About the author

Tristan Guillevin is a true data lover who likes to share his passion. He graduated from engineering school in 2015. During these years, he went to Burkina Faso to teach computer science in schools around the country. The will to share and help people never left him since then. He started his professional life as a consultant at Actinvision, where he discovered Tableau. Soon, data visualization became a passion that has taken him around the world. In 2017, he won the Iron Viz (the ultimate data visualization battle organized by Tableau every year) in Las Vegas. Since his winning, he helps people with Tableau by making webinars, conferences, blog articles, and finally, this book! He's currently working at Ogury as a business analyst.

First, I'd like to thanks my colleagues at Actinvision, Ogury and my friend, Maxime Baux, with whom I can share my passion. Of course, I would have never learned so much without the Tableau Community and amazing people like Eva Murray, Chloe Tseng, Jonni Walker, and Jade Le Van. Of course, a special thanks to Ivett Kovács and Dilyana Bossenz for reviewing this book. Finally, a huge thanks to my family and my love, Laura, for their daily support.
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