 205

collection and shape, 191

complexity problem, 187, 189

composition, 191–193

contact failure mechanism, 222223

contact interface, 219

corrosion effects, 134135

corrosion mechanisms, 151157, 263

corrosion products, trapping effect of, 221, 222

corrosion stain, 208

deposition, 187

dust particle, 187188, 191

dust problem, 225226

dust shield, 135

dust test, 224225

dusty water solutions, 205206

electrical behavior

electric charge, measurement of, 193194

electrostatic attracting force, 195198

elements atomic percentage vs. accelerating voltage, 216, 217

environment, 190–191, 211

fretting, 204

fritting, 204

high and erratic contact resistance, 212213

indoor exposure results, 206208

lubricants effect of, 201204

mechanical behavior, See Mechanical behavior micro motion, 211212, 223224

organic and inorganic materials, 192

pore creation, 205, 527

SEM/XES, 216

short life vs. longer life contacts, 218

sodium lactate, 215, 216

source, 190

stress corrosion cracking, 125

testing spots, 213214

test systems, 189

water soluble salts, 192193

Dwell time of arc on contacts, 789790, 818

Dynamic blow-off, closed contacts, 646650, 812

Dynamic welding, 654657, 774, 903, 904, 989


Edge lay, 969970

Edge-on type connector, 379380

EDX, See Energy dispersive X-ray

EIA, See Electronics Industries Association

Elastic contact, 253, 702707, 11611163, 11821184

Elastic deformation, 14, 253, 706707

Elastic electron-gas collisions, 559

Electrical breakdown of gases, See Long-gap gas breakdown

Electrical constriction resistance, See Constriction resistance

Electrical current

on metal creep, 305306

on stress relaxation, 302305

Electrical interface, See a-spots; Constriction resistance; Contact resistance; Corrosion; Fretting; Fritting; Intermetallics

Electrically conductive coatings, 1828, 253, See also Spreading resistance

Electrically conductive layers

on conducting substrate, 2223

on insulated substrate, 18

and thin contaminant films, 2328

Electrically insulating films, 4557

Electrical measurement methods

AC arc reignition measurement, 996, See also Alternating circuit currents, arc interruption in

arc motion measurements, 996999

arc-wall interaction measurements, 999

contact bounce, 759, 986989

contact erosion, 756761, 991996

contact resistance, 130, 982985

contact welding, 989991

Electrical performance in sliding contacts, 11071108, See also Sliding contacts for instrument control

