Document-oriented databases

Document-based or document-oriented databases became prominent as a means of storing data that had variable structures; that is, there was no fixed schema that each record would fit into all the time. Additionally, the document may have both a structured as well as an unstructured part.

Structured data is, in essence, data that can be stored in a tabular format such as in a spreadsheet. Data stored in Excel spreadsheets or MySQL tables all belong to the class of structured datasets. Data that cannot be represented in a strict tabular format such as books, audio files, video files, or social network messages are considered unstructured data. As such, in document-oriented databases, we will primarily work with structured and unstructured text data.

An intuitive explanation of data that can contain both structured and unstructured text can be found in the example of a phone diary. Although these have become increasingly rare with the growth of digital data storage, many of us would remember a time when phone numbers were written in pocketbooks. The following image shows how we store data in a phone diary:

Address Book (Semi-Structured Dataset)

In the preceding example, the following fields can be considered as structured:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Tel and Fax

There is a line underneath the Address field where the user can enter arbitrary information, for example, met at a conference in 2015, works at company abc. This is essentially a note that the diary keeper wrote when entering the specific information. Since there is no defining characteristic of a free-form field such as this, it could also contain information such as a second phone number, or an alternative address and other information. This would qualify as an unstructured text.

Further, since the other fields are not interdependent, a user may write the address but not the phone number, or the name and phone number but not the address.

A document-oriented database, by virtue of its ability to store schema-free data; that is, data that does not conform to any fixed schema such as fixed columns with fixed datatypes, would hence be an appropriate platform to store this information.

As such, since a phone diary contains a much smaller volume of data, in practice, we could store it in other formats, but the necessity for document-oriented datasets becomes apparent when we are working with large-scale data containing both structured and unstructured information.

Using the example of a phone diary, the data could be stored in a document-oriented dataset in JSON format, as follows:

   "name": "John", 
   "address": "1 Main St.", 
   "notes": "Met at conference in 2015", 
   "tel": 2013249978, 
   "name": "Jack", 
   "address": "20 J. Blvd", 
   "notes": "Gym Instructor", 
   "tel": 2054584538, 
   "fax": 3482274573 

JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation, provides a means of representing data in a portable text-based key-value pair format. Today, data in JSON is ubiquitous across the industry and has become the standard in storing data that does not have a fixed schema. It is also a great medium to exchange structured data, and as such is used for such datasets frequently.

The preceding illustration provides a basic example to convey how document-oriented databases work. As such, it is a very simple and hopefully intuitive example. In practice, document-oriented databases such as MongoDB and CouchDB are used to store gigabytes and terabytes of information.

For example, consider a website that stores data on users and their movie preferences. Each user may have multiple movies they have watched, rated, recommended, movies that they have added to their wishlist, and other such artifacts. In such a case, where there are various arbitrary elements in the dataset, many of which are optional and many of which might contain multiple values (for example, multiple movies recommended by a user), a JSON format to capture information becomes optimal. This is where document-oriented databases provide a superior and optimal platform to store and exchange data.

More concretely, databases such as MongoDB store information in BSON format - a binary version of JSON documents that have additional optimizations to accommodate datatypes, Unicode characters, and other features to improve upon the performance of basic JSON documents.

A more comprehensive example of a JSON document stored in MongoDB could be data stored about airline passengers that contains information on numerous attributes specific to individual passengers, for example:

   "_id" : ObjectId("597cdbb193acc5c362e7ae96"), 
   "firstName" : "Rick", 
   "age" : 66, 
   "frequentFlyer" : ( 
   "milesEarned" : ( 
   "_id" : ObjectId("597cdbb193acc5c362e7ae97"), 
   "firstName" : "Nina", 
   "age" : 53, 
   "frequentFlyer" : ( 
   "milesEarned" : ( 

Each entry is uniquely identified by the _id field, which allows us to directly query information relevant to the specific user and retrieve data without having to query across millions of records.

Today, document-oriented databases are used to store a diverse range of datasets. Examples include the use of such  the following:

  • Log files and log file-related information
  • Articles and other text-based published materials
  • Geolocation data
  • User/user account-related information
  • Many more use cases that are optimal for document/JSON based storage

Well-known document-oriented databases include the following: 

Open source



Azure Cosmos DB



Couchbase Server


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