Community projects

This section is all about growing your Tableau skills. There are many projects created by the Community for the Community. Participating in those projects doesn't engage you in anything, you can only learn and become better. For the majority of those projects, people interact through Twitter, so I advise you to create an account to follow those projects. 

Here are some Community projects:

  • Viz For Social Good  #VizForSocialGood by Chloe Tseng: This project gives you the opportunity to work for non-profit organizations such as UNICEF and the United Nations. There is a new project almost every month, with a deadline to respect. You can register as a volunteer to be informed of new projects. At the end of every project, the non-profit organization chooses one visualization to feature on its communication channels. As Chloe says:
We help mission-driven organizations to promote social good and understand their own data through beautiful and informative data visualization.

Viz For Social Good was awarded a Silver for Community at the 2017 Information is Beautiful Awards. All the information that is required to join is mentioned here:

  • Make Over Monday  #MakeOverMonday—by Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel: Probably the most-followed project and the best way to practice your creativity in Tableau. Every Sunday they share a new dataset to visualize in Tableau. On Wednesday, there is a webinar where Eva and Andy review some visualizations (#MMVizReview) and, during the weekend, they publish a blog post with all the lessons learned and the favorite makeovers. The best definition is on their website:
Makeover Monday is your weekly learning and development appointment with yourself and hundreds of passionate data people. For free!
 You'll find all the information, data sets, and links here:
  • Workout Wednesday  #WorkOutWednesday—currently run by Rody Zachovich, Ann Jackson, Luke Stanke, Curtis Harris, and guests: The most challenging Community project. Every Wednesday, they share a new visualization and the Dataset required to reproduce it. The goal is to rebuild the same visualization. Of course, it's more difficult than you think. If Make Over Monday helps you practice the creativity, Workout Wednesday is all about technical challenges. As you can read on their website:
Workout Wednesday is a set of weekly challenges [...] designed to test your knowledge of Tableau and help you kick on in your development.

Find all the challenges at

There are other projects such as Data For a Cause #DataForACause ( by Olga Tsubiks, and Sports Viz Sunday #SportsVizSunday ( by Simon Beaumont and Spencer Baucke, that I invite you to follow.

As you can see, there are many ways to learn and become better at using Tableau. Maybe, after some time, you'll compete as an Iron Viz contestant, or you'll be recognized as one of the Ambassadors or Zen Masters. Don't know what I'm talking about? The next – and last  section explains everything.

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