Think Positive


The last point should have shown you where negative thinking gets you. Yep, that’s right, nowhere. If what you want is big, or important, or difficult, or daunting, your biggest challenge may be the psychological one. Most wants that are at all realistic are potentially achievable, but if you let yourself be put off, you’re far less likely to get there. In fact you may never even start. You’ll make excuses, procrastinate, avoid the tricky bits and generally never really give the thing a decent shot.

It’s important to get yourself into the right frame of mind. A positive frame of mind. Don’t give yourself permission to be pessimistic about the outcome. Don’t allow yourself to go through scenarios in your mind that involve you failing at this, or being too late for that, or just missing out, or being told you haven’t earned/won/got what you want. As soon as your mind starts to head that way, be firm. Tell yourself, “No.” That kind of thinking is forbidden, banned, verboten.

Instead think about your aim, consider all the points you have on your side, reflect on how far you’ve come, and think about how good it will be when you finally get what you want. Remind yourself of all the times you—and others—have got what they want despite obstacles and challenges, and list all the reasons why you should succeed.

Positive thinking isn’t something that only positive people can do. It’s quite the other way around. Positive people are so because they choose to think positive thoughts.

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