8.19 Roth IRA Advantages

As with traditional IRAs, earnings accumulate within a Roth IRA tax free until distributions are made. The key benefit of the Roth IRA is that tax-free withdrawals of contributions may be made at any time and earnings may be withdrawn tax free after a five-year holding period by an individual who is age 59½ or older, is disabled, or who pays qualifying first-time home-buyer expenses.

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Roth IRA Contribution Deadline
The deadline for making Roth IRA contributions for 2012 is April 15, 2013, the regular due date for your 2012 return. This is the contribution deadline even if you obtain a filing extension for your 2012 return.
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A Roth IRA can provide attractive retirement planning and estate planning opportunities. Although annual contributions to a traditional IRA are barred once you reach age 70½ (8.2), contributions to a Roth IRA are allowed after age 70½, provided you have taxable compensation for the year and your modified adjusted gross income does not exceed the annual limitation (8.20). Also, the minimum required distribution rules that apply to traditional IRAs after age 70½ (8.13) do not apply to Roth IRAs. Thus, a Roth IRA can remain intact after age 70½ and continue to grow tax free. The balance of the account not withdrawn during the owner’s lifetime generally may be paid out to the beneficiaries tax free over their life expectancies, thereby providing a substantial tax-deferred buildup within the plan over an extended period (8.24).

A Roth IRA is funded by making annual nondeductible contributions (subject to the income phaseout rule at 8.20), by converting a traditional IRA, SEP or SIMPLE IRA, or rolling over a distribution from an employer plan, but the conversion or rollover to the Roth IRA is treated as a taxable transfer, as discussed at 8.21.

Your employer can set up a “deemed Roth IRA” as a separate account under a qualified retirement plan. As long as the separate account otherwise meets the Roth IRA rules, you can make voluntary employee contributions that will be subject only to the Roth IRA rules. A deemed IRA can also be set up as a traditional IRA (8.1).

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