

Adaboost, see Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost)

Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost), 34, 36, 44; see also Classifiers

Adaptive data-hiding method, 220; see also Image steganographic schemes, VQ-based

Adobe PhotoshopTM, 297

Affine-invariant interest point detector, 52

Alattar’s method, 120

ANN, see Artificial neural network (ANN)

AR coefficients, see Autoregressive coefficients (AR coefficients)

Arnold’s cat map, 100; see also Pseudo-random pixel rearrangement algorithm

image rearrangement, 111

multiplication time complexity, 110

transformation, 110, 111

Artificial neural network (ANN), 301

Autoregressive coefficients (AR coefficients), 301


Bag-of-feature method, 55, 56; see also Image categorization

Bayesian classifier, 58

Bag of words (BoW), 7

model, 32

Bagging, 33

Bayesian classifier, 58

Bayesian formula, 58

BBCM, see Block-based chaotic map (BBCM)

Behavior modeling of human objects, see Human behavior modeling

BER, see Bit error rate (BER)

Bi-normal separation (BNS), 32

Bit error rate (BER), 248, 260

Bits per pixel (bpp), 116, 136

Black NC (BNC), 150

Block-based chaotic map (BBCM), 86, 87; see also Digital watermarking

block size and local image similarity, 88

for changing pixel, 86

transformed image and significant coefficients, 86, 87

Block-based fragile watermarking system, 181; see also Digital watermarking; Fragile watermarking

cyclic redundancy checksum, 183

experimental results, 191197

extension to color images, 189191

lookup table generation, 184185

methodology comparison, 183184

proposed method, 185

related work, 183

tamper detection, 186189

tampered blocks recovery, 189

vector quantization attack, 183

watermark embedding, 185186

Block size and local image similarity, 88

BNC, see Black NC (BNC)

BNS, see Bi-normal separation (BNS)

Boolean functions, 149

Boosting, 33; see also Adaptive Boosting (Adaboost)

BoW, see Bag of words (BoW)

bpp, see Bits per pixel (bpp)

Broadcast media

CF removal, 7

duplicate videos sharing, 4

Burt Table, 3839


CA, see Correspondence analysis (CA)

Camera-captured image, 301

CDF, see Cumulative distribution function (CDF)

CF chronological distribution, 9

Asahi Breweries, 11

Daihatsu Tanto Exe, 12

CFs, see Commercial films (CFs)

CFS, see Correlation-based feature selection (CFS)

Chan et al.’s scheme, 128130, 131

Chang et al.’s codebook clustering-based scheme, 132

for embedding one bit of secret data, 132

for embedding two bits of secret data, 133

limitation, 134

Chaos, 86, 314; see also Chaos-based hash function

merits of, 314

to protect image security, 343; see also Self-synchronizing method

theory, 86

Chaos-based hash function, 314

algorithm, 315, 317

changeable-parameter and self-synchronizing keystream, 317

collision resistance analysis, 321322

detection hash performance, 318

diffusion and confusion statistic analysis, 319321

grouping and processing, 316

hash value sensitivity, 318319

hash values, 316317

implementation and flexibility, 324325

localization hash performance, 322323

modification detection and localization capabilities, 317

padding, division, and preprocessing, 315316

parallel mode, 317

performance analysis, 317318

preliminaries, 314

security of key, 323324

speed analysis, 324

Chaotic cryptography, 318

Chaotic image encryption scheme, 343344; see also Self-synchronizing method

Chaotic map, 87

Chaotic systems, 314

toral automorphism, 86

CHI, see Chi-square measure (CHI)

Chi-square measure (CHI), 32, 35

Chromosome, 170, 259; see also Genetic algorithm (GA); Genetic algorithm-based breaking methodology

fixed-length, 171172

length and QF values, 171

pixel value adjustment, 260

variable-length, 172, 173

Classifiers, 33, 34; see also Video concept classification

Adaboost, 36

in bag-of-feature method, 58

Bayesian, 58

DT, 36

JRip, 36

k-NN, 37

learning, 36

MCA-based, 37

Naive Bayes, 36

SVM, 58

traditional, 33

Codebook, 55, 217

clustering, 135

clustering-based scheme, 132

construction algorithm, 55, 56

DES-encrypted, 239

encrypted, 238

small state, 232

state, 134

VQ, 219, 221

Commercial film mining, 7; see also Commercial films (CFs); Multimedia duplicate mining

application, 7

Asahi Breweries CF chronological distribution, 11

background, 78

Daihatsu Tanto Exe CF chronological distribution, 12

knowledge discovery, 9, 10, 11

recurring fragment pairs, 9

temporal recurrence hashing algorithm, 89, 10

Commercial films (CFs), 4, 78

cluster, 8

fragment, 8

mining, see Commercial film mining monitoring, 4, 7

recurring fragment pairs, 9

removal, 7

sequence, 8

Compression ratio, 136

Computational forensics, 327, see Video forensics

advantages, 327328

Computer images, 203

Content-based image retrieval, 52

Content-based video copy detection, 26

Copies, see Near duplicates copy–cover, 302

copy–cover image forgery detection, 298, 302

DCT domain method, 305

experimental results, 305

lexicographical sorting, 304

PCA domain method, 304

robustness, 307310

spatial domain method, 305

statistical domain method, 305

Copy-paste (CP), 166

Correlation-based feature selection (CFS), 34, 35

Correspondence analysis (CA), 37

Cover-object, 258

CP, see Copy-paste (CP)

