Know How Much You Want It


We want lots of things. Well, I know I do.2 I expect you do, too. So it’s important to know what you really, really want. Sometimes we have to play one thing off against another. That’s hard to do unless you know where your priorities lie.

Those people who always seem to have what they want...actually they don’t. They often sacrifice smaller wants in the interests of bigger ones. They pass up on the promotion they wanted because it would mean longer hours, and family time means more to them—that’s the thing they really want. Where they were smart was in recognizing how much they wanted each thing, and prioritizing them.

How much do you want to start a family, for example? Enough to stay put rather than moving to a house in a more expensive area? Enough to give up vacations for the foreseeable future? Enough to put your career on hold for a few years?

No one can have everything. So work out how much you want the particular thing you’re aiming at, especially in relation to all the other things you might want.

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