Chapter 3. Getting Started with Microsoft Office Live Small Business


  • Learn the system requirements for Microsoft Office Live Small Business.

  • Create your Office Live Small Business account.

  • Take a look around the Office Live Small Business window.

  • Get to know the Office Live Small Business services.

  • Set up your Web site account.

  • Work with domains.

  • Create e-mail accounts.

  • Work with Account Settings.

  • Find out where to go for help.

IT SEEMS like every big decision we make involves some kind of a leap of faith. You had a good idea for a business. Then what? Perhaps you talked to a few people or did a little daydreaming. You may have done a thorough analysis of the marketing and developed a strategy for carving out your niche. Or you may—like many of us—have been so excited, so pumped up with creative energy that you simply gathered your ideas and jumped in with both feet.

Starting a new business is an exciting, hopeful endeavor, and, as you no doubt have discovered by now, it has its challenges of doubt and worry. Getting the right supports set firmly underneath your new enterprise is an important part of ensuring its long-term success. This chapter shows you how to add a major player to your support team by signing up for Microsoft Office Live Small Business and getting Web space and e-mail accounts established. And the best part is that using Office Live Small Business doesn’t require a big leap or an investment of time and resources that you don’t have. You can get started easily—right now—for free.

System Requirements for Office Live

First things first. What type of system do you need to run Office Live Small Business?

Part of the beauty of this online service is that it provides a huge amount of support without requiring a lot from you. (And for most of us who run small businesses, that’s good news!) You don’t need to add memory, storage space, hardware devices, or fancy gadgetry. Because the program is Web based, the processes that impact whether or not the system works effectively are all housed online, along with your data files, contacts, and more.

You will need the following items to access and work with Office Live Small Business (but, hopefully, these are things you’ve already got in place):

  • A computer (desktop PC, laptop, or mobile device) with Internet access

  • Windows Internet Explorer 6.0, Windows XP or Windows Vista, or Mozilla Firefox


The Market Share report published in November 2007 by Net Applications, a market research group, says that 78.3 percent of all Web browsing in the United States is done from Windows XP. Windows Mobile devices accounted for a 0.6 percent share, although with the growing adoption of Windows Vista and improved access for mobile devices, those percentages are sure to change.[7]

[7] Net Applications. Market Share, November 2007. Available online at

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