CP attack, 175, 176

CRC, see Cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC) Criminisi’s algorithm, 276, 277; see also Image inpainting

confidence term, 278

data term, 278

drawback of, 284

priority value, 278

result of applying, 286, 289

single iteration of, 277

Cross dimensional indexing, 18, 1921

Cryptographic hash function, 314; see also Chaos-based hash function

Cryptography, 219, 245, 257; see also Hashing; Image steganography; Steganography

Cumulative distribution function (CDF), 40

Cyclic redundancy checksum (CRC), 169170, 183


Data encryption, 216

Data hiding, 115; see also Reversible data-hiding techniques

capacity, 116

conflicting factors in, 117

difference image-based, 124

lossless, 135, 136

nibble-based, 121

Data mining, 31

WEKA, 36

Data transmissions security, 216

db, see Decibels (db)

DBN, see Dynamic Bayesian network (DBN)

DCT, see Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

DE, see Differential evolution (DE)

DE-based techniques, see Difference expansion-based techniques (DE-based techniques)

Decibels (db), 174

Decision Tree (DT), 33

classification results of, 45

as classifier, 36, 44

comparison of best F1_scores, 47

Degree of freedom, 40

Description length (DL), 36

Descriptor database, 67

DFT, see Discrete Fourier transform (DFT)

Difference expansion-based techniques (DE-based techniques), 117; see also Reversible data-hiding techniques

development history, 120122

experimental results, 121

nibble-based data-hiding scheme, 121

overflow and underflow problem, 120

Thodi and Rodriguez’s PEE scheme, 118120

Tian’s DE scheme, 118, 120

Difference image-based data-hiding scheme, 121; see also Data hiding; Reversible data-hiding techniques

Difference-of-Gaussian detection method (DoG detection method), 52

Differential evolution (DE), 246, 248, 255; see also Differential evolution-based algorithm

algorithm, 249251

application procedure, 251

for breaking the VSS, 247248

concept, 248249

flowchart, 250

method of, 248

vector, 252

Differential evolution-based algorithm, 245; see also Differential evolution (DE)

experimental results, 251255

and image steganography, 248

objective function, 248

stego-image generation, 247

VSS methodology breaking for, 247248

Digital images; see also Digital watermarking; Image categorization; JPEG images authentication; Reversible data-hiding techniques

data hiding in images, 216

manipulation, 297

security of, 343; see also Self-synchronizing method

software used for, 297

Digital images authentication, see JPEG images authentication

Digital media types, 215

Digital signature, 165

drawbacks, 165166

Digital steganographic schemes, 215; see also Steganography; Vector quantization (VQ)

based on VQ codebook modification, 221

data-embedding procedure, 230

experimental results, 223227, 230235, 238

SOC algorithm, 229

at transmitter, 221, 223

visually imperceptible image scheme based on VQ, 235243

by VQ and LSB modification, 221227

VQ-based image, 216217, 219

in VQ-compressed domain of image, 227235

Digital steganography, 216, 245; see also Digital steganographic schemes

Digital watermark

requirements, 68

types, 68

Digital watermarking, 67, 85, 141, 166, 202, 219, 257, 299; see also Dual watermarking scheme; Image steganography; JPEG images authentication; Visible watermarking; Watermark

block-based chaotic map, 8688

complete fragile, 142

domain-based watermarking techniques, 85, 86

embedding procedure, 90, 92

experimental results, 92

extracting strategy, 91, 93

fragile watermarking, 166

LBP operator and its extensions, 143, 161162

LSB method, 142

multilevel watermarking based on LBP operators, 156

patchwork methods, 142

progress, 142

proposed watermarking algorithm, 89

reference register, 8889

robust watermarking, 166, 182

robustness experiment, 94, 95, 96

semi-fragile, 142, 166, 182

spatial, 148

spatial-domain techniques, 166

spread-spectrum modulation techniques, 142

threshold effects under JPEG compression, 97

types, 166, 182

Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), 85; see also Integer wavelet transform (IWT); Digital images; Discrete Fourier transform (DFT); Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)

based methods (DCT-based methods), 68

example of, 87, 89

extracting strategy, 93

Discrete Cosine Transform domain method, 305

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), 142; see also Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

Discrete wavelet transform (DWT), 142; see also Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

DL, see Description length (DL)

DoG detection method, see Difference-of-Gaussian detection method (DoG detection method)

Domain-based watermarking techniques, 85; see also Digital watermarking

frequency-domain watermarking, 86

wavelet-domain watermarking algorithm, 86

Dropping effect, 279280

DT, see Decision Tree (DT)

Dual-watermarking scheme, 182; see also Fragile watermarking

drawbacks, 182183

Duplicate videos, 4, 6

mining, 5

DWT, see Discrete wavelet transform (DWT)

Dynamic Bayesian network (DBN), 374


EA, see Evolutionary algorithm (EA)

EBR, see Error bit rate (EBR)

Eigenvector centrality, 1517

Electronic watermark, see Digital watermark EM approach, see Estimation maximization approach (EM approach)

Error bit rate (EBR), 150, 151

and contrast adjustment, 155, 159

and JPEG compression, 155, 156, 159

and luminance linear transformation, 154, 159

and noise, 154, 158

and rotation, 156

Error measures, 251

ES, see Evolution strategy (ES)

