Activity – 360 team review

A similar concept to the individuals in our team inviting 360 feedback from other team members. In this version, our team seeks input from a broader selection of the stakeholders and the teams with which it interacts.

Feedback can be sought at multiple levels and from a variety of stakeholders in the team's environment:

  1. Broaden the input received at the Sprint Review by inviting more widely from the broader group. Spread the reach across silos, include business stakeholders and other teams.
  2. Periodically survey the primary/secondary/tertiary users of our product.
  3. Similarly, survey key user groups each time we deliver a new feature or significant enhancement. Get direct feedback to determine the success of the feature.

Teams can create online surveys, for example, using Google Forms or similar. One way to do this would be to run a workshop with the team with the following format:

  1. Review the team mission
  2. Determine who are the stakeholders in this mission
  3. Split the team into at least two groups
  4. As them to create a Google Survey that we could send out regularly to our stakeholders to determine if we’re on a mission and they’re happy
  5. Each group presents their survey back to the rest of the team for feedback
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