Chapter 6. Debugging

In this chapter, we will cover:

  • Debug messages
  • Using IE for tracing and debugging
  • Debugging using Visual Studio
  • Error logging
  • Using Fiddler with CRM


As we start working with various scripts to customize our Dynamics CRM 2011 environment, we soon realize that we're not perfect, and we make mistakes. We've looked at handling errors dynamically in previous chapters. This time we will take a closer look at debugging. We are faced with various options for debugging. Each person is different, and each will have a different style of working with code. One thing is for sure though, at some point or another we all need to debug our code.


This chapter presents various ways of debugging. For some of the scenarios, we don't need anything more than a browser. For other scenarios we present tools that might come with a price tag. Most developers will have access to these, but if you don't, it's safe to skip those particular sections.

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