Estimation maximization approach (EM approach), 368

Evolution strategy (ES), 246

Evolutionary algorithm (EA), 248; see also Genetic algorithm (GA)

Exact copy, see Exact duplicate Exact duplicate, 5

Exact duplicate mining, 5; see also Multimedia duplicate mining (MDM); Near-duplicate mining

Exclusive OR operator (XOR operator), 149, 197, 248, 263, 316

Expandable pixel, 120, 126

location map, 128

EzStego, 210; see also Steganography software


Fallahpour and Sedaaghi’s method, 124; see also Histogram shifting-based techniques (HS-based techniques)

False acceptance ratio (FAR), 172, 174

under attacks, 178

FAR, see False acceptance ratio (FAR)

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 207; see also Multilayer fractional Fourier transform (MLFFT)

Fourier-moment-based image registration, 75

in MATLAB, 207

Fast quantization

FDSS, see Frequency-domain steganalytic systems (FDSS)

Feature extraction, 52; see also Image categorization

affine-invariant interest point detector, 52

group activity recognition, 375, 377

Harris-Laplace detector, 52

high-level, 34

for image and video processing, 359

in multimedia content analysis, 358, 375

rotation matrix, 53

SIFT, 5354

social network analysis, 376

TRECVID videos, 38

Feature selection techniques, 32, 34; see also Video concept classification

categories, 34

CFS, 35

embedded methods, 34

filter methods, 3435

I-Relief method, 35

multivariate methods, 35

nonranker method, 3536

ranker method, 36

univariate methods, 35

wrappers, 34

Feedback sets, 15

FFT, see Fast Fourier transform (FFT)

Fingerprint, 5; see also Near-duplicate mining

in criminal investigations, 328329

errors, 5

temporal information capturing, 8

Fitness function, 170, 259, 260; see also Genetic algorithm (GA)

Fixed embedding methods, 221

Fixed-length chromosome procedure, 171172

Foreground, 70

Forensic science training process, 328329; see also Computational forensics; Video forensics

Fourier-based image registration, 72; see also Iterative refinement process; Visible watermarking

algorithm, 75

Fourier-moment-based image registration algorithm, 75

log-polar transform, 72

moment matching approach, 7475

rigid transform relationship, 7274

translation vector, 73

Fragile watermarking, 166, 182; see also Block-based fragile watermarking system; Digital watermarking

blockwise-dependent techniques, 182

blockwise-independent techniques, 182

complete, 142

drawback, 300

dual-watermarking scheme, 182183

Lin et al scheme, 182

semi, 142, 166

uncompressed image authentication, 166

Frequency domain, 204; see also Spatial domain; Image steganography

cover image, 129, 266

reversing, 130

watermarking, 68, 86, 142

Frequency-domain steganalytic systems (FDSS), 209; see also Spatial-domain steganalytic system (SDSS)

function of, 209, 246

GA-based breaking algorithm on, 264

Frequency-domain watermarking, 86


GA, see Genetic algorithm (GA)

Gaussian blurring, 309

Gaussian integer, 100, 106; see also Pseudorandom pixel rearrangement algorithm

algorithm for finding Gaussian integer generators, 103

cryptoimmunity of the rearrangement algorithm, 108

Gaussian primes, 100101

generator, 103

left-to-right binary exponentiation algorithm, 102

modulo (mod) operation, 101

multiplication algorithm, 101

natural number, 100

pixel rearrangement, 103105

proof of algorithm validity, 106

Gaussian primes, 100101

Gaussian process dynamical model (GPDM), 359

group activity recognition, 377378

trajectory learning, 365

Genetic algorithm (GA), 207, 208, 246, 259; see also Genetic algorithm-based breaking methodology

complexity of, 270

on the JFDSS, 266

operations, 261

recombination strategy of, 261262

stego-image generated by, 267

Genetic algorithm-based breaking algorithm on SDSS, 262; see also Genetic algorithm-based breaking methodology

experimental results, 268

stego-image generation, 262

Genetic algorithm-based breaking methodology, 259; see also Genetic algorithm-based breaking algorithm on SDSS

chromosome containing 64 genes, 259260

complexity analysis, 270271

crossover, 261

on FDSS, 264266, 269270

fitness function, 260

mutation, 261

recombination strategy, 261

reproduction, 260

on VSS, 266

Genetic algorithm-based watermark-embedding method, 167; see also JPEG images authentication

authentication information generation, 168169, 169

block adjustment, 171

chromosome evaluation objective function, 170171

chromosome substitution in original block, 170

cyclic redundancy checksum, 169170

fixed-length chromosome, 171172

GA adjustment, 170

procedure to adjust block, 169

variable-length chromosome, 172, 173

watermark-embedding procedure, 167168

GIMPTM(GNU Image Manipulation Program), 297

GNU Image Manipulation Program, see GIMPTM(GNU Image Manipulation Program)

GPDM, see Gaussian process dynamical model (GPDM)


Haar digital wavelet transform (HDWT), 125; see also Reversible data-hiding techniques

Chan et al.’s scheme, 128130, 131

Harris-Laplace detector, 52

Hash functions, see Fingerprint Hashing, 314; see also Chaos-based hash function

conventional algorithm, 325

temporal recurrence algorithm, 89

HCPs, see High-curvature points (HCPs) HDWT, see Haar digital wavelet transform (HDWT)

HGPDM, see Hierarchical Gaussian process dynamical model (HGPDM)