Electrical resistivity, 626, 1200

constants, 68, 1200

of metals and Wiedemann–Franz Law, 96100

at room temperature, 82

temperature coefficients of, 1200

Electrical safety, 849

Electric arc, 578596, See also Arc

Electric arc formation, See Arc formation

Electric field, definition of, 558

Electrode materials, low current arcing fault properties, 866, 867

Electrodeposits, 522525

contact resistance trends and, 533

hard golds, 422

microthrowing characteristics of, 545

porosity of, 530531

Electrographite brushes, 1048, 1056, 10741075, 1206

Electrographitic brush materials, 10821083

Electroless gold plating, 423

Electroless Nickel and Immersion Gold (ENIG) plating, 423, 522

Electroless nickel–phosphorus, 423

Electroless plating, 522525

Electrolytically tough pitch (ETP) copper, 240

Electrolytic refining of copper, 240

Electromagnetic penetration depth, 90

Electromigration, 295296, 639

corrosion, 123125

on intermetallic growth rates, possible effect, 4245

Electron avalanche, 561

Electron ballistic motion of, 80, 708

Electron bombardment, 640, See also Arc erosion

Electron-dislocation interaction, See Stress relaxation

Electron emission, 566570, 583, 603

energy for at arc cathode, 583

field emission, 566567

Fowler-Nordheim rquation, 567

potential energy near contact surface, 566567

Richardson-Dushman equation, 566

thermally enhanced field emission (T-F), 583

thermionic, 566, 583

Electron-gas collisions, 569

dissociation, 559

elastic, 559

excitation and relaxation, 559

ionization, 560

Electron mean free path in air, 559, 562

Electron volt, 558559, 1208

Electronic connectors, 114, 131133, 171172, 378381, 388389

contact platings in, 522

field studies of, 180, 441

finishes, 522

Electronic mean free path in metals, 82

Electronic optical devices, 996997

Electronics Industries Association (EIA), 377

Electronic/switching systems, integration with, 805806, 849872

Electronic thermal overload trip solutions, 814815

Electron mean free path in air, 558559

Electron microprobe, 130

Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), 690

Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), 130, 1033

Electron theory of metals, 96, 238

Electroplastic effect, 301, 302

Electroplated palladium–nickel alloy, 458

Electroplating, 226, 244246, 249, 253256, 422423, 522526

intrinsic polymers in hard gold, 422

Electropolymerization, 458, 462

Electrostatic actuation (MEMS), 704

Electrostatic micro-switch, 704

Elenbaas–Heller equation, 581

Energy balance from arc at contacts, 581585, 628630

Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX), 464, 1026

Energy transfer at arc cathode/anode, possible mechanism of, 584

ENIG plating, See Electroless Nickel and Immersion Gold plating

Environmental classes, reactivity distributions, 150

EPMA, See Electron probe microanalysis

Erosion of contacts, See Arc erosion of electrical contacts; Contact erosion

ESCA, See Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis

European miniature circuit-breakers, 816, 817

Excitation process, 559, 560


Fabrication characteristics of metal plates, 526

Failed mobile phones, performance of, 218

Fermi–Dirac distribution function, 9798

Ferromagnetic materials, conduction in, 240

Fiber brushes, See Metal fiber brushes Field emission, 566568

Field environments for electrical contacts, 143157

Film effects, 18, 146147

Film resistance, 56, 251, 10551056

Film rupture, 255, See also Fretting; Fritting

Film thickness, growth of silicones, 665666

Filtered connectors, 383

Fine transfer, 723, 724, See also Molten metal bridge

Finite element analysis, 13, 1044

Finite Element Method (FEM), 91, 711, 722, 823

Finite Volume (FVM) software, 823

“Fire” curve, 853

Fixed contact gap test devices, 994

Flash coatings, effect on porosity, 530531

