SOA Admin—Configure notification settings

In Chapter 5, Human Workflow in BPM Process, you have learnt about Human Task which has many sections. The General section is used to define task details such as title, task outcomes, owner, and other attributes. The Data section defines the structure (message elements) of the task payload (the data in the task). The Assignment section enables you to assign participants to the task and create a policy for routing the task through the workflow. Similarly, you have learnt about Presentation, Deadlines, Access, and Events sections too. And, the Notification section enables you to create and send notifications when a user is assigned a task or informed that the status of the task has changed.

Notifications can be sent via e-mail, phone, SMS, and other channels.

You can develop a scenario for which once the contract is finalized by contracts user, then salesrepresentative user must be informed with an e-mail. Whenever the contract finalizes, the salesrepresentative user will receive an e-mail.

For Human Task, you can perform many admin tasks such as notification settings, adding authentication provider, migrating Human Workflow stuffs between environments, and managing notification.

How to do it...

In this chapter, you will learn to configure notification settings.

I. Define a notification

  1. Open JDeveloper in default role, go to BPM project navigator and click on the SalesToContractDemo project.
  2. Expand the Business catalog | Human Tasks and click on FinalizeContracts.task. This will open the task editor.
  3. Go to Notification section in the task editor.
  4. In the General tab, set the Task Status as Complete, as you want to send a notification to salesrepresentative user only when this task is completed.
  5. Click on the Browse button to open the Identity Lookup, select the salesrepresentative user and click OK.
    How to do it...
  6. Click on the edit pencil button, in the Notification Header column to define the header that is to be sent with the notification. The header is defined using an expression and can include elements from the task definition such as payload data.
  7. When you have finished the preceding steps, click Save.

II. Configure notification settings

  1. Install an e-mail server - in this case, you can use James Server. It's free and available to download. My e-mail server name is, SMTP Port is 35 and Pop3 is set to run on port 210.
  2. Log in to Oracle EM console (http://localhost:7001/em/) as WebLogic user.
  3. Expand User Messaging Service, right-click on usermessagingdriver-email and select Email Driver Properties.
    How to do it...
  4. Set Email Driver Properties as the following:
    • Default Sender address - [email protected]
    • Mail Access Protocol - POP3
    • Receive Folder - INBOX
    • Outgoing Email Server -
    • SMTP Port - 35
    • Outgoing Default Sender - [email protected]
    • Outgoing Username - admin
    • Incoming Mail Server -
    • Incoming Port - 210
    • Incoming Mail Id - [email protected]
    • Incoming User Id - salesrepresentative
    • Set Email Password to the one you have entered while creating accounts in James Server.
  5. Click APPLY.
  6. Deploy the project and run a test instance. You can find an e-mail in the salesrepresentative user account when contract is finalized.


    You can install James Server 2.3.2 as the e-mail server and can use Mozilla Thunderbird as the e-mail client.

    How to do it...

How it works...

Human Workflow Framework is basically integrated with Oracle UMS (Oracle Unified Messaging Services), to deliver notifications through a variety of channels and based on a user's personal preferences.

You have set the UMS Email driver in Oracle EM console and when Human Workflow engine runs the notification, as its integrated with UMS, it sends an e-mail to the specified user.

There's more...

In this section, you will cover how to manage notifications.

Managing notifications

You can even manage outgoing notifications and incoming e-mail notifications from Oracle EM console.

  1. Go to Oracle EM console and log in as the WebLogic user.
  2. Right-click on soa-infra | Service Engines and select Human Workflow.
    Managing notifications
  3. Click on the Notification Management tab.
  4. In the Outgoing Notifications section, you can find the outgoing e-mails sent to salesrepresentative user's e-mail address.
    Managing notifications
  5. Similarly, you can find incoming e-mails in the Incoming Notifications section too.

    You can perform a number of tasks on these messages such as Resend, Delete, and so on.

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