Downloading the data

The dataset can be downloaded either at the Unix terminal (in the virtual machine) or by accessing the site directly from the browser. If you are downloading the dataset in the Virtual Machine, run the following command in the terminal window:

time wget -O cms2016_2.csv '$query=select Physician_First_Name as firstName,Physician_Last_Name as lastName,Recipient_City as city,Recipient_State as state,Submitting_Applicable_Manufacturer_or_Applicable_GPO_Name as company,Total_Amount_of_Payment_USDollars as payment,Nature_of_Payment_or_Transfer_of_Value as paymentNature,Product_Category_or_Therapeutic_Area_1 as category,Name_of_Drug_or_Biological_or_Device_or_Medical_Supply_1 as product where covered_recipient_type like "Covered Recipient Physician" and Recipient_State like "NY" limit 1200000' 

Alternatively, if you are downloading the data from a browser, enter the following URL in the browser window and hit Enter:

As shown in the following image:

..................Content has been hidden....................

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