Creating Notes and Handouts

In addition to slides and outlines, notes and handouts are two of the most common forms of printed output. You create notes in the Notes pane, which is visible in Normal view. Figure 10.1 illustrates a Notes pane in which you can create detailed speaker's notes about your presentation.

Figure 10.1. Add notes for yourself or your audience in the Notes pane.


Notes are not the same as comments. A comment appears in a yellow box on top of your presentation and provides commentary about its content. You use comments most often during the review process to get feedback from others, and you usually delete them later. Notes are designed to be kept with a presentation as a reference for the speaker or audience members.

→ For details about the use of comments, see “Adding Comments to Slides” in Chapter 7, “Collaborating on Presentations.”

You can use notes to remind yourself of what you're going to present, to create an entire script for your presentation, or to provide information you print out for audience members.

Printing handouts is similar to printing slides, except that with handouts you can print up to nine slides on a page. This can greatly reduce the number of pages and amount of printer toner required to print your presentation. When you print handouts, you see only the slides, not the accompanying notes.

→ To learn more about how and when to use handouts, see “Creating Handout Materials” in Chapter 23, “The Media—Designing Visual Support.”

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