Hidden Markov model-based method (HMM-based method), 380

Hiding capacity, 116, 239; see also Data hiding

Alattar’s method, 120

HS-based reversible data-hiding method, 124

Kamstra and Heijmans’ scheme, 126

solving problem of inefficient, 236

Hierarchical Gaussian process dynamical model (HGPDM), 361, 364, 371; see also Gaussian process dynamical model (GPDM); Human motion change detection

classification algorithm, 368

creation, 362

experimental results, 369371, 372

focus, 362


human interaction modeling, 361

human motion training in, 364

optimization, 365366

with particle filter, 366

with particle filter in testing phase, 366

particle filtering, 362364, 381

Hierarchical Gaussian process latent variable model (HGPLVM), 359

High-curvature points (HCPs), 333

edge features and gradient information histogram, 334

High-density sampling, 5

Histogram of orientfed gradient (HOG), 358, 360

Histogram shifting-based techniques (HS-based techniques), 122; see also Reversible data-hiding techniques

development history, 124125

difference image-based data-hiding scheme, 124125

experimental results, 125

Fallahpour and Sedaaghi’s method, 124

Ni et al’s HS scheme, 122124

HMM-based method, see Hidden Markov

model-based method (HMM-based method)

HOG, see Histogram of oriented gradient (HOG)

Horizontal wavelet transform (HWT), 118

of cover image, 126

HS-based techniques, see Histogram shifting-based techniques (HS-based techniques)

Hu’s scheme, see Virtual image cryptosystem

Human activity recognition methods, 373; see also Human group behavior analysis

intergroup and intragroup interaction, 374

non-target-oriented methods, 373374

target-oriented methods, 374

tracking, 374

Human behavior modeling, 358; see also Human group behavior analysis; Human motion change detection

challenges, 359

discussions and future directions, 381382

feature categorization, 359

Human group behavior analysis, 372; see also Human activity recognition methods; Human motion change detection; Human behavior modeling

adaptive mean-shift tracking, 375376

approaches for, 374

BEHVAE dataset results, 379380

centrality histogram, 377

conditional probability calculation, 378

experimental results, 378

GPDM creation, 378

GPDM selection with highest conditional probability, 378

group activity recognition framework, 375

human group behavior modeling, 377

IDIAP dataset results, 380381

middle-level features, 361

model parameters initialization, 378

motion histogram, 376

small group activity recognition, 377378

small group clustering, 376

social network-based feature extraction, 376377

statistical shape theory, 374

Human motion change detection, 361; see also Hierarchical Gaussian process dynamical model; Human group behavior analysis; Human behavior modeling

human motion trajectory data extraction, 365

importance weight equation, 369

latent space motion classification and change detection, 363, 367368

leaf node latent space particle, 364

model parameters initialization, 362

particle filter framework initialization, 363, 366367

particle filter tracking and update, 368

probabilistic mapping determination, 364

and tracking framework, 363

trained running latent space, 367

trajectory learning model on leaf node, 365

weight updating, 364

Human visual system (HVS), 68, 142

HVS, see Human visual system (HVS)

HWT, see Horizontal wavelet transform (HWT)


IBPC method, see Intersection-based pixels collection method (IBPC method)

IDCT, see Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT)

IEM, see Information entropy maximization (IEM)

IG, see Information gain (IG); InGroup (IG)


distance measure, 6

domain, see Spatial domain

editing software, 297

Image authentication

fragile watermarking scheme for, 182

watermarking for, 299

for uncompressed images, 166

Image categorization, 51; see also Bag-of-feature method

applications, 51

classification rate for each run, 61

confusion matrix with SVM, 62

experimental results, 6063

feature extraction and description, 5254

image categories used, 56, 57

K-means clustering and nearest neighbor quantization, 56

linear soft-margin SVMs, 58

major runs, 60

multi-class SVMs, 5960

nearest-neighbor classification, 58

object categorization, 5455

result comparison, 61

Image compression, 203; see also Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

application of, 216

codebook, 228

encoding and decoding modules, 217

JPEG, 207

lossless compression, 203

lossy compression, 203204

PSNR, 253

Image forgery, 298

copy–cover, 298, 302, 303

detection, 307

Gaussian blurring, 309

image splicing, 300

Image inpainting, 275, 277; see also Criminisi’s algorithm

algorithm and associated problems, 279281

artifact reduction, 285

conventional, 337

dropping effect, 279280

dynamic searching range, 283285

experimental results, 285

image filling processing, 280, 283

of large missing area, 275276

man-made images evaluation, 294295

natural image results, 288293

patch-based, 338

proposed algorithm, 281

searching range expansion process, 284

structure priority value, 281283

target region shape influence analysis, 286288

Image manipulation, 206

Image-processing operations, 151, 152, 158, 162

Image quality measure (IQM), 246, 258

IQM-SDSS, 264, 268

stego-image on, 263

Image splicing, 300

camera-captured images and step-like edge transitions, 301

trace detection algorithm, 301302

Image steganographic schemes, VQ-based, 216, 219; see also Digital steganographic schemes

adaptive data-hiding method, 220

on compressed domain of images, 220

data embedding by LSB substitution, 218219

fixed embedding methods, 221

search-order-coding algorithm, 217218

vector quantization, 216218

Image steganography, 216, 221; see also Digital steganographic schemes; Digital watermarking; Steganalysis

