35.3 Deductions for Armed Forces Personnel

Members of the Armed Forces may deduct the items listed below as miscellaneous itemized deductions subject to the 2% adjusted gross income (AGI) floor (19.1):

  • Board and lodging costs over those paid to you by the government while on temporary duty away from your home base.
  • Costs of rank insignia, collar devices, gold braids, etc., and the cost of altering rank insignia when promoted or demoted.
  • Contributions to a “Company” fund made according to Service regulations. But personal contributions made to stimulate interest and morale in a unit are not deductible.
  • Court martial legal expenses in successfully defending against the charge of conduct unbecoming an officer.
  • Dues to professional societies. But you may not deduct dues for officers’ and noncommissioned officers’ clubs.
  • Expense of obtaining increased retirement pay.
  • Out-of-pocket moving expenses incurred because of a permanent change of station. Eligible expenses are deductible on Form 3903 without having to meet the generally required 50-mile and 39-week tests (12.3).
  • Subscriptions to professional journals.
  • Transportation, food, and lodging expenses while on official travel status. But you are taxed on mileage and per diem subsistence allowance.
  • Uniforms. The cost and cleaning of uniforms are deductible if: (1) they must be worn on duty; (2) they cannot under military regulations be worn off duty; and (3) the cost exceeds any tax-free clothing allowance.
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image Filing Tip
Away From Home Base
If your ship or squadron is away from your “home” port or base, you may be able to deduct travel expenses while away. However, you are not considered “away from home” if you are at your permanent duty station or you are a naval officer assigned to permanent duty aboard a ship; see also 20.6.
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