Flash gold coating, 174

Flash gold plating, 131, 486, 522

Flattening of rough surface, 79

Flexible connectors, 297, 298

Flexible printed circuit (FPC), 388

Floating arc, 649

Flowing mixed gas (FMG) environment, 132, 167171

Fluid contact lubrication, 1173

Fluid lubricants, See Lubricants

FMG environment, See Flowing mixed gas environment

Foam metals, 361

Force–displacement friction curve, 444

Formative time lag, gas breakdown, 571

Four-gas tests, 168

Four states of matter, 554

Fowler-Nordheim equation, 567

FPC, See Flexible printed circuit

Fractal model for rough surfaces, 79

Fractional horsepower motors, 10851086

Free-burning arc column, 579582, 588592

decay of, 602603

Frequency, low current arcing fault properties, 865866

Fretting, 134, 267, 398402, 414, 441482, 722

apparatus, materials studies, 449450

bolted connections, 278283

bus-stab contacts, 276278, 287

in circuit breaker terminals, 287288

in coatings, 286287

compression connectors, 274275

current effect of, 476

cycle rate, 468470

cycles to failure (CTF), 401

degradation, control of, 496500

displacement, 447449

dust effect, 204

electrical current effect, 285286, 476479

environmental effects, 474475

examples, 274

factors affecting, 268270

field and laboratory testing methodologies, 447449

force, 472474

frictional polymer-forming metals, 457460

gross slip, 444

lubrication effect of, 179180, 496500

maps, 445

material transfer, wear, film formation, and contact resistance, 479481

mating contacts, dissimilar metals on, 460464

mechanisms of, 270274, 447449

mixed slip, 444

no film-forming tendency, 450452

non-noble metals/fretting corrosion, 452457

oxide debris, 271

partial slip, 443

plug-in connectors, 278

power connection, 274

regimes, 442445

static vs. dynamic contact resistance, 445447

sticking, 442

surface finish and contact geometry, 479

thermal effects, 475476

Type I (Unstable) contact resistance behavior, 449452

Type II (Intermediate) contact resistance behavior, 449452

Type III (Stable) contact resistance behavior, 449452

underplate effect of, 467

vibration, 180, 441

wear-out phenomena, 464468

wipe distance, 470472

Fretting corrosion, 282, 283, 396398, 401402, 445, 452457

characteristics, 399, 400

debris filled interface, 447

effect on, 499500

frictional polymers, 457460

material studies

aluminum vs. aluminum, 283285, 456

copper vs. copper, 452

gold vs. gold, 451, 461

gold vs. copper, 464

gold vs. nickel, 462

gold vs. palladium, 460, 465

gold vs. tin/lead, 180, 463, 456

identical base metals, 456, 479

identical non film forming metals, 479

mono-metallic interfaces, 456

nickel, 452, 461

silver and silver alloys, 282283, 450, 461

palladium and palladium alloys, 458, 461

tin and tin alloys, 179, 280, 283285, 396402, 453, 466

oxide debris, 271

substrate effect of, 467

of surface, 1124

Friction, 444, 11701173

adhesion theory of, 481

characteristics, 11351137

force displacement curve, 444

forces, 11001102

and wear, 10471048

Frictional polymer-forming metals, 457460, 480

Frictional polymerization, 487

effect on, 497499

mechanisms of, 458460

Frictional polymers, 23, 149, 447, 458, 1124

conventional catalysis reactions, poisons for, 459

effects of, 480

formation rates, 471

yield, 469

Friction welding, 339340, 966

Fritting, 5657, 258

A, 5657, 482

B, 5657, 483, 10571058

Fuel injector connector, 403

Furnace brazing, 968

Fusion coatings, 522


Galling, 1103

Galvanic corrosion, 118120, 263264, 404, 407

Galvanic series, 120

Gas breakdown, See Long-gap gas breakdown

Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), 192

Gas concentrations in atmosphere, 126128

Gas corrosion, See also Corrosion

field environments for electrical contacts, See Field environments for electrical contacts; Atmospheric gas concentrations