classifications, 204

comparison, 252

on compressed domain of images, 220

DE algorithm and, 248

purpose of, 219

scheme, 220

Index table, 133

compact, 220

underlined index, 132

Inductive learning algorithms, 36

Information entropy maximization (IEM), 37

Information gain (IG), 32

Information hiding, 67, 215; see also Digital watermarking; Steganography

cover image pixel value, 219

formula, 237

issue in modified LSB method, 68

InGroup (IG), 379

overlapped central histogram of, 377

sampling frames of, 380, 381

Integer wavelet-based multiple logo-watermarking schemes, 300

Integer wavelet transform (IWT), 117; see also Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

reversible data-hiding method, 130

Intersection-based pixels collection method (IBPC method), 88

Inverse Discrete Cosine Transform (IDCT), 208

Invertible data-hiding scheme, see Reversible data-hiding techniques

Invisible watermarking, 68; see also Digital watermark

IQM, see Image quality measure (IQM)

I-Relief method, see Iterative relief method (I-Relief method)

Isophote, 280; see also Criminisi’s algorithm

Iterative refinement process, 75; see also Fourier-based image registration; Visible watermarking

binary edge image data, 75

distance weighting, 7677

Fourier-based image registration algorithm with, 77

Iterative relief method (I-Relief method), 35

IWT, see Integer wavelet transform (IWT)


Java Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms Library (JDEAL), 251

JDEAL, see Java Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms Library (JDEAL)

Jeffrey-Lindley paradox, 41

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 246, 298

JPEG, see Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)

JPEG images authentication, 165; see also Genetic algorithm-based watermarkembedding method

authentication algorithm, 172174

digital signature, 165

digital watermarking, see Digital watermarking

experimental results, 174178

GA-based watermark-embedding method JPEG compression, 166

JPEG procedure, 167

JPeg-JSteg software (JSteg software), 211212; see also Steganography software

JSteg software, see JPeg-JSteg software (JSteg software)


Kamstra and Heijmans’ scheme, 126; see also Reversible data-hiding techniques

cover image HWT, 126

embedding result of, 128

local variance, 127

maximum hiding capacity achieved, 126

neighboring pixel pair selection, 127

pixel pairs expansion results, 128

purpose of, 126

window in L image, 127

k-means algorithm, 55

k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN), 33

algorithm, 58

k-NN, see k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN)


Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG), 52

magnitude of, 53

LBG, see Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG)

LBP operators, see Local binary pattern operators (LBP operators)

LDA, see Linear discriminative analysis (LDA)

Least significant bits (LSB), 68

chi-square attack, 258

insertion algorithm, 205206

method, 68, 142

modification technique, 235

steganalysis, 209

steganographic techniques, 206

S-Tools, 210

substitution, 112, 204, 205, 218219; see also Digital watermarking

Left-to-right binary exponentiation

algorithm, 102; see also Gaussian integer

License plate recognition methods, 330; see also Video forensics

Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG), 217

codewords generation, 222, 228

Linear discriminative analysis (LDA), 376

Lin et al scheme, 182

Local binary pattern operators (LBP operators), 142, 143, 147, 161162

Boolean functions, 149

completed modeling of, 148

EBR and contrast adjustment, 155

EBR and JPEG compression, 155, 156

EBR and luminance linear transformation, 154

EBR and noise, 154

EBR and rotation, 156

experimental results and analysis, 150

extended circle neighborhoods, 145

and its extensions, 143

image-processing operations, 152

improved, 147

locally rotation invariant pattern, 145

local region, 148

luminance, 154

multilevel watermarking based, see Multilevel watermarking

original LBP operator extensions, 143, 144148

pattern rotation, 146

patterns, 146

PSNR and intensity factor, 153

sign function, 144

spatial watermarking based on, 148

symmetric texture patterns, 146

tamper detection and location, 153

texture spectrum histogram, 144

uniform, 145

watermark embedding, 149150, 155

watermark extraction algorithm, 150

LoG, see Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LoG)

Lookup table generation, 184185, 185

Lossless compression techniques, 238

Lossless data-hiding scheme, see Reversible data-hiding techniques

Lossy compression images, 246, 258

Low image distortion, 116

LSB, see Least significant bits (LSB)


Market research on media, 7

MATLAB, 207, 208

MBR, see Minimum boundary rectangle (MBR)

MCA, see Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA)

MDL, see Minimum description length (MDL)

MDM, see Multimedia duplicate mining (MDM)

Mean gray-level embedding method (MGLE method), 221

MER, see Message error rate (MER)

Message error rate (MER), 93

MGLE method, see Mean gray-level embedding method (MGLE method)

Minimum boundary rectangle (MBR), 283

Minimum description length (MDL), 37

Minimum span tree (MST), 376

MLFFT, see Multilayer fractional Fourier transform (MLFFT)

Model-based motion detection methods, 359

Modulo (mod) operation, 101

Moment matching approach, 7475

Most significant bit (MSB), 170, 182183

Motion activity, 334; see also Video forensics

Motion descriptors, 333; see also Video forensics

object-based, 334

Motion detection algorithms, 359

Motion flow-based video retrieval scheme, 335

Motion recognition

change detection framework, 371

optical flow, 360

small human groups, 359

MSB, see Most significant bit (MSB)

MST, see Minimum span tree (MST)

