Overcoming the limitations of Hadoop

We'll now look at some of the limitations discussed in the earlier section and understand how Spark addresses these areas, by virtue of which it provides a superior alternative to the Hadoop ecosystem.

A key difference to bear in mind at the onset is that Spark does NOT need Hadoop in order to operate. In fact, the underlying backend from which Spark accesses data can be technologies such as HBase, Hive and Cassandra in addition to HDFS.

This means that organizations that wish to leverage a standalone Spark system can do so without building a separate Hadoop infrastructure if one does not already exist.

The Spark solutions are as follows:

  • I/O Bound operations: Unlike Hadoop, Spark can store and access data stored in memory, namely RAM - which, as discussed earlier, is 1,000+ times faster than reading data from a disk. With the emergence of SSD drives, the standard in today's enterprise systems, the difference has gone down significantly. Recent NVMe drives can deliver up to 3-5 GB (Giga Bytes) of bandwidth per second. Nevertheless, RAM, which averages about 25-30 GB per second in read speed, is still 5-10x faster compared to reading from the newer storage technologies. As a result, being able to store data in RAM provides a 5x or more improvement to the time it takes to read data for Spark operations. This is a significant improvement over the Hadoop operating model which relies on disk read for all operations. In particular, tasks that involve iterative operations as in machine learning benefit immensely from the Spark's facility to store and read data from memory.
  • MapReduce programming (MR) Model: While MapReduce is the primary programming model through which users can benefit from a Hadoop platform, Spark does not have the same requirement. This is particularly helpful for more complex use cases such as quantitative analysis involving calculations that cannot be easily parallelized, such as machine learning algorithms. By decoupling the programming model from the platform, Spark allows users to write and execute code written in various languages without forcing any specific programming model as a pre-requisite.
  • Non-MR use cases: Spark SQL, Spark Streaming and other components of the Spark ecosystem provide a rich set of functionalities that allow users to perform common tasks such as SQL joins, aggregations, and related database-like operations without having to leverage other, external solutions. Spark SQL queries are generally executed against data stored in Hive (JSON is another option), and the functionality is also available in other Spark APIs such as R and Python.
  • Programming APIs: The most commonly used APIs in Spark are Python, Scala and Java. For R programmers, there is a separate package called SparkR that permits direct access to Spark data from R. This is a major differentiating factor between Hadoop and Spark, and by exposing APIs in these languages, Spark becomes immediately accessible to a much larger community of developers. In Data Science and Analytics, Python and R are the most prominent languages of choice, and hence, any Python or R programmer can leverage Spark with a much simpler learning curve relative to Hadoop. In addition, Spark also includes an interactive shell for ad-hoc analysis.
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