laboratory accelerated testing, See Laboratory accelerated testing, corrosion

Gas exposure tests, 528

Gas flow effects, single-gas corrosion, 165168

Gas, molecular mean free path in air, 562

Gas 3rd form of matter, 554

Generators, 1089

Gigahertz electronic circuits, interruption of, 609612

Glassy silicon-rich deposits, 10241025

Glow discharge, 570

Glowing connections

contact voltage, 403, 860861

copper-to-copper wire, 403, 859860

current and voltage waveforms, 861863

description, 857858

floating arc, 649

formation process, 858859

wire materials, 864, 865

Glowing contacts, 403404, 857

Glow voltage, 565, 570, 860861

Gold, 245, 521, 970

degradation of, 128

and gold alloy contacts, 714

vs. SnPb solder, 463464

Gold alloys, 521, 970, 1134, 1204, See also Hard golds

Gold-based systems, 464465

Gold contacts, 639641, 1124

arc duration for, 620

classical electrical contact theory in, 87

non-arcing, 970972, 1204

Gold fiber brush resistances, speed dependence of, 1180

Gold-flashed palladium, 480, 487, 546

Gold-plated connectors, 532

Gold-plated contacts, 245, 431, 435, 523

thickness, 522523

Gold-plated copper system, 535

Gold-plated film on copper, 123

Gold plating process, 1115

Grafted lubricant layers, 500503

Granular interface model, 447

Graphite, 1125, See also Activation of switching contacts

atoms, layered structure of, 10741075

thermionic emission for, 855, 856

Graphite-lubricated sliding contacts, 1053

Graphitization, 1083

Ground layer plating, 686687

Growth wear model, 1048

Guillotine test, 854


Hall Effect, 240

Halogen-containing fluid, 495

Hard ductile underplates, 431

Hardener content of gold plates, 432435

Hard golds, 523

adverse effect of nickel underplate for, 537

fabrication characteristics of, 526

intrinsic polymers in, 525

Hard mount method, 1178

Hardness, 17, 428431

Brinnel, 1196

Knoop, 341, 1196

material, 713

Mohs (dusts), 199

platings, 523, 543544

Rockwell, 1196

and tensile strength, 651

Vickers, 1196

vs. yield stress, 250, 261

Hard nickel underplate, beneficial role of, 428

Harmonic distortion, power quality issues, 348

Heavy-duty connectors, See Power connectors

Hertzian contacts, 392, 706

HF transients, See High frequency transients

High current arc, 581

High-current vacuum arc, 595, 596

High frequency current circuits

interruption of, 609

solid state vs. mechanical switches, 610

High frequency (HF) transients, interruption of, 837838

High-speed cinematography, 996

High-temperature lubrication limits, 1124

High voltage interlock circuit (HVIL), 406

Holm-Archard wear law, 415, 1048, 1158

Holm graphical method, 761

Holm radius, 12, 13

Holm’s wear equation, 1071, 1072

Hot-dip tinning process, 298

Hot wax dip, 261

Humidity, 117118, 124, 127, 144, 164

water vapor in saturated air, 1209

HVIL, See High voltage interlock circuit

Hybrid contactors, 805

Hydrogen sulfide, 117118, 127, 142, 159, 161162

Hysteresis, 705


IACS, International annealed copper Standard, 241

IDC, See Insulation displacement connection

IEC, See International Electrotechnical Commission

IMCs, See Intermetallic compounds

Incompatible plating, 404405

Indium oxide, See also Silver metal oxide switching contacts

PM and IO materials, 893

PM silver–tin oxide material, 894

Indoor industrial environments, 126, 128

Induction brazing, 967

Inductive-coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometer, 192

Industrial brushes, 10891090, 1152

Inelastic electron collisions, 559

Inlay, 969970

Instantaneous dielectric recovery, 600602, 799801, See also Arc interruption

Insulation displacement connection (IDC), 381382, 386

Insulation piercing connectors, 236, 382

Intentional contamination, 11191121

Inter-contact plasma, initial rapid adjustment of, 601, 607

Interdiffusion bands, growth of, 38

Interdiffusion in electrical interfaces, 41

Intermediate displacement amplitudes, 444