Multilayer fractional Fourier transform (MLFFT), 72

Multilevel watermarking, 156; see also Local binary pattern operators (LBP operators)

double-level watermarking, 156160

EBR and contrast adjustment, 159

EBR and JPEG compression, 159

EBR and luminance linear transformation, 159

EBR and noise, 158

examples, 161

extension to, 160161

extracted watermarks, 157, 158

four-level watermarking, 160

LBP pattern, 157

watermarked image, 157, 158

Multimedia content analysis, 358, 375; see also Human behavior modeling

feature selection, 359

Multimedia data mining, 4

Multimedia duplicate mining (MDM), 4

advantage, 4

application, 4

CF mining, 712

duplicate mining methods selection criterion, 5

exact duplicate mining, 5

filler material detection, 4

issues, 2627

knowledge-discovery applications, 4

main elements, 26

near-duplicate mining, 6

news story retrieval and threading, 1217

scaling up video mining, indexing for, 17

Multimedia semantic analysis

approach to overcome challenges in, 33

distinctive feature set, 359

traditional classifiers, 33

Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA), 33, 37

Burt Table, 3839

classification results, 47

correlation, 40

dual-model classification, 37, 4243

feature selection, 3742

feature-value pairs, 38

indicator matrix, 38

principal inertia, 39

reliability, 40

symmetric map, 39

training data set transactions, 42

Multiplication algorithm, 101


NA, see Not available (NA)

Naive Bayes (NB), 33, 36

Natural number, 100; see also Gaussian integer

NB, see Naive Bayes (NB)

NC, see Normalized correlation (NC)

Near-duplicate mining, 6; see also Exact duplicate mining; Multimedia duplicate mining (MDM)

descriptor database, 67

Near duplicates, 6

News story, 13; see also News story retrieval tracking, 4

News story retrieval, 12, 13; see also Multimedia duplicate mining

background, 12

eigenvector centrality, 15

experimentation evaluation, 1617

feedback sets, 15

limitation, 12

must-link constraint, 15

news stories example, 14

news story reranking process, 13

PageRank, 16

QBE, 1213

queries selected for experimentation, 16

storyrank, 1416

visual near duplicates, 14

News topic, 13; see also News story retrieval

Nibble-based data-hiding scheme, 121; see also Difference expansion-based techniques (DE-based techniques)

Ni et al’s HS scheme, 122; see also Histogram shifting-based techniques (HS-based techniques)

cover image pixel values, 122

image histogram, 122, 123

peak point, 122, 123

Pixel values after HS, 124

stego image pixel values, 124

zero point, 122, 123

Non-Blum Gaussian primes, 101; see also Gaussian integer

Normalized correlation (NC), 150

Not available (NA), 240

NPCR, see Number of Pixel Change Rate (NPCR)

Number of Pixel Change Rate (NPCR), 353


Object categorization, 52, 54; see also Image categorization

codebook construction, 55, 56

cost function, 54

histogram, 55

k-means clustering, 54

vector quantization method, 55

Object recognition, 52; see also Image categorization

local descriptor-based algorithm, 333, 334

RST-invariant, 329, 332333

target objects detection, 335

OIV, see Original index value (OIV)

Optical flow, 360

Optimization method, 248; see also Genetic algorithm (GA)

Original index value (OIV), 218


PageRank, 16, 17

Paint, NetTM, 297

Pair-wise nearest-neighbor embedding method (PNNE method), 221

Partial differential equation-based methods (PDE-based methods), 337

Patch-based methods, 337

Patchwork methods, 142

PCA, see Principal component analysis (PCA)

PDE-based methods, see Partial differential equation-based methods (PDE-based methods)

Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), 116, 150, 253

and image distortion, 174, 251

and intensity factor, 153

watermarked images, 160, 174, 191

PEE scheme, see Prediction error expansion scheme (PEE scheme)

Percentage of recovery (PR), 191

Piecewise Linear Chaotic Map (PWLCM), 314

Pixel, 203

Pixel rearrangement algorithm, 100, 103

based on Gaussian integers, 103104

extraction of watermark applied with, 105

time complexity, 104, 105

watermarking with, 105

PNNE method, see Pair-wise nearest-neighbor embedding method (PNNE method)

Pol, see Point of Interest (Pol)

Point of Interest (Pol), 19, 20

Population, 170, 259; see also Genetic algorithm (GA)

Positive training data instances, 32

Posture sequence retrieval technique, 338

PPCA, see Probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA)

PR, see Percentage of recovery (PR)

Prediction error expansion scheme (PEE scheme), 118120; see also Difference expansion-based techniques (DE-based techniques)

Primary colors, 203

Principal component analysis (PCA), 32; see also DCT

domain method, 303, 304305, 310

as feature selection method, 33

negative rates, 308

Principal inertia, 39

Probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA), 363

Pseudo-random pixel rearrangement algorithm, 100; see also Watermark

advantages, 112

algorithm validity, proof of, 106108

comparison to Arnold’s cat map chaos transformation, 110111

example in image watermarking, 111112

Gaussian integers, 100103

pixel rearrangement algorithm, 103

rearrangement algorithm cryptoimmunity, 108110

PSNR, see Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR)

p-value, 33, 40, 41

PWLCM, see Piecewise Linear Chaotic Map (PWLCM)

PyML, 56


QBE, see Query-By-Example (QBE)

QF, see Quality factor (QF)

Quality factor (QF), 88

Query-By-Example (QBE), 12


Radial basis function (RBF), 365

RBF, see Radial basis function (RBF)

