
Resolving a VML Error Message

Q1: When I try to view a broadcast, I get an error message telling me to download a VML.
If your presentation contains rotated graphics, you might get an error message when you try to view a broadcast, stating that you need to install vector graphics rendering (VML) components. If the message doesn't take you directly to a location where you can download, click the Windows Start button and choose Windows Update. On the Microsoft Windows Update Web site, click Product Updates and then Select Software. Choose the Vector Graphics Rendering option; downloading will take only a few minutes.

Resolving Broadcast Connection Problems

Q1: People trying to watch the presentation broadcast get a message saying that their computers can't connect to the broadcast.
Be sure that the network location you specified for the location of the presentation broadcast files is accessible by everyone you want to see the broadcast. (People outside your company won't normally be able to access your presentation broadcast location, for example.)

Displaying the Lobby Page

Q1: When audience members open the broadcast lobby page, the Web page is nearly empty.
Be sure that all your viewers are using Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.1 or later as their Web browser. Netscape Navigator won't display the presentation broadcast correctly.

Calling Online Meeting Participants

Q1: When I try to call someone using PowerPoint's Online Meeting tools, I get a message saying, “The person you called is not able to accept Microsoft NetMeeting calls.”
The person you are calling either doesn't have Microsoft NetMeeting started or hasn't logged in to the same NetMeeting directory server you have. You have to let meeting participants know ahead of time that they should have NetMeeting open and be logged in to your chosen directory server so they can get your call. (They can also configure their systems to always have NetMeeting run unobtrusively in the Windows taskbar so that their computers are always “listening” for incoming NetMeeting calls.)

Connecting to the Directory Server

Q1: When I try to log in to a NetMeeting directory server, I get a message saying that there was a problem connecting to the directory server.
Any network problem between you and the NetMeeting directory server (or an overloaded server) will cause these kinds of problems. Just reselect the name of the server from the Directory box to connect to the directory server again. If the problem persists, try switching to a different directory server or use the Advanced button to call people using their Internet hostname or IP address.
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