42 Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology
(a) (b)
FIGURE 2.12: (a) Placing a Light Source. (b) Locking the Viewport to Light Source.
19. Hold down the key L o n yo ur keyboard and Double-click somewhere in the
20. This will place a Point Light in the level (see Figure 2.12(a )).
21. Select the Point Light and make the following changes to its properties in the
Details rollout:
Light Name: PointLight3
Expand Light Section by Clicking on the H
Intensity: 10
Attenuation Radius: 4000
Use Inverse Square Falloff: Unchecked
22. This will create a light for you with its values set in such a way th at the lig ht will
fall off very gradua lly so th at you can see dark corners.
23. With the Light Source still selected, expand the Viewport Options. This looks
like a H on the upper le ft corner of the viewport (see Figure 2.12(b)).
24. From the Viewport Options menu, select the light source you created in the
previous steps from the Lock Viewport To Actor section (see Figure 2.12(b)).
25. This will lock the light to your viewport. From this point on, when you move
around in the viewport, you will have this light source attached to yo ur location,
as if you h ad a bright he adlight. You sho uld also see a lock icon
on the upper
left corner of th e persp ective viewport.
26. Save your level.
Introdu ction to Level Design in Unreal Technology 43
Now we are rea dy to add the interior geometry. We will first place stairs and the
second and third floors of our building in the South and Nor th Wings.
27. Navigate inside of the Lobby.
28. To place a staircase we will add an add itive Linear Stair Brush to the level. From
the Place mode in the upper left corner of the editor, find th e BSP ta b.
29. Locate the Linear Sta ir brush from the BSP mode and drag it into the level.
Assign the f ollowing prop erties to this box brush:
Brush Name: WestStairsLv1
Brush Type: Additive
Brush Shape: Linear Stair
Step Lengt h: 30
Step H eight: 20
Step Width: 200
Number of Steps: 15
30. Drag the WestStairsLv1 up along its Z-axis. Then press the End key on your
keyboard to snap it to the floor.
31. Drag the WestStairsLv1 brush y ou just created in the Scene Out-
liner and move it to the Level Geom etry Folder. Alternatively, you can
Right-click on the brush in the Scene Outliner, move your mouse over the
Move to Folder option f rom the popup menu, and select the Level Geometry
FIGURE 2.13: Aligning Landing and Stairs.
44 Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology
32. Locate the Box brush from the BSP mode and drag it into the level. Assign the
following properties to this box brush:
Brush Name: La n d ingLvl1
Brush Type: Additive
Brush Shape: Box
X: 200
Y: 2 00
Z: 20
33. Align the LandingLv1 with the WestStairsLv1 so tha t it will be just on top of
the last step and completely aligned with the wid th of the stairs (see Figure 2.13).
34. Drag the LandingLv1 brush you just created in the Scene Outliner and move
it to the Level Geometry Folder. Alternatively, you can R ight-click on the
brush in the Scene Outliner, move your mouse over the Move to Folder op-
tion from the popup menu, a nd select the Level Geometry folder.
35. Select the WestStairsLv1 brush, hold the Alt key on you r keyboard and drag
one of the horizontal axes of the gizmo to m ake a duplicate of this brush.
36. Rename this duplicate to EastS tairsLv1.
FIGURE 2.14: Aligning Landing and Both Stairs on the Ground Floor.
37. Rotate and align the EastStai rsLv1 with the other side of the LandingLv1
brush (see Figure 2 .14).
38. You might want to double-check your alignments in the Top (Al t+J), Front
(Alt+H), and Side (Alt+K) viewports for accu racy and then switch back to the
Perspective viewport (Alt+G). In order to be able to move in the Top, Front, and
Side viewports, yo u should unlock the light. A lternatively, you may move the light
in those viewports to pan your view.
39. Place another Linear Stair brush from the BSP mode and into the level. As-
sign the following properties to this box brush:
Introdu ction to Level Design in Unreal Technology 45
Brush Name: SouthStairsLv1
Brush Type: Additive
Brush Shape: Linear Stair
Step Lengt h: 30
Step H eight: 20
Step Width: 200
Number of Steps: 15
FIGURE 2.15: Aligning Landing and the South Stairs.
40. Rotate and move th e SouthStairsLv1 to align it with the LandingLv1 brush,
such that its first step is completely aligned with the top of the landing brush (see
Figure 2.15).
41. Drag the SouthStairsLv1 brush you just created in the Scene Out-
liner and move it to the Level Geom etry Folder. Alternatively, you can
Right-click on the brush in the Scene Outliner, move your mouse over the
Move to Folder option f rom the popup menu, and select the Level Geometry
42. Next we will have to align the stairs with the South Wing of our buildin g. To do
this, perform th e following steps:
a. Select the stair b rushes in this order: SouthStairsLv1, WestStairsLv1,
EastStairsLv1, a nd LandingLv1. This will give you the translation g iz mo
in such a way that you will be able to easily move all the selected brushes
b. Move the selected brush es on the horizontal axes until the South Stairs a re
completely aligned w ith the Wall of the South Wing (see Figure 2.16).
46 Game Development and Simulation with Unreal Technology
FIGURE 2.16: Aligning the Stairs with Walls.
With our stairs created and aligned with the walls, it is now time to cr eate the
floor f or the second level of ou r building. To do this, we will create additive
Box Brushes and align them with the top of the stairs. The process may be a bit
tricky, since the South Wing floor is going to be in the South Wing, while the
stairs are in the Lobby. To make this task easier, move the floor such tha t it will
cut into the Lobby, align it with the stairs, and then move it back all the way
into the South Wing.
43. Place a Box brush from the BSP mode into the level. Assign the following pro p-
erties to this box brush:
Brush Name: SouthWingFloorLv2
Brush Type: Additive
Brush Shape: Box
X: 2980
Y: 1 180
Z: 20
Hollow: Unc h e c ked
Align the SouthWingFloorLv2 brush with the top of the stairs as shown in Fig-
ure 2.17.
45. Drag the SouthWingFloorL v2 brush you just created in the Scene Out-
liner and move it to the Level Geometry Folder . Alternatively, you can
Right-click on the brush in the Scene Outliner, move your mouse over the
Move to Folder option from the popup menu, and select the Level Geometry
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