Intermetallic compounds (IMCs), 32, 288298, 532, 539541

in Al-Au systems, 132

in Al-brass systems, 2933, 39, 44

in Al-Cu systems, 32, 289

in In-brass systems, 32, 36, 37, 38

in In-bronze systems, 32, 37, 38

in Ni-Sn systems, 540

in Sn-brass systems, 32, 37, 38, 405

in Sn-Cu systems, 32, 296299, 438, 540

in Sn-bronze systems, 32, 37, 38

in Zn-brass systems, 32, 35, 38

in Zn-bronze systems, 32, 37, 38

diffusion process, 2845, 288292

establishment and growth of, 290

failure examples, 298

formation of, 476

Intermetallic layers growth, 28

activation energy, 2930

current induced diffusion, 295

electromigration on, 4245

temperature, 33

Intermittences, 1096, 1114

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 315

International Standards Organization (ISO), 377

Interruption, power quality issues, 348

Intrinsic polymers

degradation of, 532

in hard gold plates, 525

Intrinsic porosity in electrodeposited coatings, 527

Ion chromatographic (IC) spectrometer, 192

Ion mean free path in air, 562

Ionization energy, 560

Ionization potential, values of, 561

Ionization process, 556, 559560

Iridium, 689


Joule heat, 18, 43, 57, 280, 11661167

effects, 1112

flow, through a-spots, 8283

non-locality, 8288


Key switch, 698

Kinetic energy of molecules, 555, 556577

Kinetic gas theory, 555, 556577

Kinetic growth of corrosion film, 116

Kirkendall porosity, 532

Knoop hardness (KH), 341, 1196

Knoop microhardness of intermetallic layer, 34

Knudsen number, 1111

Kohler effect, 638639

Kohlrausch–Holm Method, 10651066


Laboratory accelerated testing, corrosion

acceleration factor, 158159

description, 157158

mixed-gas environments, 167171

test applications, 171174

Lamp loads, effects from operation parameters, 890, 979

Laplace’s equation, 7

Laser microscopy analysis, 1044

Laser vibrometer measurements, 1136

Lattice imperfections, effect of, 238239

Layered systems, characteristics of, 543544

Lever switches, 737

Life test of contactors, conditions for, 795

Light-duty connectors, 235

Limit switches, 739740, 746

Linear momentum, conservation of, 749

Linear tarnish kinetic equation, 115, 1197

Line insulation, 381

Liquid 2nd state of matter, 554

Load-bearing areas, 14, 249250, 705707, 1097, 1098, 1106

Load line, 678, 679

Local thermodynamic equilibrium, 578

Logarithmic tarnish kinetic equation, 115

Long duration arcs, effect on contact resistance, 906908, 1032

ESCA analysis, 1033

metallic and gaseous arcs, 10331034

switching tests, 1032

Long-gap gas breakdown, 558565

dissociation, 559

excitation and relaxation, 559

ionization, 559

Paschen’s law, 564

time lag, 571

Townsend avalanche, 561

Longitudinal magneto resistance, 240

Lorenz constant, 62, 100

Low contact force, 79, 404405, 705707

Low-current switching devices, 733734, See also Switches, low current

Low ductility, 1134

Low frequency power circuits, interruption of, 609

Low power and electronic connectors

applications, 376

blade-box, 378, 385387

blade-leaf, 385387

bump contacts, 385, 389

connector position assurance (CPA), 379, 393

compliant pin, 380

corrosion, 493405

crimp terminals, 390

edge-on, 379

environments, 394395

eye of needle, 380

failure examples, 402405

flexible printed circuits (FPC), 380

fretting, 396402, 407

insulation displacement (IDC), 382, 386

lug-screw, 385

materials, 385

pin-hyperloid, 388

pin-sleave, 385, 387, 402

pin-socket, 417

plug and receptical, 379

rack and panel, 378

terminal position assurance (TPA), 379, 383

terminals, 381, 384

terminal temperature, 393

terminal types, 384392

terminal bulk resistance, 393

terminal-terminal, 378

wire-screw, 385

wire-wire twist, 384, 385

zero insertion force (ZIF), 383

Low-pressure, vacuum operation, 1125

Low surface tension lubricant, 1122

Low-temperature lubrication limits, 1124

Low-voltage circuit-breakers, See also Molded-case circuit-breakers; Miniature circuit-breakers

