Creating the model

The final step after creating the model is to use the model against the test dataset to get the predictions. This is generally done using the predict function in R, with the first argument being the model that was created and the second argument being the dataset against which you'd like to get the predictions for.

Taking our example of the PimaIndiansDiabetes dataset, after the model has been built, we can get the predictions on the test dataset as follows:

# Install the R Package e1071, if you haven't already 
# By running install.packages("e1071") 
# Use the predict function and the rf_model that was previously built 
# To get the predictions on the test dataset 
# Note that we are not including the column diabetes in the test 
# dataset by using diab_test[,-ncol(diab_test)] 
predictions<- predict(rf_model, diab_test[,-ncol(diab_test)]) 
# First few records predicted 
[1] negnegpospospospos Levels: negpos # The confusion matrix allows us to see the number of true positives # False positives, True negatives and False negatives cf<- confusionMatrix(predictions, diab_test$diabetes) cf # Confusion Matrix and Statistics # # Reference # Prediction negpos # neg 89 21 # pos 11 32 # # Accuracy : 0.7908 # 95% CI : (0.7178, 0.8523) # No Information Rate : 0.6536 # P-Value [Acc> NIR] : 0.0001499 # # Kappa : 0.5167 # Mcnemar's Test P-Value : 0.1116118 # # Sensitivity : 0.8900 # Specificity : 0.6038 # PosPredValue : 0.8091 # NegPredValue : 0.7442 # Prevalence : 0.6536 # Detection Rate : 0.5817 # Detection Prevalence : 0.7190 # Balanced Accuracy : 0.7469 # # 'Positive' Class :neg

Let's check what the confusion matrix tells us:

# This indicates that of the records that were marked negative (neg) 
# We predicted 89 of them as negative and 11 as positive (i.e., they 
# were negative but we incorrectly classified them as a positive 
# We correctly identified 32 positives but incorrectly classified 
# 21 positives as negative 
#           Reference 
# Prediction neg  pos 
#        neg  89  21 
#        pos  11  32 
# The overall accuracy was 79% 
# This can be improved (significantly) by using more  
# Accuracy : 0.7908           
# We can plot the model using plot(rf_model) as follows 

The plot is as follows:

# And finally we can also visualize our confusion matrix using the 
# inbuilt fourfoldplot function in R 

We get the plot as follows:

Per the documentation of fourfoldplot [Source:], an association (odds ratio different from 1) between the binary row and column variables is indicated by the tendency of diagonally opposite cells in one direction to differ in size from those in the other direction; color is used to show this direction. Confidence rings for the odds ratio allow a visual test of the null of no association; the rings for adjacent quadrants overlap if and only if the observed counts are consistent with the null hypothesis.
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