680 Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology
Out Val: This is the location of the point along the graphs vertical axis, generally
calculated as property value. In the case of a Vector Uniform Curve, this
property will contain a V1 and V2 value representing the Min and M ax of
the output, respectively. Each of those value s will con ta in values for the X,
Y, and Z axes.
Arrive Tangent: Provides the angle of the outgoing tangent for the points for
both X and Y (min a nd max). Useful values range from about -150 to 150. In
the case of a Vector Uniform Curve, this property will contain a V1 and
V2 value representin g the Min and Max o f the output, r espectively. Each of
those values will contain values for the X, Y, and Z axes.
Leave Ta ngent: Provides the angle of the outgoing tangent for the point. Useful
values r ange from about -150 to 150.
InterpMode: Allows the user to choose betwe en a variety of interpolation modes
for th e curve.
Use Extremes: Indic ates that the values for Min and Max should be used as well,
rather than just the values between them.
Locked Axes Flags
EDVLF_None: No axes are locked.
EDVLF_XY: The Y-axis is locked to the X-axis value.
EDVLF_XZ: The Z-axis is locked to the X-axis value.
EDVLF_YZ: The Z-axis is locked to the Y-axis value.
EDVLF_XYZ: The Y-axis and Z-axis are locked to the X-axis value.
This type is the vector equivalent of the FloatParticleParam ty pe discussed above.
It allows a value to be manipulated via code, Blueprints, or Matinee [13].
Parameter Name: This is the name by which the parameter will be referenc ed
in c ode or in Blueprints scrip ting.
Min Input: Th is is the minimum value that can be pa ssed into the distribution,
typically via game code.
Max Input: This is the maximum value that can be passed into the distribution,
typically via game code.
Min Output: This is the minimum value that can be output into Cascade, as
mapped f rom the range of inputs.
Max Output: This is the maximum value that can be output into Cascade, as
mapped f rom the range of inputs.
ParamMode: This controls how the input values w ill be used. See the Param
Mode Flag table below.
Constant: This provides a default value for the system in the absence of any
Distributions in Unreal Engine 4 681
Locked Axes Flags
EDVLF_None: No axes are lo cked.
EDVLF_XY: The Y-axis is locked to the X-axis value.
EDVLF_XZ: The Z-axis is locked to the X-axis value.
EDVLF_YZ: The Z-axis is locked to the Y-axis value.
EDVLF_XYZ: The Y-axis and Z-axis are locked to the X-a xis value.
ParamMode Flag
DPM_Normal: Leave the in put value alone.
DPM_Abs: Use the absolute value of the input bef ore remapping.
DPM_Direct: Use the input value directly without remapping.
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