arc chute and contact arrangement, 787788, 810814

arc dwell time, 789790, 818

arc simulation, 822827

arc sticking and back commutation, 637, 790791

arrangement, 807808

contact materials, 791793, 815820

current limitation, deion arc chutes, 608609, 820822

electronic control, 814

magnetic blast field, 788789

principle/requirements, 806807

quenching principles, 808810

trip system, 814815

Low-voltage contactors, 792806

air, 794

arc chute design, 798802

arc simulation, 822827

bus system integration, 806

contact materials, 802805

electronic control of magnet, 806

vs. electronics, 804805

mechanical arrangement, 794, 796798

pneumatic, 794

principle/requirements, 794, 795

quenching principle and contact and arc chute design, 798802

relays, 802

testing: AC-1,-2, -3 & -4, 794795

vacuum, 805

Low-voltage switching devices computer simulation, 822827


aerobic, 1121, 1124, 1141

chemical grafting, 500503

durability, 504505

effectiveness, 423, 497

fretting on, 179180, 204205, 487, 496500

fundamental properties of, 488491

halogen containing fluids, 495

liquid, grease and wax lubricants, 175177, 203204, 334336, 488496, 503505

lubricants coated, 175, 201203

making contact with, 175177

requirements, 177178, 491492

role of, 442

solid, 504, 1133

Lubrication, 134, 174180, 334336, 481506, 1119

adventitious, 1121, 1124

aerobic, 1141

contact aid compounds, 175176, 334336

contact resistance effect on, 175177

fluid lubricants, 488500

grafted and self-assembled lubricant layers, 500503

greases, 175176, 503504

liquids, 177179

lubricant durability, 177, 504505

metallic films, 481487, 482

modes, 11211125

particle displacement, 201204, 505506

sliding contacts, 11211125, 11721173

solid lubricants, 504, 1133

studies, 179

surface films and, 11721173

vapor, 1125

Lug–screw terminal, 385386


Machine-made composite rivets

cold bonding process, 956957

squeeze test, 957, 958

ultrasonic methods, 959

Macro sliding contact

brush configurations, See Brush configurations

counterface configuration, 11261127

forces on brush, 11311132

real vs. apparent area of contact, 1128

Magnet coils, electronic control of, 806

Magnet drive characteristics of reed switch, 683686

Magnetic actuator, 794, 796

Magnetic blast field, 788789

Magnetic devices, arc motion measurements, 997

Magnetic driven reed switches, applications of, 698701

Magnetic fields

of coil, 674

generation, 831832

Magnetoresistance, 239240

Magnets, shapes of, 797, 798

Make-and-break erosion, 631, 995

Make-and-break test, of contactors, 795

Martensitic transformation, 351352

Mass transfer, between contacts, 636644, 757, 766768, 899

Mated exposures, vs. unmated, 172174

Matter, 4th state of, 554558

Matthiessen’s rule, 238

Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution function, 556

Maxwell (continuum) vs. Sharvin (ballistic) resistance, 1110

MCCB, See Molded-case circuit-breakers

MD simulations, See Molecular dynamics simulations

Mean free paths of molecules, electrons and ions in air, 562

Mechanical behavior

fretting, See Fretting

dust particles, 198205

lubricants, See Lubricants

sliding contacts, 201

stationary contacts, 199201

wax and liquid lubricants, 203204

“Mechanochemical reaction,” 460

Medium-duty connectors, See Low power and electronic connectors

Medium-sized motors, 1089

Megahertz electronic circuits, interruption of, 609612

Melting voltage, 60, 61, 89, 9596, 562, 1198

deviation of, 6469

for metals, 573, 1198

nickel, 6769

nickel-aluminum system, 6768

MEMS, See Microelectromechanical systems

Metal conductor classifications, 237

Metal dendrites, growth of, 124, 125

Metal fiber brushes, 11521181, See also Sliding wear, of multifiber brushes

applications, diversification of, 11541156

brush construction, electrical resistance, 11741177

brush dynamics, 11771180

clean metal fiber brushes, 1170

electrical contact, 11741177

electrical resistance on construction, 11741177

elements of, 1154

fiber brush designs, 1152, 1153

film disruption, 1172

flash temperatures, 1166

estimating, 1169

pertinent mathematical theory of, 1167

future directions for, 11801181

kinetic tarnish equation, 1197

Kuhlmann-Wilsdorf tests, 1154

non-tarnishing metals, 1172

materials, 1157

metal coated, 1076

pertinent mathematical theory of flash temperatures, 1167

plastic and elastic contact, 11611163

resin-bonded brush materials, 10831084

sliding wear, multi-fiber brushes, See sliding wear, of multi-fiber brushes

sliding speed of, 1180

spring model for fiber brush, 11781179

steady state flash temperature, 1169

surface films, friction, and materials properties, 11701173

thin film behavior, 1170

water surface films, 11701172

Metal foam, materials of, 355361

Metal-in-elastomer materials, 525526

Metallic a-spots, 56

Metallic electromigration, 123125

Metallic film lubrication, principles of, 481482, 485

Metallic finishes, coatings on, 520

electrodeposits and electroless deposits, 522525

metal-in-elastomer materials, 525526

overview, 526

thickness, 529530

wrought metals, 521522

Metallic phase arc, 642643, 762763

Metallographic methods, 912918

Metallurgical methods, 912918


boiling voltage vs. break voltage for, 575

in contact with non-metal, 65

critical vacuum breakdown field for, 568

electrical resistivity and thermal conductivity, 96100

fabrication characteristics of, 526

melting voltages for, 573, 1198

properties, 11981201

properties at melting point, 1209

Metal–semiconductor contacts, 22

Metal surfaces, 624, 1042

Metal-to-metal a-spots, 69

Metal-to-metal contact, 27, 55, 118

Metal transfer, See Arc erosion

Methods B735, B741B799, B809 (ASTM), 528

MFG, See Mixed flowing gas

Micro-contact resistance modeling, 705713

contact resistance in, See Contact resistance

elastic modeling, 706707

spreading resistance in, 709

Microcrystalline wax, 504

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), 77, 610, 703725, 1113

activation methods, 704705

contact materials for performance and reliability, 713720

failure modes and reliability, 720

micro-contact resistance modeling, See Micro-contact resistance modeling

Micro-environment of contact region, 11141115

Micro motion, 211212

Micro sliding, 1100


evolution of, 79

of surfaces, 7

MIL Specs, Military Specifications, 179, 377

Minature motors, brushes for, 1085

Mindlin model, 273

Mineral oil, contacts under, 125126

Mineral particles, arcing contact, 10151018

Mineral particulate contamination, arcing contacts

contaminant type, 1017

finer material, 10171018

SiC-contaminated materials, 10151016

Miniature circuit-breakers, 815816, See also Low-voltage circuit-breakers

contact materials, 816820

dwell time, 818

examples, 815

Minimum arc current, 585588

Minimum arc voltage, 585588

Miscellaneous conversion table, 1208

Mixed flowing gas (MFG)

corrosion testing, 167171

laboratory testing, 131133

Mixed-gas sulfur environments, 164

Mixed slip, 444

Model test switch arc motion control, 998999

Model test switch testing, 977978

contact erosion, 993

Moisture, 124

Molded-case circuit-breakers (MCCB), 807809, See also Low voltage circuit breakers