Red, green, and blue (RGB), 203

in digital cameras, 301

histogram, 366

spectrum, 349

REF methods, see Relief filter methods (REF methods)

Reference register (RR), 86; see also Digital watermarking

approaches of collecting pixels, 88

IBPC, 88

subimages similarity by IBPC, 89

Region of interest (ROI), 137, 182

Relief filter methods (REF methods), 34

Repeated incremental pruning to produce error reduction (RIPPER), 36

Reversible data-hiding techniques, 115, 137; see also Data hiding

applications, 116

based on IWT, 130

based on joint neighboring coding, 136

based on SMVQ, 134

basic requirements, 116

Chan et al’s HDWT-based scheme, 128130

Chang et al’s codebook clustering-based scheme, 132134

compression domain, 131, 134136

DE-based techniques, 117122

experimental results, 131, 136

fragile technique, 116, 117, 137

hiding capacity, 116

high-capacity, 135

HS-based techniques, 122125

Kamstra and Heijmans’ scheme, 126128

new integer-to-IWT-based, 131

publications, 116

research directions, 137

robustness, 116117

semifragile technique, 116, 117

spatial domain, 117

threshold-embedding technique, 130

transformed domain, 117, 125, 130

visual quality, 116

in VQ compression domain, 135

for VQ indices, 135

Reversible watermarking algorithm, 300

RGB, see Red, green, and blue (RGB)

RIPPER, see Repeated incremental pruning to produce error reduction (RIPPER)

Robust watermarking, 166, 182

algorithm, 300

ROI, see Region of interest (ROI)

Rotation, scaling, and translation-invariant (RST-invariant), 329; see also Object recognition

RR, see Reference register (RR)

RST-invariant, see Rotation, scaling, and translation-invariant (RST-invariant)


Sampling rate, 5

Scaled conjugate gradient (SCG), 362

Scale-invariant feature (SIFT), 19, 32, 53, 332

comparison of recall, 25

features, 360

3D-SIFT, 361

Scaling up video mining, indexing for, 17, 26; see also Multimedia duplicate mining

advantage, 17

background, 17

cross-dimensional index structure, 18

cross-dimensional indexing, 1921

drawbacks, 17

dual space indexing, 19

glocal description, 1819

indexing process, 22

PoI and N-grams, 2021

quality, 2324

scalability, 25, 26

shape embedding, 2123

temporal consistency, 23

SCG, see Scaled conjugate gradient (SCG)

SD, see Standard deviation (SD)

SDSS, see Spatial-domain steganalytic system (SDSS)

Search-order coding algorithm (SOC algorithm), 217218, 229, 234235

Search point (SP), 218

Security of key, 323324; see also Chaos-based hash function

Self-synchronizing method, 343

chaotic systems, 344

chosen-plaintext/known-plaintext attack, 348350

correlation coefficient, 352

encryption result, 351

FIPS PUB 140-1, 352353

image encryption, 345348

key space, 351352

modified scheme, 345, 346

NPCR and UACI, 353354

original image partition, 345

original scheme, 344

performance analysis, 350

security flaw, 344345

stream cipher, 345

Semantic gap, 3132

Semifragile watermark, 167

drawback, 300

Semi-fragile watermarking, 166, 182

Sequential forward selection (SFS), 32

SFS, see Sequential forward selection (SFS)

Shape embedding, 2123

Side-match vector quantization (SMVQ), 134

encoding process, 231

traditional, 232

SIFT, see Scale-invariant feature (SIFT)

Signature-based motion detection methods, 359

Significant coefficients, 8687

Singular value decomposition (SVD), 39

Small group activity analysis, 359, 379

SMVQ, see Side-match vector quantization (SMVQ)

SNA, see Social network analysis (SNA)

SOC algorithm, see Search-order coding algorithm (SOC algorithm)

Social network analysis (SNA), 376

SP, see Search point (SP)

Space-time interest points (STIP), 360

Spatial domain, 204; see also Frequency domain; Steganography

method, 305

negative rate, 309

Spatial-domain steganalytic system (SDSS), 209

algorithm for stego-image on, 264

function of, 246, 258

GA-based breaking algorithm on, 262

IQM-SDSS, 263, 264

procedure for embedded-image on, 264

Spread-spectrum modulation techniques, 142

SP value, see Structure priority value (SP value)

SSD, see Sum of squared differences (SSD)

Standard correspondence analysis, 37

Standard deviation (SD), 94

Statistical analysis, 208209; see also Steganalysis

Statistical domain method, 305, 308, 309

Statistical significance, see p-value

Steganalysis, 203, 208, 246, 258; see also Steganography

categories, 209

software, 213

statistical analysis, 209

steganographer, 203

visual analysis, 209

Steganographer, 203

Steganography, 99, 201, 202, 206, 245246; see also Digital watermarking; Steganalysis

algorithms and transformations, 207208, 258

applications, 246, 258

classifications, 204

common approaches, 204

digital, 246

and digital watermarking, 202

frequency domain, 204

fundamental requirement, 246

genetic algorithm, 208

in historic times, 246

image processing, 204

image representation, 203

intent of, 201

linguistic, 246

LSB substitution, 204

methods, 257258

software, 209

spatial domain, 204

steganalytic systems, 258

stego-object, 258

Steganography software, 209

EzStego, 210

JPeg-JSteg, 211

steganalysis software, 213

S-Tools, 210

StegDetect, 213; see also Steganography software

Stego image, 115

Stego-image generation, 262; see also Genetic algorithm-based breaking algorithm on SDSS

on IQM-SDSS, 263264

on JFDSS, 265

on VSS, 262263

Stego-key, 206


generation, 247

inspection, 246, 258

STIP, see Space-time interest points (STIP)

