19.5 Dues and Subscriptions

You may deduct as miscellaneous itemized deductions, subject to the 2% AGI floor on Schedule A, dues paid to a:

  • Professional society if you are a salaried lawyer, accountant, teacher, physician, or other professional
  • Trade association when conducted for the purpose of furthering the business interests of its members
  • Stock exchange if you are a securities dealer
  • Community “booster” club conducted to attract tourists and settlers to the locality where the members do business
  • Chamber of Commerce if it is conducted to advance the business interests of its members

Union costs.

Union members may deduct as “miscellaneous” itemized deductions union dues and initiation fees. Similarly, non-union employees may deduct monthly service charges to a union. An assessment paid for unemployment benefits is deductible if payment is required as a condition of remaining in the union and holding a union job. Voluntary payments to a union unemployment benefit or strike fund are not deductible.

No deduction is allowed for mandatory contributions to a union pension fund applied toward the purchase of a retirement annuity; the contributions are treated as the cost of the annuity. Furthermore, to the extent that an assessment covers sick, accident, or death benefits payable to you or your family, it is not deductible. Similarly, an assessment for a construction fund to build union recreation centers was disallowed by the Tax Court, even though the payment was required for keeping the job.

Campaign costs for running for union office are not deductible.


Subject to the 2% AGI floor, you may claim as miscellaneous itemized deductions unreimbursed payments for job-related subscriptions to professional journals and trade magazines.

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