Limitations of Hadoop

A few of the common limitations with Hadoop were as follows:

  • I/O Bound operations: Due to the reliance on local disk storage for saving and retrieving data, any operation performed in Hadoop incurred an I/O overhead. The problem became more acute in cases of larger datasets that involved thousands of blocks of data across hundreds of servers. To be fair, the ability to co-ordinate concurrent I/O operations (via HDFS) formed the foundation of distributed computing in Hadoop world. However, leveraging the capability and tuning the Hadoop cluster in an efficient manner across different use cases and datasets required an immense and perhaps disproportionate level of expertise. Consequently, the I/O bound nature of workloads became a deterrent factor for using Hadoop against extremely large datasets. As an example, machine learning use cases that required hundreds of iterative operations meant that the system would incur an I/O overhead for each pass of the iteration.
  • MapReduce programming (MR) Model: As discussed in the earlier parts of this book, all operations in Hadoop require expressing problems in terms of the MapReduce Programming Model - namely, the user would have to express the problem in terms of key-value pairs where each pair can be independently computed. In Hadoop, coding efficient MapReduce programs, mainly in Java, was non-trivial, especially for those new to Java or to Hadoop (or both).
  • Non-MR Use Cases: Due to the reliance on MapReduce, other more common and simpler concepts such as filters, joins, and so on would have to also be expressed in terms of a MapReduce program. Thus, a join across two files across a primary key would have to adopt a key-value pair approach. This meant that operations, both simple and complex, were hard to achieve without significant programming efforts.
  • Programming APIs: The use of Java as the central programming language across Hadoop meant that to be able to properly administer and use Hadoop, developers had to have a strong knowledge of Java and related topics such as JVM tuning, Garbage Collection, and others. This also meant that developers in other popular languages such as R, Python, and Scala had very little recourse for re-using or at least implementing their solution in the language they knew best.
  • On the whole, even though the Hadoop world had championed the Big Data revolution, it fell short of being able to democratize the use of the technology for Big Data on a broad scale.

The team at AMPLab recognized these shortcomings early on, and set about creating Spark to address these and, in the process, hopefully develop a new, superior alternative.

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