Using the Pack and Go Wizard

The Pack and Go Wizard enables you to package your presentation for delivery on another computer. You can also simply copy your presentation to a disk or move it to a network location, and then present it on another computer, if you're sure that the other computer has the same version of PowerPoint and the same fonts as your original computer. If you're not sure, the Pack and Go Wizard can verify that you have everything you need:

  1. Choose File, Pack and Go to open the Pack and Go Wizard, shown in Figure 9.22.

  2. Click the Next button to continue and choose which presentation you want to package (see Figure 9.23).

  3. Specify whether you want to package the active presentation or another presentation.

  4. If you select Other Presentation(s), you can enter its name in the edit box or click the Browse button to locate it in the Select a Presentation to Package dialog box (see Figure 9.24).

    Figure 9.22. With the Pack and Go Wizard, you can deliver your presentation on another computer.

    Figure 9.23. You can package the active presentation or choose another.

    Figure 9.24. Choose the presentation you want to package in this dialog box.

  5. If you use the Select a Presentation to Package dialog box to locate your presentation, choose the presentation you want and click the Select button to return to the wizard. The pathname you selected appears in the Other Presentation(s) field in the Pack and Go Wizard.

  6. Click Next to determine where you want to save the packaged presentation, shown in Figure 9.25.

    Figure 9.25. Save the file to any drive you specify.

  7. Specify where to save the packaged presentation. Options include drive A:, drive B:, or another drive.


The Pack and Go Wizard can compress additional files with your presentation, such as linked files, embedded fonts, and a viewer. If the final presentation package is too large for a single disk, you'll receive a message prompting you to insert additional disks.

Tip from

If you want to save on another drive—one on a network, for example—you can click the Browse button and choose this drive from the Specify Directory dialog box.

  1. Click Next again to specify what linked files and fonts you want to include (see Figure 9.26).

  2. Indicate whether you want to choose the Include Linked Files and Embed TrueType Fonts options. Choosing both ensures that all external clip art images, media clips, sounds, and special fonts are included in the package.

    Figure 9.26. Include linked files and fonts to form a complete package.


You can embed TrueType fonts that come with Windows. You can embed other TrueType fonts that you install only if they aren't restricted by license or copyright. You'll receive an error message if you try to embed a restricted font. To embed fonts directly in a presentation before using the Pack and Go Wizard, choose File, Save As and then choose Tools, Embed TrueType Fonts from the Save As dialog box. Embedding fonts makes the file you're saving larger.

  1. Click Next to continue and specify if you want to include the PowerPoint Viewer, as shown in Figure 9.27.

    Figure 9.27. You can also include the PowerPoint Viewer.

  2. If you're going to present on a computer that doesn't have PowerPoint installed, you can include the PowerPoint Viewer within the package. Choose either Don't Include the Viewer or Viewer for Microsoft Windows, as appropriate.


If you haven't already downloaded the PowerPoint Viewer, click the Download the Viewer button (which only appears only if you don't have the Viewer). You are then prompted to download it from Microsoft's Web site and install it on your computer.

→ To learn what this viewer is and how it works, see “Using the PowerPoint Viewer,” the next section in this chapter.

  1. Click Next to advance to the summary step (see Figure 9.28).

    Figure 9.28. The final step summarizes your actions.

  2. This step summarizes what the wizard will do, such as compress the files to a specific drive, include the PowerPoint Viewer, and more. Click Finish.

PowerPoint compresses your file to its target destination in a file named PRES0.PPZ. It also includes an application file named PNGSETUP.EXE. When you're ready to deliver your presentation on the new computer, run PNGSETUP.EXE, which extracts the presentation and runs it.

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