Tactics for Advertising

image Increasing Website Visibility. A website by itself is a tool rather than a tactic. You may wish to use your site primarily as an online brochure: sending visitors to it with other tactics rather than expecting it to attract traffic on its own. Or you can increase website traffic without paid ads by getting your site ranked more highly in search engines and local search directories. Building a site that includes relevant search terms in its text, and offers extra value with helpful articles, a blog, or other useful tools will improve your rank, and encourage others to link to your site.

image Pay-per-Click Advertising. You pay for these online ads each time someone clicks on one to visit your site. Costs can add up quickly, so evaluate your potential return carefully before choosing this option.

image Online Directories. Listing your business in directories used by your prospective clients can increase your visibility. Some directories charge a fee to list you; others are free.

image Print Directories. Use of general print directories like the Yellow Pages is waning, but consumers still turn to them in emergencies and for household services. Specialized directories for your industry or profession can be a better bet.

image Online Classifieds. Best used when your business serves consumers who may be regular users of classified services such as Craigslist. Ads can be free or paid. Your ad should be narrowly targeted and ask for an immediate response, perhaps with a special offer.

image Newspaper or Magazine Classifieds. May appear in the print edition, Web edition, or both. Track every response you get to see whether your ads are worth the investment.

image Banner Ads. For these display ads on websites, in e-zines, and via smartphone apps, you’ll typically pay a flat fee for a length of time or per issue. Be sure you know the number of viewers who will see your ad before you buy.

image Print Display Ads. Ads like these in newspapers, magazines, and trade journals are typically more for visibility than direct response. You usually need a big budget, and repeat advertising, to make them work.

image Event or Conference Programs. Another visibility booster that may need a big budget. Works best if people who already know your business will notice the ad.

image Unsolicited Bulk E-mail or Text Ads. Sending unsolicited bulk e-mail or text message ads (otherwise known as spam) to market your professional services is probably the least effective advertising tactic you could choose, and the most likely to annoy your prospects. Just don’t do it.

image Direct Mail. Postal mass mailings to people who don’t yet know you have nowhere near the impact of personal letters, and are often a waste of money. Consider narrowing your target group and using direct contact and follow-up tactics instead.

image Brochure or Flyer Distribution. Brochures and flyers can be used to develop interest with a targeted group. They can be left at a place of business your target audience frequents or posted on a bulletin board in your community.

image Radio or TV Ads. You need a substantial budget to go this route. Ads must be repeated to have any effect. If you do this, get professional help in scripting and producing your ad.

image Billboards. For professional services? Well, people have done it. You can probably find better ways to spend the money—like one of the other tactics already mentioned.

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