
  1. absorption
  2. adaptation
  3. AlGaAs
  4. AlGaN
  5. algorithm
  6. aluminum (Al)
  7. amplifier
  8. anticrossing
  9. arsenic (As)
  10. associative computing
  11. asymmetric doping
  12. atomic force microscopy (AFM)
  13. atomic layer deposition (ALD)
  15. ballistic transport
  16. bandgap engineering
  17. band structure
  18. bandwidth
  19. BiCMOS
  20. bit error rate (BER)
  21. brachytherapy
  22. brain
  23. brain-machine interface
  24. brain-spinal interface
  25. breakdown voltage
  26. buffer layer
  28. capacitance
  29. carbon (C),,–
  30. catheter
  31. cell library
  32. cellular automata
  33. channel potential
  34. channeling
  35. chemical-mechanical polishing (CMP)
  36. chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
    1. metal-organic (MOCVD)
    2. plasma-enhanced (PECVD)
  37. chemotherapy
  38. chip size
  39. clock distribution
  40. clock frequency
  41. clocking
  42. clock synchronization
  43. CMOS
    1. post-processing
    2. scaling
  44. comparators
  45. computed tomography (CT)
  46. computer
  47. conduction band
  48. conductivity
  49. contact resistance
  50. copper (Cu)
  51. Coulomb blockade
  52. critical dimension (CD)
  53. crosstalk
  54. current drive
  55. current gain
  57. data center
  58. DC/DC converters
  59. depletion
  60. diamond
  61. dielectric
    1. high-kappa
    2. low-kappa
  62. digital video disk (DVD)
  63. diode laser. see laser
  64. dislocations
  65. distance norm
  66. domain
  67. double heterostructure
  68. drain current
  69. drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL)
  70. Dyakonov surface wave
  71. dynamic RAM (DRAM).see memory
  73. effective mass
  74. efficiency
  75. electric field
  76. electroluminescence
  77. electron-electron interaction
  78. electron-hole bilayer (EHB)
  79. electron spin
  80. energy conversion
  81. energy harvesting
  82. epitaxy
    1. metal-organic vapor phase (MOVPE)
    2. molecular beam epitaxy (MBE)
  83. error correction
  84. evolution
  86. fabrication technologies
  87. feature size
  88. Fermi level pinning
  89. ferroelectricity
  90. field-effect transistor (FET). see transistor
  91. fin-FET. see transistor
  92. flexible electronics
  93. flip-flop
  94. fluctuations
  95. foundry
  96. four-wave mixing
  97. full adder
  99. gait rehabilitation
  100. gallium arsenide (GaAs)
  101. gallium nitride (GaN)
  102. gate capacitance
  103. gate insulator
  104. gate oxide
  105. gate stack
  106. gate structure
  107. germanium (Ge)
  108. germanium-on-insulator (GeOI)
  109. germanium-tin (GeSn)
  110. giant magnetoresistance (GMR)
  111. gold
  112. grain boundaries
  113. graphene
    1. nanoribbons
  114. graphene oxide
    1. reduced
  116. hafnium oxide (HfO2)
  117. Hall effect
    1. fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE)
  118. heavy hole (HH)
  119. heterojunction
  120. heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT). see transistor
  121. heterostructure
    1. AlGaAs/GaAs
    2. GaN/GaAlN
    3. Si/SiGe
    4. vertical
  122. high electron mobility transistor (HEMT). see transistor
  123. hopping magnetoresistance
  124. hot electron transistor. see transistor
  125. hysteresis
  127. image-guided therapy
  128. image processing
  129. impact ionization
  130. implants
  131. indium arsenide (InAs)
  132. indium phosphide (InP)
  133. input/output (I/O)
  134. integrated circuit (IC),,–
  135. integration
  136. interband transition
  137. interconnect
    1. optical
  138. Internet of Things (IoT)
  139. Internet protocol (IP)
  140. inversion layer
  141. irradiation
    1. ion
  142. ITRS roadmap
  144. Kelvin wake
  146. laser ArF
    1. diode
    2. KrF
    3. microdisk
    4. semiconductor
    5. vertical cavity surface emitting (VCSEL)
    6. VCSEL array
  147. lattice mismatch
  148. leakage current
  149. lifetime
  150. light-emitting diode (LED)
  151. light hole
  152. light-matter interaction
  153. linewidth
  154. lithography,,–
    1. electron-beam
    2. next generation
    3. optical
    4. photo
  155. low-power electronics
  156. Luttinger liquid
  158. Mach- Zehnder interferometer (MZI)
  159. magnetic anisotropy
  160. magnetic random access memory (MRAM). see memory
  161. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  162. magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ)
  163. magnetization reversal
  164. magnetoresistance
  165. magnetotransport
  166. majority gate
  167. manufacturability
  168. mass production
  169. maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
  170. membranes
  171. memory
    1. biological
    2. dynamic random access (DRAM)
    3. flash
    4. magnetic random access (MRAM)
    5. MRAM free layer
    6. MRAM thermal stability
    7. nonvolatile
    8. spin transfer torque STT-MRAM
    9. static random-access (SRAM)
  172. memory cell
  173. mesa
  174. metal-insulator transition
  175. metal oxide semiconductor FET (MOSFET). see transistor
  176. metrology
  177. micro-electromechanical systems
  178. (MEMS)
  179. microelectronics
  180. mobility
  181. mode-splitting
  182. modulation
  183. modulator
    1. optical
