Extending Human Tasks

Remember, you have created one Human Task, ApproveQuote.task, and have used it for three user activities: Business Analyst Review, Approve Deal, and Approve Terms.

As you are going to bring many changes to the Human Task, and create new tasks and rules in this chapter and next the chapter too, you will create separate Human Tasks and their forms for Business Analyst Review and Approve terms. Approve Deal will continue to use the same ApproveQuote.task form.

Extending Human Tasks

How to do it...

In this section, you will generate a user interface for the Human Tasks, as follows:

  1. Start Oracle JDeveloper, select Default Role, and click OK.
  2. In the BPM navigator, click on the process SalesToContract. This will open the process flow in the design area.
  3. Right-click the task Business Analyst Review and select Properties.
  4. In the Properties dialog, go to the Implementation tab.
  5. Click on the green plus (+) icon to the right of Human Task, to Create Human Task.
  6. Enter Human Task details, as shown in the following screenshot. Add quote as a parameter to the task.
    How to do it...
  7. This will create a task BusinessAnalystReview, which you can verify from BPM Project navigator | Business Catalog | Human Task.
  8. Click on the .task file and click Create Form | Auto generate Task Form, to generate ADF UI for the Human Task.
    How to do it...
  9. Refer to the Generating Task form for Interactive task section in Chapter 2, Process Implementation, to create the form.
  10. Enter the name of the form as BusinessAnalystUI.
  11. When you have finished the preceding instructions, click Save.
  12. Repeat steps 1 to 11 for Approve Terms and create a Human Task to approve terms for it.
  13. Name the ADF UI for the Approve Terms Human Task as ApproveTermsUI.
  14. You will now have three UI projects: BusinessAnalystUI, ApproveQuoteUI, ApproveTermsUI, for the Human Tasks Business Analyst Review, Approve Deal and Approve Terms, respectively.

How it works...

As your SOA Composite includes a Human Task, you need a way for users to interact with the task. The integrated development environment of Oracle SOA Suite includes Oracle Application Development Framework (Oracle ADF), for this purpose. With Oracle ADF, you can design a task form that depicts the human task in the SOA composite. If you check the project navigator, under the newly created projects BusinessAnalystUI and ApproveTermsUI, you can find the following:

  • The task form generated is a Java Server Page XML (.jspx) file.
  • A hwtaskflow.xml file is created to capture the details on connecting with the service engine. By default, it uses remote EJB to connect to the workflow server.The Oracle SOA server URL and port are automatically determined by using the WebLogic runtime server MBeans. However, you can override these by explicitly specifying the URL and port information here.
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