The backend code

Once the script completes, exit from the Q prompt by typing in \ and pressing Enter.

Copy the following text into a file called cms.q:

system "p 5001" 
system "l /home/packt/cms" 
/firstCap: Takes a string (sym) input and capitalizes the first letter of each word separated by a blank space 
firstCap:{" " sv {@(x;0;upper)} each (" " vs string x) except enlist ""}
/VARIABLES AND HELPER TABLES /alldata: Aggregates data from the primary cms database alldata: distinct `company`product xasc update showCompany:`$firstCap each company, showProduct:`$firstCap each product from ungroup select distinct product by company from cms where not null product /minDate: First month minDate:exec date from select min date from cms where month=min month /maxDate: Last month maxDate:exec date from select max date from cms where month=max month /companyStateCity: Cleans and normalises the company names (capitalisations, etc) companyStateCity:select asc upper distinct state, asc `$firstCap each distinct city by company from cms /FUNCTIONS
/getShowProduct: Function to get product list from company name getShowProduct:{$((`$"Select All") in x;raze exec showProduct from alldata;exec showProduct from alldata where showCompany in x)}
/getShowState: Function to get state list from company name getShowState:{$((`$"Select All") in x;raze exec state from companyStateCity;exec state from companyStateCity where company = exec first company from alldata where showCompany in x)}
/getShowCity: Function to get city list from company name
getShowCity:{$((`$"Select All") in x;raze exec city from companyStateCity;exec city from companyStateCity where company = exec first company from alldata where showCompany in x)}
/getShowInfo: Generic Function for Product, State and City
getShowInfo:{y:`$"|" vs y;:asc distinct raze raze $(x~`product;getShowProduct each y;x~`state;getShowState each y;x~`city;getShowCity each y;"")}

/Example: Run this after loading the entire script after removing the comment mark (/) from the beginning /getShowInfo(`state;"Abb Con-cise Optical Group Llc|Select All|Abbott Laboratories") /Convert encoded URL into a Q dictionary decodeJSON:{.j.k .h.uh x} /Convert atoms to list ensym:{$(0>type x;enlist x;x)} /Date functions withinDates:{enlist (within;`date;"D"$x(`date))} withinMonths:{enlist (within;`month;`month$"D"$x(`date))} /Helper function to remove null keys
delNullDict:{kx!x kx:where {not x~0n} each x}
/If showdata=enlist 1, /Function to process the data for displaying results only
getData:{"x is the dictionary from web";d:`$dx:lower delNullDict x; enz:`$delete showData,date,columns from dx; ?(`cms;(withinMonths x),(withinDates x),{(in;x 0;enlist 1_x)} each ((key enz),'value enz);0b;(dc)!dc:ensym `$x`columns)}

/Aggregation Function

aggDict:(`$("Total Payment";"Number of Payments";"Minimum Payment";"Maximum Payment";"Average Payment"))!((sum;`payment);(#:;`i);(min;`payment);(max;`payment);(avg;`payment))
/Function to aggregate the data
getDataGroups:{(aggDict;x) "x is the dictionary from web";d:`$dx:lower delNullDict x; enz:`$delete showData,date,columns,aggVars,aggData from dx; ?(`cms;(withinMonths x),(withinDates x),{(in;x 0;enlist 1_x)} each ((key enz),'value enz);xv!xv:ensym `$x`aggVars;xa!aggDict xa:ensym `$x`aggData)}(aggDict;)

/Generic Function to create error messages

errtable:{tab:(()Time:enlist `$string .z.Z;Alert:enlist x);(tab;"Missing Fields")}

/Validation for input

initialValidation:{$(0n~x(`company);:errtable `$"Company must be selected";(`aggVars in key x) and ((0=count x(`aggVars)) or 0n~x(`aggData));:errtable `$"Both Metric and Aggregate Data field should be selected when using Aggregate Data option";x)}
/Special Handling for some variables, in this case month specialHandling:{0N!x;$(`month in cols x; update `$string month from x;x)}

/Normalise Columns
columnFix:{(`$firstCap each cols x) xcol x}

/Use comma separator for numeric values
commaFmt: {((x<0)#"-"),(reverse","sv 3 cut reverse string floor a),1_string(a:abs x)mod 1}

/Wrapper for show data and aggregate data options
getRes:{0N!x;.Q.gc();st:.z.t;x:decodeJSON x; if (not x ~ ix:initialValidation x;:ix); res:$(`aggData in key x;getDataGroups x;getData x);res:specialHandling res; res:columnFix res;ccms:count cms; cres:count res; en:.z.t; .Q.gc();:(res;`$(string en),": Processed ",(commaFmt ccms)," records in ",(string en - st)," seconds. Returned result with ",(commaFmt cres)," rows. ")
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