Using inheritance to simplify configuration

In this recipe, you'll learn how to use inheritance to handle the situation where hosts and services share a lot of values in common, leading to a large amount of undesirable redundancy in configuration.

Some Nagios objects, particularly hosts and services, have a rather long list of possible directives and the default values for these are not always suitable. It's therefore worthwhile to be able to declare the values you want for these directives once and then spend only a few lines on the actual host definition by copying these values from a template, making the configuration shorter and easier to read.

The previous examples in this book demonstrated the use of this in suggesting you inherit from the linux-server host template or the generic-service template for the sake of brevity; in this example, we'll define our own templates and show how these can be used to streamline a configuration.

Getting ready

You will need to have a server running Nagios Core 4.0 or later, have access to the command line to change its configuration, and be familiar with how to define hosts and services. These are covered in the Creating a new host and Creating a new service recipes in Chapter 1, Understanding Hosts, Services, and Contacts.

In this example, we'll define a critical-host template, which we'll use as the basis for any host that needs to be checked and notified around the clock with a very stringent check_command and with all the notification types enabled. We'll also define two hosts named and that inherit from this template.

How to do it…

We can define a host template and then define the hosts to inherit from it like so:

  1. Change to the objects' configuration directory. In the default installation, this is /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects. If you have already followed the Grouping configuration files in directories recipe in this chapter, your own directory may differ. Run the following line:
    # cd /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects
  2. In an appropriate file, perhaps templates.cfg, add the following definition. Note the use of the special directives name and register:
    define host {
        name                   critical-host
        register               0
        check_command          check_ping!25,10%!50,20%
        max_check_attempts     3
        check_interval         1
        notification_interval  1
        notification_period    24x7
        notification_options   d,u,r,f,s
        check_period           24x7
        contact_groups         admins
  3. In another file, or separate files if you prefer to keep your hosts to one per file, define the hosts to inherit from this template. Add in the remaining required directives for hosts and include a use directive referring to the established template, as follows:
    define host {
        use        critical-host
        alias      phobos
    define host {
        use        critical-host
        alias      deimos
  4. Validate the configuration and restart the Nagios Core server via the following lines:
    # /usr/local/nagios/bin/nagios -v /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg
    # /etc/init.d/nagios restart

    You might receive warnings about no services being defined for the hosts, but you can ignore these for now.

With this done, two new hosts should be registered in your configuration: and

How to do it…

No other new hosts should be added as the template itself was not explicitly registered with the register directive.

How it works…

The configuration added in the preceding section defines a new template with the name directive of critical-host. As the value for the host's register directive is 0 where it normally defaults to 1, the host is not registered as an object with Nagios Core. Instead, it becomes a snippet of configuration that can be referenced by real objects of the same type by referring to its name.


Note that in the template, the normally required values of host_name, alias, and address are missing; this means that the host is not complete and wouldn't work if we tried to register it as an actual host anyway.

Instead, we used its values as the basis for other hosts, and Both of these hosts inherit from critical-host and fill in the rest of the missing values in their own definitions. This freed us from having to repeat the same directives in two different hosts.

If an object inherits a value for a directive from its parent, it's possible to override this directive by redefining it in the inheriting object definition. For example, if we wanted to have a different value for max_check_attempts, we would only need to add this to its definition. Take a look at the following code:

define host {
    use                 critical-host
    alias               deimos
    max_check_attempts  5

There's more…

The most important thing to note about templates is that they work for a variety of Nagios Core objects, including, most importantly, hosts, services, and contacts. You can, therefore, set up and inherit from a service template in the same way, as follows:

define service {
    name      critical-service
    register  0
define service {
    use       critical-service

Alternatively, you can use the following code for a contact object:

define contact {
    name      critical-contact
    register  0
define contact {
    use       critical-contact

Also, potentially useful to note is that inheritance can stack. For example, critical-host could itself inherit from a template, perhaps generic-host, by adding its own use directive, as follows:

define host {
    use       generic-host
    name      critical-host
    register  0

This allows us to set up an inheritance structure of arbitrary complexity, but you should avoid too much depth to prevent confusing yourself or anyone else who tries to read your configuration. Two levels is probably a sensible limit.

The rules around how inheritance is handled are discussed in more depth in the Nagios Core manual, including a treatment of multiple inheritance. It's useful to know about this, but in the interest of keeping the configuration clear, it's best used sparingly. Refer to the following link:

See also

  • Creating a new host, Chapter 1, Understanding Hosts, Services, and Contacts
  • Creating a new service, Chapter 1, Understanding Hosts, Services, and Contacts
  • Creating a new contact, Chapter 1, Understanding Hosts, Services, and Contacts
  • The Configuring host roles using groups recipe in this chapter
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