View options

In a Worksheet, the part that displays the visualization and contains the Headers, Axes, and Marks is called the View. When you right-click on the different elements of the View, you may find appealing options. The following screenshot is an example of the options available when you click on a Mark:

As before, you'll find here a list and description of the most useful options:

  • View Data opens a new window with, by default, a Summary of the displayed data, or the Full Data, which shows all the lines that are used to build the visualization. From the View Data window, you can also copy or export the current selection in a CSV.
  • Edit Locations... is available when the Mark has a geographical role and lets you configure the locations in a new window.
  • With Mark Label, you can force the Mark to always, or never, show the Label.
  • Annotate lets you add an annotation to a specific Mark, point, or area in the View. When you select one of the three options, Tableau opens the Edit annotation window, where you can customize the text. Adding an annotation is an excellent way to add context to your visualization. Here's an example of annotation:

  • Keep Only and Exclude are options that are available with a simple left-click on a Mark. Keep Only automatically adds a filter that includes only the value of the selected Mark. Exclude also adds a filter, but this time the filter excludes the selected value. Both options can be handy for focusing on the interesting values and eliminating mistakes in your data. 

If you right-click on an axis, you can edit it. Tableau opens the Edit Axis window, where you can configure many aspects of the axis such as the range, the scale, the titles, and the tick marks. Here's the Edit Axis configuration window:

Always remember that if you are searching for how to configure or edit something in Tableau, a simple right-click is almost always enough. 

A recurring option, available almost everywhere, is Format.

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