HP Vertica

Vertica from HP is a column-oriented, massively parallel processing database system with key software features such as support for in-database machine learning, and native integration to open source systems such as Apache Kafka and Apache Spark, and is generally deployed on a multi-node hardware architecture. Vertica is supported on popular cloud environments such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google, and Azure. Vertica supports a standard interactive SQL interface, thus making it readily compatible with most contemporary BI tools.

HP Vertica, interestingly, is one of the few enterprise databases that is also available as a Community Edition. This means that users who are interested in trying out Vertica (within the scope of its licensing), or who are simply learning more about the platform can leverage the Community Edition, which can be downloaded from HP Vertica's website at no charge.

Business use case: Similar to the other databases indicated in this section, Vertica incorporates several notable features such as in-database processing, parallel processing capabilities, and others. Vertica supports a wide range of analytical workloads and comes with associated commercial licensing fees (as do all the other commercial database products). The availability of a Community Edition, along with HP's willingness, in most cases, to engage in proof of concept for large deployments provides ample opportunities for business to try and test the platform with company-specific use cases prior to making a decision.

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