Publishing a Workbook

Publishing a Workbook is the best way to share your work. You can control who has access to your visualizations, and Tableau Server users have many ways of interacting with it. It's easy to publish a Workbook; in the Server menu, you have the Publish Workbook... option:

You can publish a Workbook without publishing the Data Source. In that case, the Data Source is embedded inside the Workbook. You can also plan a refresh for Workbooks with embedded Data Sources (with the condition that you integrate the credentials). 

When publishing a Workbook, a new window opens, as illustrated here:

In this window, you'll find similar options as when you publish a Data Source (choose the project, change the name, add a description and tags, set the Permissions, and schedule a refresh Extract). However, there are a few new options:

  • Select the visible Sheets (Worksheets, Dashboard, and Stories). The Sheets you decide not to publish are hidden, but still available if you open the Workbook in Tableau Desktop.
  • Decide whether you want to embed the data source inside the Workbook or publish it separately and automatically. You can also decide here to allow a refresh by embedding the credentials or not.
  • Show the different Sheets as tabs or not
  • Show the selections or not (usually not, unless you want to highlight specific information every time a user opens the Workbook)
  • Include external files or not (usually yes to include shapes and pictures)

To finish, let's go through a concrete example.

..................Content has been hidden....................

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