MOLE, See Molecular optical laser examiner

Molecular attrition, 270

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, 490, 718, 1103

Molecular optical laser examiner (MOLE), 693, 695

Molecular re-ordering in polymeric films, 1100

Molten metal bridge, 572577, 619, See also Arc formation during contact opening

boiling voltage, 575576

break/rupture voltage, 575576

bridge formation, 571577

bridge rupture, 573577

for Cu–Cr contacts opening, 593


Buhl effect, 639

electro migration, 639

fine transfer, 639, 723724

Kohler effect, 639

Thompson effect, 639

melting voltage, 574575

stages of, 574577

voltage characteristics of, 573

Molybdenum disulfide, 1125, 1133

Monte Carlo techniques, 13

Motion continuation, 1102

Motion initiation (pre-sliding), 1100

Motion of high current columnar vacuum arc, 596

Motion over time, 11051106

Motor control, 806

Motor Protection Circuit Breakers (MPCB), 814

Moving-contact dynamics, 745747

Moving contact test devices, 994995

MPCB, See Motor Protection Circuit Breakers

Multi-fiber brushes, sliding wear of, See Sliding wear, of multi-fiber brushes

Multifilament brush, 1130, 1131

Multilam contact elements, 338339

Multiple exposed still photographs technique, 996

Multiple-wafer brushes, 1090

Multiscale model for rough surfaces, 79

Multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 715


Natural graphite, 1075

NEC, National Electric Code, 377

NEMA, National Electrical Manufacturers Association, 794

Net cathode gain for gold contacts, 641

Nickel, 245246

vs. copper contacts, 452

corrosion mechanisms, 152

corrosion rates, 146147

degradation of, 128

melting voltage, 6769

Nickel–aluminum system melting voltage, 67, 68

Nickel-hardened gold, 427

Nickel nano-wires, 719

Nickel–nickel systems, 462

Nickel oxide, 141142, 215

growth rate and electrical resistivity, 5152, 54

Nickel plating, 245, 524

thickness, 523

Nickel underplate, 524, 536

adverse effect of, 537

gold-flashed palladium on, 546

noble metal layer on, 532

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), 117, 163

Nitrogen ion, acceleration of, 558

Noble metals

palladium and silver–palladium alloys, 940942

platinum, 942943

in sliding contacts, 1132

Nodular plating finish, 546

No film-forming tendency, 450452

Noise, 11081109

Nominal plating thicknesses, 523

Non-catalytic elements, 459

Non-chemical methods, contact finishes produced by, 525

Non-circular a-spots, 711

Non-contact surface profiling systems, 758

Non-corrosive film formation, 493

Non-linear noise, 11111112

Non-metal, metal in contact with, 65

Non-noble metals, 240245, 415, 437, 452457, 524525

Non-noble silver alloys

fine silver, 937938

hard silver and silver–copper alloys, 938

silver alloys, 244, 439, 524

Non-ohmic noise, 11091111

Non-ohmic “tunneling” conductance, 1107

Nut factor, 319


OFHC, See Oxygen-free high-conductivity copper

Oleic acid, lubrication with, 177

Optical devices, arc motion measurements, 759, 996

Organic contamination and activation, See Activation; Contact activation

Outdoor industrial environments, 126

Oxidation, 117, 118, 151152, 256260, 1051, 1052

Oxidation-inhibiting additives, 492

Oxide debris, See Fretting corrosion

Oxide films, 4757, 140143, 256260

fracture, 255, 464

growth rate, 4756, 557

properties of, 256260

Oxide-free aluminum surface, 69, 70

Oxides of contact materials, growth rate and electrical resistivity, 4756

Oxidizing gas, 117

Oxygen-free high-conductivity copper (OFHC), 241, 434436

Ozone, 117

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