
If you Subscribe to a View or Workbook, you'll receive, at a chosen frequency, an email with snapshots of your visualizations. Like Alerts, it's a useful feature that allows you to receive insights directly into your inbox, without having to connect to Tableau Server. Each snapshot contains a link to the published visualizations, so if you spot something intriguing, click on the picture to automatically open the View in Tableau Server and start your analysis.

To subscribe, click on the Subscribe button in the toolbar and configure it on the window that opens. Here's an illustration of the Subscribe configuration window:

There are many interesting options in this window:

  • Define the Users and Groups who will receive the emails
  • Specify whether the Subscription is only for the current View or the entire Workbook (there will be a snapshot of every View in the Workbook in the email)
  • Specify the Schedule and repetition of the emails
  • Modify the Subject of the email and add a Message
  • Configure the Subscription not to send an email if the View is empty (in case of a problem during the refresh)
  • Add yourself to the Subscribed Users
  • Manage the subscriptions and add or remove Users

The next useful feature to discover is Download.

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