
Neo4j is a graph-based database that is used to model relationships between different entities. The database uses familiar concepts in graph theory to create tree-based representations (with nodes and relationships) of interconnected subjects. It is used most commonly in conjunction with recommendation engines. Conceptually, a Neo4j graph database could represent individuals as nodes who are connected to one another by, say, their degree of separation. This would hypothetically allow an end user to trace the degrees of separation between any arbitrary node or one individual to another.

Various graph-based representations such as weighted, directed, unidirectional, and labelled are available in the Neo4j platform.

Business use case: Companies that require deep customer-level or user-level analysis such as social networks or recommendation systems (such as Netflix), stand to gain an immense benefit from deploying graph-based databases such as Neo4j. Today, the platform supports AI and machine learning, iOT, real-time recommendations, and many other useful characteristics used in enterprise.

Although Neo4j is available as open source software from, there is also a commercial licensed version known as Neo4j Enterprise Edition.
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