S-Tools, 210; see also Steganography software

usage, 210, 211

Structure priority value (SP value), 281; see also Image inpainting

filling order and confidence term, 282

filling process, 282, 283

ratio of edge points, 282

Sum of squared differences (SSD), 278

Support vector machine (SVM), 55, 58, 360

extensions of, 5960

hyperplane, 58, 59

one-against-all, 59

SVD, see Singular value decomposition (SVD)

SVM, see Support vector machine (SVM)


Tamper detection, 153, 186189

Tampered blocks recovery, 189

Target/positive concept, 32

Temporal recurrence hashing, 10

algorithm, 4, 89

Texture synpaper method, 275

Thodi and Rodriguez’s PEE scheme, 118120

Tian’s DE scheme, 118, 120; see also Difference expansion-based techniques (DE-based techniques)

Toral automorphism, 86

Transform domain, see Frequency domain

Translation vector, 73

Transparent watermarking, see Invisible watermarking

TV commercials, see Commercial films (CFs)


UACI, see Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI)

Unexpandable pixel, 120

Unified Average Changing Intensity (UACI), 353, 354


Variable-length chromosome procedure, 172, 173

Variable-length coding techniques (VLC techniques), 217218

Variant environmental conditions, 359

Variant steganalytic systems, 246

Vector quantization (VQ), 182, 216217; see also Digital steganographic schemes; Side-match vector quantization (SMVQ)

attack, 183

based image steganographic schemes, 216217

based steganographic technique, 227

codebook modification and image steganographic scheme, 221

coding system, 217

compression system components, 216

encoding and decoding modules, 217

image compressed domain and image

steganographic scheme, 227235

image compression, 216

method, 55

parts, 217

PyML, 56

reversible data-hiding method, 132

SOC algorithm, 229

visually imperceptible image steganographic scheme, 235243

Video, 6

features for analysis, 360

Video concept classification, 31, 48; see also Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA)

Adaboost classification results, 44

best F1_scores comparison, 47

classifiers, 33, 34, 36

concepts for evaluation, 44

data imbalance, 32

discriminative learning framework, 37, 38

DT classification results, 45

experiments and results, 43

feature selection, 32, 3436

JRip classification results, 45

k-NN classification results, 46

NB classification results, 46

semantic gap, 3132

Video forensics, 328; see also Video inpainting

candidate character positions and estimation, 331

critical component, 328

event detection process, 335337

existing technologies, 330

license plate image recognition, 330332

mining for criminal evidence, 329

motion flow-based video retrieval system, 328

people counting in videos, 338339

related scenarios, 329330

required techniques, 338

RST-invariant object recognition, 332333

source character images into character template images, 331

trajectory of moving objects, 328, 333337

video objects recognization, 339340

Video inpainting, 337, 338

Virtual image cryptosystem, 219220, 236

Visible document watermarking, 70

Visible image watermark, 69

Visible watermark removal, 77

for pictures, 78

for text images, 79

watermark detection, 79

watermarked area and neighboring region intensity relationship, 78

Visible watermarking, 68; see also Digital watermarking

background, 70

critical point, 68

experiments and discussions, 7982

foreground, 70

Fourier-based image registration, 7275

iterative refinement process, 7577

limitation, 68

reversible, 68

visible document watermarking, 70

visible image watermark, 69

watermark embedding, 6970

watermark removal, 70, 71, 7779

watermarked documents, 71

Visual analysis, 209; see also Steganalysis

Visual features, 358; see also Semantic gap

Visual filter, 247, 262

Visually imperceptible image steganography, 235; see also Digital steganographic schemes

based on VQ, 236

compressed information volume, 237

experimental results, 238243

image-embedding procedures at transmitter, 237

image extraction at receiver, 237

secret images’ extraction, 238

transmitter input and output, 236

Visual steganalytic system (VSS), 246, 262

DE-based methodology for breaking, 247

GA-based breaking algorithm on, 266

Stego-image generation on, 263

VLC techniques, see Variable-length coding techniques (VLC techniques)

VQ, see Vector quantization (VQ)

VQ-based data-hiding technique, 231

VSS, see Visual steganalytic system (VSS)


WalkingTogether (WT), 379

Watermark, 99, 141, 299, 245; see also Digital watermarking; Pseudo-random pixel rearrangement algorithm; Visible watermarking

algorithms, 100, 300

detection, 79

embedded, 69, 142

in frequency domain, 142

general procedure of, 299

for image authentication, 299

integer exponentiation modulo prime, 100

removal, 70, 7779

security of, 300

techniques, 300

types, 99100

Watermark embedding, 6970, 149, 168, 185186

algorithm, 89, 155

GA-based watermark-embedding, 167

in spatial domain, 143

Watermarked area and neighboring region intensity relationship, 78

Wavelet, 208

Wavelet-domain watermarking algorithm, 86

WEKA, 36

classifiers, 3637

White normalized correlation (WNC), 150

WINDOW operations, 162

WNC, see White normalized correlation (WNC)

WT, see WalkingTogether (WT)


XNview, 305, 307

XOR operator, see Exclusive OR operator (XOR operator)


Zero point, 122, 123

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