Itanium Architecture Implementation

The HP Itanium System Startup Service accelerates and simplifies the evaluation process and planning for future implementation of Itanium-based servers. It also provides this same service for the related hardware, operating systems, and software. As one of the two generators of the Itanium processor architecture, HP is well positioned to assist organizations in gaining the greatest advantage from the processor's implementation.

An expert engineer with Hewlett-Packard's Itanium System Startup Service typically delivers the new servers directly to a customer's site. Typically, the implementation has two major components. First, it contains system configuration assistance and orientation. Second, it provides for planning for future implementations of additional servers.

System configuration assistance covers integrating the new server into a customer's existing networks. This includes setting up the proper file structure, defining user profiles, allocating accounting procedures, interfacing storage systems, and establishing standard operational procedures. The HP engineer can also provide assistance for both installing and configuring the application software on the new Itanium-based server.

While on site, the HP engineer provides orientation and planning assistance to ensure that the Itanium processor technology is utilized quickly and efficiently. This part of the service gives the customer's IT staff knowledge about the unique capabilities of the Itanium processor and the operating system that are not available on other platforms. This has the benefit of leveraging HP's vast knowledge and development experience with the Itanium-based platform. It simplifies integration of the new Itanium-based server with existing networks and also provides the following additional benefits:

  • Customized configuration of the Itanium-based server and HP-UX or Linux operating system.

  • Orientation to Itanium technology for IT staff.

  • Planning document for migrating applications to Itanium-based servers.

Standard Implementation Services

IT performance is optimized by HP's Data Center Services through two main methods: improving existing IT facilities and building the physical aspects of new data centers. Although an overwhelming majority of businesses depend heavily on their IT infrastructure, it may be housed in a facility not designed for the solution components—for example, in areas that are prone to overheating or that have improper fire prevention equipment to safeguard the servers.

Often, IT organizations would like to build new data centers or improve existing ones to accommodate business growth, increased need for server power, or changes in the business structure. Companies adding new technology often need to remove or rearrange existing equipment, but may not have the time or expertise to tackle this type of project. Data Center Services assists in site preparation and verification. In these cases, HP reviews a computing environment for characteristics such as floor weighting, power, accessibility, and cooling to ensure that customers' equipment will operate properly over the long term.

Global Deployment Management Services

After a major new IT solution has been designed, the next need is to determine how it should be physically delivered and installed. The nature of the solution influences its complexity and the way the implementation should be managed. For example, client/server architectures, common desktop environments, site network set ups, and point-of-sale and messaging solutions often cannot be implemented all at one time.

This implementation model often requires repetitively building and installing a significant number of similar hardware and software configurations. Typically, these need to be customized for each client. They are then made available to many users in a planned and coordinated manner, across multiple sites, countries, and regions.

This deployment phase can then be highly complex and costly to handle, and includes many potential risks to the success of the total solution implementation phase. Hewlett-Packard works with customers with a dedicated set of global integration and installation services and capabilities that specifically address global volume solution rollout needs, which is especially helpful in cases when offices are geographically remote.

Integration, Onsite, and Relocation Services

The integration and installation services available at HP make it much easier for customers to develop and implement systemwide solutions. These services include solution verification, implementation model planning, and factory integration. This also allows for the staging, testing, and consolidation of Itanium hardware and software.

Customers that cannot tie up IT resources or those with limited staff often find it challenging to add new hardware to their computing environment. Luckily, HP's Onsite Services provide an answer to this dilemma. HP's experienced field installation teams offload IT staff while ensuring that equipment is up and running quickly and reliably.

HP Relocation Services offers complete management of equipment relocation activities at a single fixed price, an especially important point for cost-conscious clients. The relocation of IT systems or data centers can be as simple as moving a piece of equipment across the floor or as complicated as moving an entire data center overseas. In these cases, HP acts as the single point of contact and manages all diverse activities and complex resources necessary to successfully implement and conclude a customer's IT equipment relocation.

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