Spark DataFrames

A DataFrame in Spark is the raw data organized into rows and columns. This is conceptually similar to CSV files or SQL tables. Using R, Python and other Spark APIs, the user can interact with a DataFrame using common Spark commands used for filtering, aggregating, and more generally manipulating the data. The data contained in DataFrames are physically located across the multiple nodes of the Spark cluster. However, by representing them in a DataFrame they appear to be a cohesive unit of data without exposing the complexity of the underlying operations.

Note that DataFrames are not the same as Datasets, another common term used in Spark. Datasets refer to the actual data that is held across the Spark cluster. A DataFrame is the tabular representation of the Dataset.

Starting with Spark 2.0, the DataFrame and Dataset APIs were merged and a DataFrame in essence now represents a Dataset of Row. That said, DataFrame still remains the primary abstraction for users who want to leverage Python and R for interacting with Spark data.

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