  184. modules
  185. molecular diagnostics
  186. monolithic integration
  187. Moore's Law
    1. more-than-Moore devices
  188. multimedia
  189. multiple quantum well (MQW). see quantum well
  191. nanoimprinting
  192. nanotube
    1. carbon (CNT)
  193. nanowire (NW)
  194. neurons
  195. neurotechnology
  196. noise
    1. shot
  197. non-Boolean computation
  198. nonvolatile logic
  199. nonvolatile memory. see memory
  200. numerical aperture (NA)
  202. ohmic contact
  203. optical cavity
  204. optical communications
  205. optical fiber
    1. multi-mode
  206. optical pumping
  207. optical signal processing
  208. oscillators
    1. coupled
    2. ring
  210. packaging
  211. parasitic capacitance
  212. passivation
  213. permittivity
  214. personal computer (PC)
  215. phase transition
  216. phonons
  217. phosphorus (P)
  218. photodetectors
    1. double-quantum well infrared
    2. quantum well infrared
    3. quantum well reconfigurable
  219. photoluminescence (PL)
  220. photon
  221. photonic crystal
  222. photonics
  223. photoreceptors
  224. photovoltaics (PV)
  225. piezoelectricity
  226. piezoelectric transducer
  227. pinch-off
  228. planarization
  229. plasma
  230. plasmonics
  231. positron emission tomography (PET)
  232. potential barrier
  233. potential well
  234. power dissipation
  235. power electronics
  236. power management
  237. propagation delay
  239. quantum cellular automata (QCA)
  240. quantum computation
  241. quantum confinement
  242. quantum dots (QDs)
    1. built-in charge
  243. quantum key
  244. quantum well (QW)
    1. multiple (MQW)
  245. quantum wire
  247. radiation
  248. radionuclide monitoring
  249. radiotherapy
  250. Raman scattering
  251. Raman spectroscopy
  252. rapid thermal annealing (RTA)
  253. Rayleigh scattering
  254. reactive ion etching (RIE)
  255. recombination
  256. rectifiers, active
  257. refractive index
  258. reliability
  259. resistance
  260. resolution
  261. resonant tunneling
    1. sequential tunneling
  262. resonator
    1. coupled
    2. microring
  263. response time
  264. reverse engineering
  266. saturation
    1. velocity
  267. scattering
  268. Schottky
    1. barrier
  269. self-assembly
  270. semiconductor laser. see laser
  271. semiconductors
    1. III-V
    2. group IV
    3. workfunction
  272. semimetals
  273. sensors
  274. network
  275. sequential tunneling. see resonant tunneling
  276. series resistance
  277. sheet density
  278. short channel effects
  279. shot noise
  280. silicon (Si)
    1. photonics
  281. silicon carbide (SiC)
  282. silicon dioxide (SiO{2})
  283. silicon-germanium (SiGe)
  284. silicon nitride (Si{3}N{4})
  285. silicon-on-insulator (SOI)
    1. fully-depleted
    2. ultra-thin
  286. single photon
  287. small-slope switch
  288. software
  289. solar cells
  290. sonication
  291. spectral engineering
  292. spin
    1. current
    2. injection
    3. wave
  293. spin-orbit interaction
  294. spin-torque oscillator (STO)
  295. spin transfer torque (STT)
  296. spintronics
  297. spin valve
  298. spontaneous emission
  299. Stark effect
  300. strain
    1. relaxation
  301. subthreshold slope
  302. subthreshold swing (SS)
  303. supercomputer
  304. superconductors
  305. superlattice
  306. switching
  307. synchronization
  308. synchronous electric charge extraction (SECE)
  309. system integration
  311. temperature
    1. growth
    2. sensing
  312. terahertz (THz)
  313. tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH)
  314. thermal budget
  315. thermal conductivity
  316. thermal stability
  317. thin film transistor (TFT). see transistor
  318. three-dimensional (3D) integration
  319. threshold
    1. voltage
  320. timing
  321. topological insulator
  322. transconductance
  323. transduction
    1. devices
  324. transfer characteristics
  325. transistor
    1. carbon nanotube (CNT)
    2. dual gate
    3. field-effect (FET)
    4. fin-FET
    5. gate-all-around
    6. heterojunction bipolar (HBT)
    7. high-electron mobility (HEMT)
    8. hot electron
    9. metal gate
    10. metal oxide semiconductor (MOSFET)
    11. multi-channel
    12. multi-gate (MuGFET)
      1. nanowire vertical
    13. omega gate (trigate)
    14. split-gate
    15. thin film (TFT)
    16. tunneling (TFET)
  326. transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs)
  327. trench
  328. tungsten (W)
  329. tunneling
    1. interband
    2. junction
    3. oxide
  330. two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG)
  332. valence band
  333. vanadium oxide (VO2)
  334. variability
  335. variable range hopping (VRH)
  336. vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL). see laser
  337. very large-scale integration (VLSI)
  339. wave
    1. plasma
    2. surface
    3. water
  340. wavefunction
  341. waveguide
    1. silicon
  342. wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
    1. DWDM
  343. weak localization (WL)
  344. wet etching
  345. wireless
  346. wiring
  348. x-ray diffraction (XRD)
  350. yield
  352. zinc oxide (ZnO)
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