SOA Admin—Administering BPMN application deployment

You have learnt the deployment of BPM application in Chapter 3, Process Deployment and Testing. You can deploy a BPM application from Oracle EM console too. To deploy a BPMN application via the Enterprise Manager console, you have to first create a deployable archive in either JDeveloper or using ANT or WLST scripts. The archive can consist of a single SOA composite application revision in a JAR file or multiple composite application revisions (known as a SOA bundle) in a ZIP file.

How to do it...

In this section, you will learn to deploy BPM projects from the Enterprise Manager console.

  1. Log in with WebLogic user to the Oracle Enterprise Manager console (http://localhost:7001/em/).
  2. Expand soa-infra and click SOA Partition as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  3. Select SOA Deployment | Deploy To This Partition....
  4. Click on the Browse button in the Archive or Exploded Directory section, to specify the archive of the SOA composite application to deploy.
    How to do it...

    You can even attach a configuration plan to include with the archive. The configuration plan enables you to define the URL and property values to use in different environments.

  5. Click on Next.
  6. Click on Deploy on this page after verifying the Revision Details.

How it works...

Once you have deployed the composite application in SOA Infrastructure, you can perform administration tasks, such as creating instances, configuring properties, monitoring performance, managing instances, and managing policies and faults.

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