Importing and Using Graphics and Templates

To start laying out graphics and progressing in the next exercise, you need to get all the graphics and associated files into your site structure. Although there are a number of ways to bring these files into your site structure, many of them can be problematic.

It’s important to carefully follow the examples and instructions in the following exercise. The recommended method that is presented in the next exercise will ensure that Expression Web 2 recognizes what you’re bringing in and can keep track of the locations of these files. Expression Web 2 will also recognize the files’ physical size, file size, and date of last modification, among other things.

In this exercise, you will import graphics and use them in an HTML page.


For the following exercise, you need a graphics template. It can be from a commercial site such as one of those mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, or you can have one that you created yourself using your preferred graphics editor. Either way, graphics editors generally export your work under the same paradigm: they output an HTML file and sliced graphics to a folder.



USE the CH7 site that you created in the preceding exercise.

OPEN the CH7 site, if it isn’t already open.

  1. In the Folder List, click the root folder. On the File menu, point to Import, and then click File.

  2. In the Import dialog box that opens, click Add Folder. In the File Open dialog box, navigate to the DocumentsMicrosoft PressExpression Web 2 SBSFilesCH7template folder, and then click Open.

    The Import dialog box now displays all of the files inside the CH7template folder.

  3. Click OK to import the folder and all of the files it contains.

  4. In the Folder List, double-click the newly imported CH7template folder to expose the files it contains. Double-click the index.htm file within it and examine the layout.


    Although you cannot use this layout file for your template, it is valuable because you can use it to see what size the images are. You can also check the file size of the overall page in the lower-right corner of your design area. Split view is particularly helpful in this situation.

  5. Open the layout.htm file that you created in the preceding exercise.

    The first thing you need to do is appropriately style the #container DIV element.

  6. In the index.htm file, locate BGcontainer.jpg. This graphic is 750 pixels wide and 60 pixels high. Switch to the layout.htm file, and on the quick tag selector bar, click div#container.

  7. In the CSS Properties task pane, expand the background entry, click background-image, click the ellipsis button (. . .), and in the CH7template folder, click the BGcontainer.jpg file, and then click Open.

  8. In the CSS Properties task pane, set the background-repeat value to repeat-y.



    To make the following steps easier from a visual-aid perspective, on the View menu, turn on Visual Aids: Block Selection, Visible Borders, Empty Containers, Margins And Padding, and Template Region Labels. You may also find some visual assistance if you also turn on Formatting Marks: Positioned Absolute and Aligned Elements.

  9. Change the width value to 750px.

  10. In the layout.htm file, select the top DIV element, which has the CSS ID masthead.

    This DIV element uses the top image on the template page, BGbanner.jpg, which has a width of 750 pixels and a height of 105 pixels.

  11. In the CSS Properties task pane, find the background-image entry, and then select BGbanner.jpg, and click Open. Set the background-repeat value to no-repeat, the height to 105px, and the width to 750px.

  12. In the Code pane, click the bottom DIV element. In the CSS Properties task pane, click the ellipsis button (. . .) for the background-image value, and then, in the CH7template folder, double-click the BGbottom.jpg file.

  13. Set the background-repeat value to no-repeat, the height to 60px, and the width to 750px. Save the page, and preview it in a browser.

    The key page areas now have appropriate background images, and what was once an empty page is now beginning to have the appearance of a "real" Web page.

  14. Return to Expression Web 2, and then click the DIV element with a CSS ID of top_nav. In the CSS Properties task pane, click the ellipsis button (. . .) for the background-image value, and then double-click BGcontainer.jpg in the CH7template folder.

  15. Set the background-repeat value of this DIV element to no-repeat, the width to 750px, and the height to 20px.

  16. In the Code pane, click the DIV element with a CSS ID of left_col. In the CSS Properties task pane, change the left value from 0px to 25px.


    The DIV element moves to the right 25 pixels so that navigation or content in the DIV element will be clear of the shadow area at the edge of the container.

  17. In the Code pane, click the DIV element with a CSS ID of page_content. In the CSS Properties task pane, change the margin-left value from 200px to 225px to make up for the movement of the adjacent left_col DIV element that you modified in step 16.


    This concludes the process of inserting graphics into an HTML template as backgrounds for the DIV elements so that you can place content into them.

  18. Save your page, and preview it in a browser for a final check.



BE SURE TO leave the CH7 site open for use in the next exercise.

CLOSE any open Internet Explorer windows.

If you were actually creating a site, you’d still have work to do, such as styling the text that falls into the content area, designing and styling the links in the top navigation, and all kinds of other things. Taking you through each individual facet of CSS design is beyond the scope of this book, but you can easily use the lessons in previous chapters to enhance the design of this template. The preceding chapters contain examples of using cascading style sheets for navigation, content, lists, and other page elements.

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